Holy fuck no mercy
Holy fuck no mercy
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I don't consider Castro to be the same as other communists, his rise was solely due to the United States. The Americans didn't even care that he took over until he privatized American owned companies, before he took over Cuba was basically an American satellite that existed solely for that market. It's unfortunate that these revolutions against American Imperialism always end up backfiring because the same sort of people that rule Magog end up ruling the countries that reject American globalization.
Gommies eternally BTFO. How can one man be so based? Can you imagine any of his cuck predecessors saying anything like this?
Finally someone says it. Castro singled handedly destroyed the future of latin america.
He's making Obama look like a bitch
This is why he got a majority of Cuban voters
Welcome to a new America. Anyone can get on the train and this dude is going to lead us back to the top.
Hola suramerica, no manden a sus comunistas exiliados aqui!!!
It's real lol
Fake!, Twitter Posts arent that Long!!! by fAaaaR!
Castro did more to fight Globalism than Trump the Kike Puppet ever will .
>He's making Obama look like a bitch
obama: oh now now... we have to wait and see what history determines about presidente castro
i don't know how obama stands up with no spine. i'll be so glad that fucker is out of the white house soon.
Found the retard.
This is kikebook, Ahmed.
Here, proof that its fake:
>I like Trump
>I like Castro
it's facebook not twitter
that's a facebook post you fucking idiot
Hans, please.
Trump is just taking marching orders from his Jewish handlers. He doesn't actually believe any of the shit he types, he just needs to please the right people and the capitalist globalist kikes hate Castro more than anyone.
Its on facebook you shitskin
>implying communisn wasn't started by jews
I wonder who's behind this post
Have HillShills forgotten Hillary attacked Bernie for complementing Fidel Castro?
How's it going there right now? Is it as hardcore as I hear? Are gold and silver really worth anything, or is it guns, food, water and medicine?
achmed, plz
Trump elected, castro dies. Castro dies on pinochets birthday, after the 100000000 get that says "commies must die".
And you thought kek was a joke?
Here, proof that you are a faggot:
>those XD faces
That tweet is better than the kikebook post, teebeeeigh.
We still use paper money and we are still queueing for hours for food and medicine. Our currency really shat the bed within the last two weeks, from 1400Bsf/$ to 3000Bsf/$. And there is no end in sight...
Same, but Trump probably admires Castro behind closed doors. Obviously he can't say it though
>I'm an edgy faggot who knows fuck all about politics
I heard that 1 ounce of silver bought 3 months of food and 1 ounce of gold bought a house.
What is valuable in trade? Alcohol, cigarettes, medicine? Are women prostituting themselves?
Trump statement was genius. It will de-Hitlerizise the Trump image whne he criticizes dictator like Castro
>that tweet
“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.
This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”
Fucking based the hero we deserve
pls be real pls be real pls be real
> de-Hitlerizise
> shitting on leftist idol
He will be called nazi for it by every MSM, just wait.
Is this real? I checked and didn't see this tweet
Wow Trump is awesome.
Look at Trudeau's cucked tweets at the same time. I am not even joking. This is real.
>Fidel Castro is dead!
I just did some calculations and nah, an ounce of silver wouldn't feed one person for a month. And a ounce of gold wouldn't even feed a family for a year. Yes, exchanges do happen but money is still the main way to transfer wealth.
plz delet
Well played Muller, well played.
that's not a tweet you fucking idiot.
trudoo doesn't even maintain his own twitter
God bless, him, Smash the Marxists and Internationalists.
I know the point of this meme is to be mocking, but his height and even everything he says makes him alpha.
This was posted by the future brazilian god emperor in 2018
Translation: GOOD MORNING EVERYONE: "Fidel Castro has died ...the freedom terminator and promoter of misery is gone..."
If there is something to celebrate about Fidel is that his death is pulling off the masks of everybody
Forgot pic
Well, Hitler did fight communism while the USA allied with Stalin to defeat the Reich, so it could win and with it World Jewry and global capitalism, to ensure the world order we live in today.
He is not Hitler though. Just a right-wing capitalist and American.
Obama delivered the cuban vote to Republicans the moment he reopened diplomatic relations with Cuba and then tried to pretend what he did was good
>see likes and reactions at the bottom of post
>assume twitter
Fuck off communist scum
The only good communist isna dead communist
You cocksucking bongs never had to fucking deal with them
Since when can you make such long posts on Twitter? Or is thsi Facebook?
how does that matters when the (((capitalist))) west have been controled by jews for more then hundred years?
>a communist who sold out to globalist commie jews did more to fight globalism by murdering and starving his people
And on black friday
>Trump proves he's a neo-con typical establishment politician
>Sup Forums likes it
You guys are dumb
>wanting communism gone is establishment
Trump bends over to the jewish establishment, his entire family is jew, his fucking daughter was converted to Judaism but Sup Forums is too fucking blind to realize that their "man" is just another jewish puppet
Bless Castro, him and Stalin were the only ones that tried to make the world a better place by getting rid of the jews
>globalist commie jews
it's america that is controled by globalist banker jews
Back to reddît, commie.
>globalism is ok when communists do it
Communists were jews m8
> not liking commie dictators means being pro-establishment
> establishment praises said dictator as great leader
Leaf logic
Who the fuck do you think controlled the Soviets after Stalin?
Is that a real quote? Pretty fucking awesome.
>communist were jews
that Stalin made quick work of, seriously stop spouting your jewish propaganda before reading History
Maybe you should
Go look who controlled the soviet government after Stalin
>the establishment likes communism
go back to /r/the_donald you fucking tard
>our administration
Full. Erection. Achieved.
communism is a jewish idea GET IT BRO
Literally makes no sense lmfao he worked with the (((soviet union))) and how did he fight globalism by making Cubans flee to Florida?
not the globalist banker jews
Are you retarded sven? How does wanting communism gone makenyou establishment? Anyone with 2 brain cells wants communism gone, there is nothing "establishment" about that
just like his wife ;)
Youre right just the globalist communist jews
So much fucking better, we should all become communists because of this
Yes. This boiler plate cuba/Castro stuff. He's got some interesting emotional imagery, ok 8th grade essay on castro, b plus
This is some high level mental gymnastics
wtf i hate trump now
Can some South American anons redpill me on Castro's influence on South America? I didn't realize he had such a crazy effect on the continent.
Holy hell I forgot about that. PRAISE KEK
the establishment likes liberalism.
communism is against liberalism.
there is a reason why they hate socialist governments such as Gaddafi and Assad
those commies sure are kikepuppets
>his rise was solely due to the United States
"Wah! The rise of communism all our fault for fighting communism!"
Yeah, kind of like the reason why Islamic terrorism exists is our resistance to it, right?
>brutal dictator
>assad dindu nuffin
>saddam dindu nuffin just a lil gas