
this is a lying press thread
dump your lugenpresse caps













>Harambe mindset
>Look at me! I am the Goldberg now

Didnt current year man himself complain about online harassment?

>Tha maynstream medeor

I like how they changed his name from Mr. Comey to James Comey

keep 'em coming. I share this shit on other sites.

> sexmonster
You bet your ass he is

He should have listened when Sup Forums tried to warn him. Sup Forums is always right.
>tfw you know your warnings will fall on deaf ears again in 2024


where's sam 'hippo hypocrite hyman eater' hyde's?




ayyy, I love my steak well done

feels good to share something with the god emperor




this is one of the best


Kek. CNN has once shown footage from Greece unrest and said it was in Moscow. It was kinda surprising that we have palms. We do have similar alphabets though.
Ebil regime dogs beating innocent protesters. Naturally when they reported it in Greece it was valiant law enforcers defending themselves against mad mob.

Can't stand this fucker

>disables comments on trump victory episode


You can post the entire frontpages of every german newsoutlet, its pure lies. Everything. Literally everything, its mindnumbing.
Pure lies.
100% left liberal brainwashing.

my personal favorite

These are delicious as fuck

Why are liberals such disgusting, sniveling, hypocritical weasels?

>Tfw you think the person that took the picture isn't going to call you out because your deception is for the greater good

huffington post is in Germany, too. include them!

Journalists who have an opinion are garbage.

Just show the truth, we don't want commentary.

Because they are weak and stupid

sadly impossible in the modern world

if you are at a public news outlet, you have to toe the party line or get sacked
if you are at a private news outlet, you have to toe the corporate line or get sacked
if you are an alternate news outlet, you're "fake news"

the existence of the internet is the single largest thorn in (((their))) side

There's no such thing. Even if you present news items in the most impartial manner you can, you still show bias when you choose what should and should not be reported on.

The media could almost not possibly be any worse, though.

Just one time let a black person commit a crime and have the news actually say "a black man killed someone"

Their ideology shuns strength and honour, preferring to replace them with love and tolerance. But love and tolerance are weak, hence classical liberalism was bred out by extremism, and those two prior values degenerated into the singular core tennet--"I must ensure my political view wins out".

The same could be said of modern conservatives I guess but on the right it doesnt seem to be too much of an epidemic.

Classical liberalism was not "love and tolerance".

It was compassionate, but in a way similar to the way a parent loves their children, or God loves his creation. Not without punishment, not without discipline. Classical liberals believed in personal freedom, but not freedom from consequences.

requesting the post-trump RNC speech


That's a bad example. We usually, most of the time, get a mugshot of the perpetrator. What I can add to your statment is that most of the time they don't say the ethnicity and leave it to the reader. Also they stir whatever they say, form "yall bitch ass pigs actin'tough" to "the man stated his inconformity with the police intervention"

shit I remember that one

you'd think they chose a fucking sith lord for candidacy ffs

these kinds of contrasting headlines make me want to kill the author for being a dishonest, hypocritical piece of shit.

>We're going to protect out LGBTQ community
>REEEEE is he trying to spread fear amongst the LGBTQ community???

Americans using term "Lugenpresse" dont actually realize that in Germany - Lugenpresse is real, and trumps the US media outlets in every aspect in blatant propaganda and shamelesness.

You extrapolate it on "establishment media" worldwide, but the term rose in Germany, because real issue is there. At least at west you have alternative media and not all media is owned by few same publishers publishing same stuff in dozens of papers at same moment on command.

But the term first rose in like, early 20th century.


It reappeared only recently and for a reason.


Thank you op

This is the antidote to the msm psyop

From now on screenshots of headlines are to be taken with little credibility unless followed by a link

Now how do we teach this to others

Lol that is just weak.

more like Judenpresse

She ever say anything about that?

I had to look up that word
>In fact, “Lügenpresse” is such a defamatory word that it was branded a taboo word in Germany in 2015 by an ((((academic panel of linguists)))) after anti-Islam movements started using the word to describe journalists, according to The Washington Post.

Check this out


I believe that's the second movie

>he was a big guy, for me

>big guy, for me
>Turk roaches are ruining this place
>My wife's son
>white supremacists like Stefan Molyneux
>Fathima Gassem

>was forest gumper raped by nigger dick
Plot twist: spoiler
Newfagging this autimism hard

Jenny raped him though, have you seen the movie

I have no idea why anyone would write about this in a school paper in 2016

Which one of you fuckers did this?

WTF is wrong with damn cargo pants??? They're comfy and spacious

And this is why finns chose to keep to themselves and avoid social interaction.

Holy fucking kek, saved

Because they think they are deep for realizing something that everyone has known for 20 years.

The question has never been put forth because there was never any reason to. Legally speaking, Jenny was in the darkest of dark greys (just outside of black) by having sex with Gump.

>The Post's View
Please stop spreading this. You're muddying the waters.

Can somebody translate???


"Is Donald Trump a Sexmonster?"

>is donald trump a sex fiend?


>is Donald Trump bad for the world economy

"Sexmonster" isn't a German word, I believe it just literally means what it says, but lacking a space.

it's almost as if a few years can't change a person's opinions!

In fairness I was only joking...
I'm thick but even I know the translation of 'ist' and 'ein'
Fucking Sexmonster

This line of postmodern thought is so fucking retarded.

>Guys, its IMPOSSIBLE to be objective
>So go ahead and be as subjective as possible :^)

NO, just STOP building narratives, tell us the fucking truth as best as you can. The moment you concede that everything is bullshit is the moment you stop even trying.


Oh. Now I feel a bit retarded.

>fashinga ogoyo


What's curious about this image is that for both deads Hillary is partially responsible.

>no one cares who we are until I put on the mask
>current year
more like this please

>hate facts
i love you you beautiful bastards

I like how they peddled Khan as some model American, I bet he's never even read the bloody constitution. I reckon all he knows is the first, second and fifth amendments. Not once did they point out the glaring fact that he was using his dead son as a political weapon.

He disappeared when it came out he was an immigration lawyer with ties to the Clintons

but when some one mentions the ambassador to Libya, his mother got offended that the evil racist conservatives were using her son as a political weapon.
Liberals are pure hypocrites

Funny isn't it?

She got offended? Are you sure? I'm fairly certain she's not allowed to feel emotion without permission from her husband.

Have some 40 year old topical Lugenpresse.

That word just makes me cringe after the Spencer thing

>hate facts
>facts that don't support me or my narrative
>hate facts
Good god, do they not see the irony?
