Give one reason why we shouldn't annex all these countries
Make Balkan Great Again
Adam Ward
Jayden Myers
Because you're not a real nation and should be part of Bulgaria.
Carson Roberts
>country 25% Albanian
>"I swear we'll conquer balkans make Maqedonia great again for us, the descendants of the Hellenic people!"
>"bro we're not greek we're serb"
How about you pick a fucking identity first?
Eli Bennett
literally nobody says fyromians are serbs
it's a known fact that they're bulgarians
Joseph Ross
Fuck off where are the balkan flags
Asher Martin
Pick one nigger
Nolan Hughes
Yeah, but with 20% gypsy blood
Daniel Morgan
It's bigger than albanian (Nato member) that means we're here to stay
Grayson Reyes
Bozgor here I like that Transylvania
Isaiah Peterson
You are a new world monkey i'm a european
I shit on your life