Now that Castro is dead, let's talk about the real brain of the revolution

Now that Castro is dead, let's talk about the real brain of the revolution.
Even though I completely disagree with him politically, I can't not respect a guy who instead of taking in the riches of power, packed up his bags and went to the next jungle shithole to fight again. We need more people with Che's conviction.

Other urls found in this thread:

>respect a guy who they call the butcher of CabaƱa

Fuck off

Respect a guy that begged for his life, saying he was worth more alive than dead before getting shot by bolivians, I'm totally getting that t-shirt and listening to the songs of
"Ay que endurerer..."
Some LARPing for ya...


Fuck off Edgefag.

You're not a historian.

Just type on jewgle "Che guevara begged for his life" , literally.

>execute a bunch of Cuban Gestapo

If you type in "Kennedy was a lizard" you'd get more results

dude your country makes movies about this

the badass white cowboy gunman faces off with the dirty and hardened spic. And when he loses, he drops to his knees and grovels like a worm.

shitskins always grovel. they only act hard.

Your source is Spaghetti Westerns?