Why do Europeans hate gypsies so much?
Gypos are bro-tier.
>Tfw no bieaitful Cigány princess to marry and integrate into her family
It's because they're thieves and liars.
They're the NigerIan scammers of europe.
they are gypsies do you really need a reason?
Even the poos in loos didnt like them
Because the real ones aren't anything like your shitty alladin pic.
They have the IQ of an average dung bettle and smell just as bad. The idealized "sexy" gypsy women you see plastered around in the media don't exist in real life.
The few we have here have on average some 7 to 8 kids per family, and live entirely off of government gibs and begging people in the streets. A couple years ago some stupid lefties managed to lobby the government to up the gibs, and as a result they now live in the exact same poverty just with 9 kids per family, still crying how they can't afford to feed, dress and educate their kids.
Throughout their history, wherever they went they've always been parasites to the society.
Well known for stealing horses and selling them on or selling them to slaughter, among other criminal activities. In the UK, claiming to be Irish travellers but also claiming benefits and a free house from the British government.
id wife her
they steal, litter, threaten to scratch car if not gibe some monies, use their little shits to do demanding begging etc.
god damn pikey trash
Because they kidnap kids, drug, intoxicate or cripple them and then proceed to beg on the street because her child has no food, is crippled, etc. Then when the child dies they kidnap another. They don't contribute anything to society, they're absolute leeches who live off handouts, begging and crime. Few years ago there was an entire campaign organised by the government to find jobs for them and in 4 years of operation not a single gypsy signed up.
These people were exiled from India for being to scummy, think about that
The better question is rather, why does americans not hate gypsies?
When I visited Paris, gypsies would approach me and ask if I spoke english. Than they would show the same fucking printed out story about how members of their family were killed on the trip to Paris. They would fucking surround you and ask for money. If you said no, they would hang out around you placing curses and shit until you left. Than another group of gypsies would be waiting for you. They are like fucking rats in paris. they always had the same fucking paper. Need to find the rat printing press.
I went to Greece on vacation last year and the local cops told us to never catch a baby a gypsy throws at you because when you catch it they pick your pockets.
Even that disney rendering of a gyppo female is gross. Compared to Chel, she looks like shit.
Gypsies unironically deserve mass extermination. Literally their culture is to lie and to steal, the foundation of their being.
>Go to Europe
>Meet Gypsy ONCE
>Worse than muslim nigger spics from Uluru
>Start to hate them out of necessity of this act
Fucking Cygany, Hitler should have ended them, fucking faggot.
These thieves and fortune tellers have been pissing off the entire continent of Eurasia for centuries. The ghetto thug-lyfe niggers of Europe.
I don't see anything wrong here. If nobody cares these feeble old men, then their money is up for grabs.
Going to Paris made me realize the real threat to Europa isn't the Jew, it's the Romas
That's because you are equally stupid (as gyppos).
There are so many reasons why
Tobi King is redpilled though
the niggers of Europe. Actually worse than niggers
>Why do Europeans hate gypsies so much?
Because they dont work, they steal and they smell like unwashed anus
Subhuman trash. If I ever seize power in my country I will introduce mandatory sterilization for all gypsies. Killing them is a bit over the top.
>actually worse than niggers
How is that possible?
this. and pic related
Because the most interaction we have with them is when we go to the carnival and lose all our money to rigged games run by carnies (gypsies). For some reason we Americans don't mind losing money at a carnival.
There was a carnival in south MS a few years back that fired it's entire staff (all the carnies were gypsies) and replaced it with niggers.
>southern whites prefer niggers to gypsies
Because we really don't have any. Our gypsies are groids.
It is, when you'll meet your first gypo you will understand
It's not. Niggers are unpredictable and outgoing. Gyppos will ALWAYS try to steal from you and not socialize with you.
Because they believe they have a shred of decency. They think being a nigger gives them a shred of decency: even nogs aren't this stupid.
Many years ago I met a gentleman from Romania on omegle. We both set aside our fruitless quest to chat with someone of the opposite sex and had a nice chat.
When he found out I was from the US he committed how he's always wanted to meet a black person. Me living in a shit hole city with many Google neibors informed in that they are more of a nuicence than a tourist attraction. When asked "why" I gave the general response "well they are lazy, steal, and have too many children." Upon receiving this information he then enlightened me that they have the same problem in his country except they are called gypsies. We had a good chuckle about it.
Gods speed Romanian bro wherever you might be. I hope you're doing well.
