G-guys.... did (((they))) trick us?
G-guys.... did (((they))) trick us?
>G-guys.... did (((they))) trick us?
No, don't worry, everything's fine!
you can't get ahead in NYC without Jewish connections.
Thats right goy
No, as long as he's not Hillary Clinton I would have voted for him.
no but they are all now taking credit and are rewriting history
its beats admitting that some fringe internet meme boards outdid the entire western mainstream media
Yes goy it was all Kushner. You goys did nothing.
When it's either play the game or die, you play until you know you can take those who would kill you.
If they tricked us, at least we picked the most fun of the tricks
>Stockholm Syndrome
This. This was LITERALLY the reason I votes for him. No more dynasties.
We need Israel to destroy mudslimes.
Based arabs and Muslims (who aren't really practising religion) live and make a lot of money in Israel
>i-it was our plan all along
When the fuck did Trump imply that he was against (((them)))?
I read the article and there isn't really any info on how he won it for him. It just seems to be Jews taking credit.
He brought the Silicon Valley ethos, which values openness and inclusiveness, to a campaign that promised closed borders, trade protection and religious exclusion. He is the scion of prodigious Democratic donors yet steered a Republican presidential campaign. A grandson of Holocaust survivors who serves a man who has advocated a ban on war refugees. A fact-driven lawyer whose chosen candidate called global warming a hoax, linked vaccines to autism and challenged President Obama’s citizenship. A media mogul in a campaign stoked by fake news. A devout Jew advising a president-elect embraced by the alt-right and supported by the KKK.
Kushner’s answers to these conflicts come down to one core conviction–his unflagging faith in Donald Trump. A faith that, ironically, given his role in the campaign, he defends with the “data” he’s accumulated about the man over a decade-plus relationship.
>No anti-Semitic remarks whatsoever throughout his entire campaign
>Nothing but nonstop praise and support for Israel from day one
>New Yorker (see )
>Countless Jewish friends (one of which was just picked as Treasury secretary)
>Countless Jewish donors
>Deepest Jewish family ties in presidential history (his own beloved daughter is a Jew)
>Spoke at AIPAC during campaign
I am stunned, absolutely shocked that Trump isn't actually a rabid anti-Semite but a standard, pro-Isreal neocon. He fooled us all. How could we have seen this coming?
Where do I go to find out if your pic is legit or not? Is their a site that can tell me who runs a business?
Israeli Jews clapped and Trump smiled as he hacked at international Jewerly, aka globalism.
Fine with me.
Not my problem they are to stupid to fully comprehend the effect of Trump.
>Fine with me.
>Completely missing the point
All of this info is pretty much publically available through wiki/google. To be fair though, that image is slightly biased in the sense that they play fast and loose with job titles to maximize the number of Jews. This one is better, and there are still an insane number of Jews (especially in the most important column, the owner column) given that they only make up 2% of the American population.
Mayer of Yahoo has no Jew blood whatsoever plus Steve Jobs is also a goy. Infographics like these give the liberals material to make fun of, it needs to be triple checked first
Jewish nepotism. Media Jews now trying to pin the accolades on the single Jew* who was on team Trump, Kushner. (*aside from Miller).
Hows it going Sinead?
>G-guys.... did (((they))) trick us?
Who is "us"? Sup Forums is not a natsoc board.
What about this one?
Exactly. This fuckers always try to be in the winning side no matter what.
How does this disproves anything?
>I-It's the same guys on the same places
They are still jewish, if there were goyim in different places they would take 2 possible jew slots.
Jidf please leave.
You are trusting Jews to take care of the Muslim problem when they are the ones who created it? They are the biggest advocates of immigration/diversity in Europe and the US.
I'd be happier if it was Miller's smug face that they latched on to, but he probably reminds them too much of Goebbels for even Jewish nepotism to overcome.
And Australia. Sad!
>They are still jewish,
There's a difference whether there are 100 Jews controlling 100 companies or 1 guy who happens to be a jew controlling 100 companies, user.
>(((they))) spend billions of dollars and even more words, both in ink and pixel, trying to stop The Donald
>Despite throwing everything they've got against him, he wins anyway
>D-d-did (((they))) trick us?
No, you fool, they're simply trying to save face. Trump's election was a huge disruption of their plan.
Grandpa Trump is just a puppet. This is a Kushner show, goys.
Of course goy. Ethno-nationalism for the choosen, multi-culturalism for the goyim. And if their countries become too enriched, we can always flee to another White country (like we did in South Africa) or to Israel.
>There's a difference whether 1 man plays all 12 positions on the field at same time, or 12 men ON THE SAME FUCKING TEAM each play 1 position.
(((They))) would have won either way, but at least with Trump the rest of us could win too.
Prove it they're on the same team.
Wow, there are 30 Jews in Hollywood.
What if he was secretly one of us Sup Forums and he said Israel is for the Jews and America and Europe is for the white natives fuck everyone else?
Would you hate him?
If he is anything close to that I would take him any day over the globalism war path we were on.
The I fear like all you is he is a Jew and the betterment of humanity is barely on their mind and the dollar sign is more important then anything else even your own people.
>babby's first american election
You think the establishment doesnt know how the american majority feels about the corrupt political system? Expect an 'anti-establishment' establishment fascist like Trump at every election now
In the meantime, we need to systematically sabotage the Trump threads here and bully the Trumptards until they leave.
Kikes are the most ethnocentric of all races. It's in their nature. It's in their blood. Read anything written by Kevin MacDonald
No proof then. Thought so.
JIDF pls go
>thinks dying isreal fits the illuminati jews meme
wew lad
>Implying Clinton isn't going to steal the election with her recount scam
Have a Hitler.
No, but that article is certainly trying hard.
It's like you guys can't discern between good and bad jewry.