So is this traitor going to get Hillary elected or can I relax?

so is this traitor going to get Hillary elected or can I relax?

why would she demand a recount after saying Hillary is worse than trump?

Other urls found in this thread:

drumpfcucks btfo is all u need to know

She knows there was fraud but the person in question isn't Trump...

relax. This is all just sky is falling nonsense.

Remember how ridiculous it was to think they would flip 40 electors? this is equally as ridiculous.

Possibly to expose her for voter fraud?
I mean if you start looking into it deeply enough, there's a possibility that Trump also won the popular vote.

This. Don't pay attention to CTRfags and their concern trolling. They want the recount disrupted because they'll all be locked up or suicided with two bullets to the back of the head by the Clinton foundation if her fraud comes to light.

She looks jewish. Can anyone confirm?

Jill stein in the 80's

Op relax. She is just being a (((jew))) extorting people for money. She missed the deadline to recount Wisconsin yesterday and the other two are next week Tuesday. Good luck, I hope you goyim aren't giving your shekels to (((STEIN)))

let it play out, everything should be fine. However this is a year of the impossible happening so at the same time I am fully prepared to join a militia and march on Washington if they successfully steal this election, and you should too.
I expect no less of you if you consider yourself a patriot, because if they do flip it into hillarys favor it means the people have completely lost all control over the government and they are accountable to no one.
it means we beat them using their own rules, so they changed the rules, and cheaters get removed from the game.


Nope, she's white
Jill stein in the 60's

Trump has already made it obvious the "alt-right" people he courted were always just useful idiots. He's not having Hillary convicted, getting rid of Obamacare, or building a wall. So, why do you people care?

Anyway, you fell for an obvious con-man, you fucking morons.

>she's white

Tell me how she's Jewish than cunt

Chill it's okay this little Philly is about to start a civil war


Confirming that she is Jewish.

Wiki says her parents were Jewish.


Nice try CTR
All Wikipedia articles are considered fake news


say it with me


Not an argument, see here

You could have just highlighted her last name.


>you fell for an obvious con-man, you fucking morons
You're the moron. The victory isn't in what Trump does after the election. The victory is voting Trump into office to signal to every SJW that the country isn't with them. Making the people who say "kill all white men" suffer and cry and feel alone is a huge victory.


you're a fucking idiot. her last name is STEIN.

This is her husband

According to [s4s]

It is possible, but only a theory from my side, that some europeans with a tiny bit of asian (hunnic, mongolian) ancestry or scandinavian ancestry tend to look more asiatic after settling in the USA.

Compare to the looks of various indian tribes located in the Americas.

Also, you could compare Max von Sydow with other various scandinavian people. He's probably the only Swede without asiatic ancestry (take this with a graint of salt).

As I said at the start, this is only a theory of mine, it could very well be false and I am just surrounded by Jews :^)


Is this how Kek presents itself to [s4s]?

>Frogs can change gender, like in Jurassic Park
Truly an amazing God is our Lord

>Kek can turn himself into a 10/10 qt
Be my gf Kek

So like I was saying in the other thread

Stein is a Celtic last name

I like when Emperor Trump smiles.

they filed late friday, making the deadline, no?

I think everyone who's been lurking knows this is the case, but are afraid Trump will somehow be usurped.

They would not have given Trump the EC votes unless he assuredly won them, since everyone hated him

he is building the wall, though.


What a newfag, forgetting to answer the captcha

maybe she wants to replace Hillary on the ballot in 2020?

You can relax because there is no evidence of election fraud. Statistical analysis of the votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin reveal to suspicion of fraud.

What happened was a group of computer scientists allegedly approached the Clinton campaign and suggested they recount based on *poll numbers* and the idea that electronic machines (of which these three states use... but all use different machines with different methods. For example, Michigan doesn't actually vote on electronic machines, their paper votes are tabulated using them.) Can be hacked by "foreign agents" aka Russia.

This meeting was recorded by a newspaper (don't know which one, maybe the times) that obviously didn't think much of it because they didn't give any details about it at all. Actually they only gave a single detail: The Wisconsin machines were banned in California. This detail is the only reason given on Steins recount site for recounting the vote.