Sterilized gypsies can still commit crimes. Either kill them or leave them alone; don't half-ass it.
fucking gypsies man, I live in a city which is pretty much full of them
every goddamn they there's one riding the tram and playing his accordion while the little shit is going around pulling on people's trousers/skirts begging for shekels
not to mention that like 20 of those rich gypsies sit at a pizza place near me 24/7 and they talk with their retarded language
Hitler could've gassed all that vermin along with jews.
imagine the worst niggers and now imagine someone who are worse than that, thats gypsies
Most of them are thieving scum, there are a few exceptions tho
>every goddamn they
I'm so overflowing with anger just talking about them that I can't even make a proper sentence.
every goddamn day*
>there are a few exceptions tho
yeah, some of them are inventors
Do you hate negros? If yes then why? Its probbably the same reason
Now I'm definitely not visiting Indonesia.
the anger is okay Polandbro. They are worse than niggers
They are basically Jews except as stupid as niggers. Think about it.
Because all most Americans know about gypsies is what the Hollywood jew tells them.
They are a parasitic people of mongrel thiefs who will never contribute anything to the society they are leaching off.
They're fucking scum
Coloureds have some redeeming qualities though like their food (red beans and rice, spicy fried chicken, baked macaroni and cheese) and their comedic ability. Is there anything anyone likes about gypsies? ive yet to hear a single positive.
they steal, they cheat, they fraud, they're scammers
You have to approach to it with more cunning. Ofc I wouldn't publicly say that we will sterilize them. You make up some kind of an epidemic and then "vaccinate" them. Takes more time but ultimately problem solved quietly. Just openly killing them will raise questions from the international organizations like UN. And then bombing of Serbia 2.0
note that you have to contain your anger around them, because if you go ahead and hit one, the rest of his family will get there to back him up within seconds.
The police isn't going to fuck with them as well.
Once I've seen them getting caught riding the tram without ticket, and guess fucking what, on the next stop there was like 5 of them, so they just let them go in fear of getting beaten up.
They smell.
Because Gypsies are scum.
>bombing of Serbia
sorry about that Serbiabro. Whole thing was a shitshow though.
I used to hang out with a lot of them when I was partyting hardcore in our city centre a few years back.
As long as you are not in debt to them and act cool, they'll mostly be cool to you. Still out of the ~200 I know, I'd only put my hand in the fire for two of them.
And not to be cliche, but if they "smell fear" on you, you're fucked. And don't get me even started on the few real gangsters I've met/heard of, that shit is freaky. I've got some stories if anyone is interested.
>The police isn't going to fuck with them as well.
It's worse in America because of the Holocaust. Everybody feels bad for Jews and Gypsies so you can't really fuck with them.
Gypsies for the most part stay in their Carnival dwellings and don't really try to settle anywhere in cities (at least that I've seen)
This. They are like jews who dont control money, instead they leech off others. Gypsies are also the only group of people I know who will steal off homeless people.
>Just openly killing them will raise questions from the international organizations like UN
This is the real problem in all of Europe. We can't go around genociding anymore without repercussions from the UN kikes. But we all know who needs to be gassed and where.
Because gypsies are the embodiment of degeneracy.
Let's hear some stories
>carnival dwellings
They are the only minority people want to genocide here,serbs are ok,magyars are bro-tier and bosnians are passable.Gypses though are cancer.At least we dont have that much of them like serbia.
Tell us Jan
to be fair, the person in the car might've been dead so there's no point pulling a dead body out of a burning car. take the valuables and get out
>Gypsies are also the only group of people I know who will steal off homeless people.
All the 'dirty kids' I know will swear to this. It's funny because they are hardcore leftists and they use "gypsy" as an insult that is on par with "fascist".
Because we have to live with those filthy things.
You can't imagine the level of degeneracy of gypsies. There is just something really fucked up about them.
Triggered Bozgor
Has anyone noticed his glasses on his head and that's why he squinting?
Eastern Serbia Vlach here bro. The magic voodoo shit is crazy but only like 80+ years olds with alcheimer believe in that. We still make jokes about it tho.
gypsies are just poor jews
If you toothpaste bastards ever decide to get rid of them, I'll join the VOC and work for free to make this dream come true.
Yeah sure.
The blurry vision hurts his eyes less.
Fuck just realized your slovenia,is it really that bad there Miho? I didnt think there were any in slovenia.
In American terms: pick the worst traits of niggers, wetbacks, and both kinds of Indians, mix them together, put them in a single body, and you'll have a gypsy.
not even civilized enough to be sedentary
and all that it implies (stealing, lying, hygiene, ...)
and yet, they breed between one another and all are completely inbred
purge them all.
And Marko over here is wrong. I've known some fucking hot gypsie chicks. But only those that have a Serb or Slovene parent and even then they only stay hot up to their 17s, maybe 20s if they have very little gypsie blood in them. Putting your dick in them is fucking suicide though, once you're part of their family you can't leave.
