Everyone who hates the USA: JOIN NOW


1. Responsible for Iraq, ISIS, Syria, Lybia, the entire fucking middle east and refugee crisis combined

2. We all know americans are fat lazy pieces of shit that won't exist in 50 years in this form.

3. im afraid that the US will one day just vanish from the face of the earth because they collectively forgot how to breathe

4. Get this: in the US the death penalty is more expensive than a lifetime in jail. How insanely stupid do you have to be to make a bullet to the head more expensive than 30 years of lodging?

5. Americans are butthurt about the NSA but offer no alternatives. "muh freedom, we dont need surveillance [until enough people died due to lack of thereof of course]"
The lack of logical consistency and forethought is astonishing, even when keeping in mind that we are talking about americans.

6. Americans are butthurt about their freedom of speech even though they clearly know every freedom has limitations. You are not allowed to say "i will murder Obama". This fact goes above and beyond their heads. They will resort to saying "oh but that's not the same". Same to? We will never know.

7. Americans love killing innocent people overseas. They have no understanding or compassion of the plight of non-americans. See the many many "muh sandniggers" "lets just nuke israel lmao" comments. You people are savages and you were rightly expelled from Britain. We would literally have world peace right now if it wasnt for americans meddling in 200 foreign governments, the best example is Iran.

8. Americans love killing themselves, you think the japanese were bad? The americans perfected killing themselves. Go to cinema? Get shot. Go to military base? Get shot. Go to ANYWHERE IN THE US => get shot.

9. Americans are dirty filthy pieces of shit and I hope the yellowstone volcano breaks out today so you people all die like the worthless pig whores that you are.

10. Every president starts a new war. Even Hitler would be proud of you.



Get me out of this hell. I'm a white man where can I flee to?

nobody will take ur fat ass. stay there and die you faggot. You are lucky if u have >=50% white dna

It's entirely Ummah's own fault, stop blameing others than yourself, Achmed

> americans bombed themselves

lol top job there guys, you just need to up the frequency

FUCKING KEK. That one chick curling


The Every Satellite State is mad at the USA all of a sudden. Starting to think we need to make the USSR great again