We're you a racist cunt when you were a kid?

we're you a racist cunt when you were a kid?

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No my friend was. He used to get bullied by non racists looking to virtue signal and they would say things like
>Are you the racist kid? Well I'm racist against blonde haired blue eyed people.
Then he would tell them that's not a race and they would punch him. It was all very weird.

No. Super progressive, and for some reason always cared more for non whites in movies and shows (especially blacks) than whites.

I experienced racism from the black kids first. My parents never talked about race so I had no idea until I started to catch on in middle school. I realized all the kids doing poorly and getting into fights were black all my friends were white or Hispanic. Of course hundreds of experiences since then have solidified that opinion.

Just goes to show how simple observation and pattern recognition can mold your views.


I wasn't a racist cunt until muslims have fucked me over on numerous occasions. Fuck em, I'm not dealing with those pieces of shit ever again.

Used to scribble swastikas everywhere. Not really understanding what they mean but they looked cool.

Nah, I believed in equality and all that. Grew out of that phase, thankfully.

Back on my day a man just focused on his success:

nah I went to a multicultural high school, that's where I learned to hate blacks

I had a lot of black friends, I played basketball growing up, so I know these people very well and I use the term "people" loosely