>one of the smaller gypsie camps
>the clan leader has 3 kids
>dies, uncle wants to make a power grab but the three kids aren't pussies and they do have power/security
>imports some mercenary from the ME
>dude supposedly looks like an even more buffed up the Rock and has a complete nigger face
>shoots two of the kids, stabs the third one
>fucks off back to the ME, because he is dead if they get him here
>drinking with 3 gypsie friends, all of us underage
>the police come to the spot for something
>leave and go for a smoke nearby to wait it out
>some poor 14yo boy, looking like Bieber, comes by us
>one of the gypsies comes up to him and punches him right in the face and knocks him down
>haul him off, tell him to chill because we are here precisely because we don't want any problems
>starts yelling how he looked at him wrong
>luckily he calms down enough so the kid can run away
>drinking in the same bars
>2 gypsies go at it
>one of them pulls out pepper spray
>of course he manages to spray himself too
>the police arrive
>both run to the market nearby, across the street
>one gets run over by a car
>the other one manages to get across, but smashes head first into the bus station
gypo spotted
gypos are mix of shit and lies.
literally saw one move a homeless guy's money hat nearer to him and while doing so steal a euro from the hat. just animals...
Sounds remarkably similar to my experience growing up in a majority black town.
Sounds like my interactions with niggers.
Nice try Gypsys
i personally like gypsies
they're self-segregating, they don't want to intermingle with civilized people, and that's how it should be
This is pretty accurate. There was this tv show in Finland (Karpolla on asiaa) where host would report all kind of stuff or fake some situation to see how people react. In one episode they fake traffic accident and see what happens. First thing gypsies do is to take the "injured" persons watch. After they reveal that it is tv show gypsies are leaving, the actor has to ask his watch back, gypsy immediately responds "oh sorry sorry, I forgot to return it, as I took the watch so that no one would steal it".
Recently some gypsies stole humanitarian iad for disabled people. informer.rs
Translate it, it's in Serbian.
They're a pestilence. They don't work or educate themselves. They travel aroud and settle on private land, which they then tend to ruin with trash and defecation. They live in their own communities and usually feed themselves by becoming beggars, theives or welfare queens. Ever singe Romania (who has the greatest gypsy population on the planet) was invited into the EU, the gyps use the "freedom of movement" to come here to Sweden and beg for money. My uncle, who is a property manager, has had the garage of the apartment house he's managing overrun by some 80 gyps. They shit and piss all over it so he has to call sanitation every week, and also has hired guards and put up cameras to deal with them. And you wonder why we hate them.
>It's a American ask why gypsies are the scum on earth because they don't have any episode
I don't hate Romanians desu
Also gypsie is considered a bad word, Romanian is the correct.
We have gypsies in certain areas like West Virginia but the only real scam they have going on his asphalt paving and carnivals. Gun ownership makes it much harder to be a thieving bastard here.
Roma is correct. Don't mix Roma and Romanian.
Gypsies? Do you mean Romanians and Bulgarians?
>special cop unit is made specifically to beat up gypsies
>have 10 new spots avalaible, get over 200 applications in a day
>soon after we are drinking on some playground
>random group of gypsies is harrasing some other teens, they leave us alone because they know some of us
>they call the police
>5 mins later a police van arrives
>the road to the playground area is a steep downhill turn
>their driver still raced it at like 80km/h
>breaks with the manual break
>the cops in the back jump out and run to the group
>all ~2m tall, completely ripped and huge and decked out in riot gear
>the leader just barks at the kids where are the gypsies
>tell them they fucked off towards the city centre
>in a second they pile back in to the van
>the driver burns rubber while turning on the spot
>they caught them soon
>supposedly beat them so bad that they were unrecognizable
Can't remember anymore funny stories to greentext atm, but here are some other fun things they did
>stole a whole drinking pavilion with a heater from a huge party (pic related, just way more sturdy and with an inbuilt heater in the middle)
>used an axe on the son of the chief police commander in the bars I've mentioned, the police didn't do shit
>some Slovene junkie I know shot a jeweler and afterwards hid in some gypsie camp, it took 300+ cops in full riot gear and with helicopter support to go get him, even though he was high out of his mind
>one of the richer gypsies beat up his wife to a pulp in the middle of a supermarket because she stole some little thing, all while yelling how he is a decent person and how dare she destroy his reputatation
>friend's dad fixed one of the richer guys plumbing, the gypsie brought a huge Mercator bag filled with paper money and tipped him like 500€ for the lulz basically
I've got countless fight, drug or weapon stories, but they aren't anything special. Or are only funny if you know the city and the guys involved.
we know, you jidf proxy kikes think you own the board
go post another natsoc thread or a nigger meme thread you kike
LOL shut up. You guys brought them here in the Ottoman era from Asia.