So if you are following so far: Stein launched this recount campaign based a marginal, clickbait article about Why Hillary Can Still Win.

So let's continue, nobody expected this to actually take off, and when journalists have re-approached members of that group of computers scientists who allegedly approached Clinton they have walked back their initial claims. They now say the election was "probably not" fraudulent, and they are just trying to raise awareness of possible points of compromise.

Further, we should ask why they choose these three states specifically to recount? Because theses three states are the states that Trump won by the smallest margin, and which if all three were to flip, would change the electoral college to a victory for Clinton. There's nothing particular unusual about these three states voting methods or polling discrepancy, or turnout numbers that would single them out for a recount.


She's desperate to get a job in the Clinton campaign after that pathetic failure of a campaign she had.
>Losing to Gary Johnson

She is hardcore trolling all the libs

everyone with half a brain knows that a recount has statistically no change of changing the results

to burn the Democrat establishment to the ground

I wonder if they will audit out any illegal aliens voting?

She's cute! Got any more of her?

>everyone hated him
Because the MSM told them to. Nobody feels the need to do their own research anymore.

jesus christ trump only won wisconsin by 27k votes. what are the chances this flips?

Am I alone in honestly *not caring* if the election was rigged in Trump's favor?

This was the man America needed and he still is. Even if Russia was involved, I honestly don't care--it simply means the Russians are exactly as awesome as I knew they are.

We need Trump. If they try to block his ascent to the leadership of this country, then it's time to tear this nation to shreds. It'll be a mercy kill, really--it will have proved that it doesn't deserve to live.

Have they ever?


Because reality has set in on a lot of anti-Hillary folks of just how bad Donald Trump is. His choice of advisers and cabinet people is very, very eye opening. Hillary is not fantastic but she's nowhere near as hellish as Trump.

Yes and no. I agree with this. BUT, I voted specifically for the man most likely to burn the entire progressive movement to the ground.

I want every last vestige of it removed. they've been poisoning this country since at least the 1920s, and I could make a case for it going back to at least the 1860s. It's time to burn it down and start over. That they get to watch the country take off and leave them forever in the dustbin of history is just a plus. I want them gone, dead or silenced Period.

Clinton is using Stein as her proxy since she obviously can't call for the recount herself.

The election results will be overturned.

0%. A recount will not find even a sizable fraction of that difference. Michigan is also secure. They used paper ballots and already spend 2+ weeks processing them very carefully. And the PA gap is massive. Way too big to flip.

The recount is interesting because there's no reasonable chance it could change the winner, but the more people talk about voter fraud occurring, the easier it will be for Republicans to then push voter ID laws and other measures to prevent voter fraud.

it would have been virtually impossible for the election to be rigged in trump's favor. hillary clinton was a political machine with an army of people that knew the system and knew how to give hillary the edge. it wasnt enough though.

also, russia isnt dumb enough to tamper with the US election. that's literally an act of war and pure fiction invented by clinton and the media.

Good one you faggot. Hope they are warming up an oven for you.

Rage moar, loser.

Well, too bad. You Hill-Shills are stuck with him :) Enjoy watching your world burn.

I guarantee I will.

get ready to cap some...epic shit

There is a deadline? That's bad.
One of the reasons this entire recount episode wasn't affecting me was because, if the election outcome changed, Trump could easily pay for a recount on the 5 states Hillary supposedly stole, and secure his presidency.

>implying Hillary didn't already concede



I feel like such an idiot. Why didn't I get behind Rand so he could open the borders up and grant amnesty?

Hillary is actually shitting her pantsuit over this.

I hope they find voter fraud. It probably won't be Trump.

Her forehead claims for some sweet .50 high speed freedom.

I hope Jill is just trying to ruin the DNC. Also if the recount difference is more than about 500 in favor of Shillary, shit had better hit the fan.

>shit had better hit the fan
That'll go real well for them, what with the government also being limited to just personal-scale guns like they are.

Oh wait.

>Hillary is actually shitting her pantsuit over this.
When is she not?