Is there going to be any major happening in my lifetime?
>Ayy lmaos
>Natural disaster affecting the entire world
..anything at all Sup Forums?
I'm sick and tired of this stupid boring life.
I need a happening and I need now!
Is there going to be any major happening in my lifetime?
You could go at war with the pakis
first-line happening
Don't worry Raj, global warming has your back
I was 13 when the Chernobyl disaster happened.
you could use a toilet
Yeah, but it is slow as fuck, we need a wakeup call happening
Ayyliens in our lifetimes. Kek wills it.
Trukey will definitely start a war very soon.
>Deutche bank ready to implode due to all gibsmedats
>american dollar will get collapsed by jews soon because Trump won
>ISIS promises a huge, continent spanning happening on new years eve
>this will probably lead to eurocrats consolidating power on european states and implementation of an european army
And this is just the tip, way more happenings should unfold.
KEK will deliver