When white people will apologize for what they did to People of Color for hundreds of years?

When white people will apologize for what they did to People of Color for hundreds of years?

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Yeah nah fuck right off kikes

fuck off,roach

Maybe when they shut up long off for someone else to get a word in.

When will you admit to all the genocide you pulled?

I've never killed anyone.....yet.....


really makes you think

And you never will, leaf.

When every last non-white is dead

People of colour should stop looking so ugly if they want respect.

After we burry you

Fixed for you cockroach

>tfw your race wins so much the losers are butthurt for centuries

aha, you forget, the problem is all the powerful Jews know each other and work together, they trancend national borders, which is what makes them most dangerous

Never, because the people that actually did it are all long dead. If you think that some shit that a bunch of people you've never met did to other people you've never met in a century you never lived in is what's keeping you down, you're a special kind of retarded.

When the Arabs and the Ottomans apologize for enslaving millions of Europeans.

Fuck off mudslime. Your cultures have done literally nothing for the world.


Whites = conquerors and builders
Kikes = parasites and destroyers


>Inuit are alive and well
>chinese killed more of themselves than white could ever dream of matching
>Aborigine are glad they get fire water
>Muslims killed way more Indians than the british ever could, would probably have loo by now if they were still apart of the empire
>native Americans got small pox literally it would happen to them no matter who discovered the Americas
>Africa was better under colonial rule and most African countries want their white men back
>Arab no comment
>SEA rely on whities to protect them from China
>South american's were straight up savages

January 14 2023. Promise, cross my heart.

Go eat a bullet OP. Your shit culture hasn't contributed anything meaningful to civilization in thousands of years.

when will arabs apologize for - and stop making use of - modern day slavery?

Why should we apologize for getting niggers out of Africa? They should be the ones thanking us.

I apologize for reaping the rewards of my colonialist allies actions.Now quit complaining and keep slaving to make cheap shit for me to throw away.

It's almost as if *all people are that way*. Holy shit. Assholes in every group abound. Who the fuck knew?!?

Nice try, T*rk.

>kill each other
>blame whitey

Right after Arabs apologise for the slave trade which took millions of whites.

Right after africans thank us for giving them infrastructure which they ruined

Right after Kikes admit they use us as a fear tactic for other races.

Right after Maoris apologise for the cannibal activities practiced on visiting whites

Right after native americans admit they had one of the most resource rich lands and did fucking nothung but fight with each other

Right after south americans admit without whites they'd be royally fucked.

Right after indians admit that the very idea of pooing in a loo offends them because its just 'too white'

And right after every single fucking race admits that not only are whites the best at expansion and building infrastructure but we're the most advance for culture and almost all tech, that we are the most driven of the races.

When all you shit skins can admit that, I might, just fucking MIGHT apologise that whites are superior and act as such.

But,but,but the Armenian genocide OP. You say retarded shit when your culture was doing it longer than ours. Eat shit nigger

>literally every civilization in the history of humanity has engage in brutal violence and slavery with their neighbours for land and resources
>early white civilizations were scarce on both, which forced them to advance their technology in order to survive
>whites use said technology to subdue weaker civilizations from their lands, darwinism at its fullest
>whites are historically the most respectful and forgiving race when it comes to how they dealt with the people they defeat, granting them basic human rights and sometimes even minor positions as formal citizens as well as allowing them to preserve their culture
>whites are the first race to abolish slavery in its entirety, as well forcing other nations to do the same
>whites work tirelessly to integrate former "opressed" races into their civilizations, often at the sacrifice of their race's own well being
>literally responsible for every major advance in modern human history, all of them used by other racial groups to an extent
>gets blamed for ruining other races despite said races having more privileges and opportunities in life than your average white person

Honestly, whites should've done like some ancient civilizations and completely destroyed every trace of the people they defeated.

>Turkish Flag
You do realize what you've done to Serbia for 1000's of years right? I believe you filthy murderous degenerates owe my people reparations for the suffering you've instilled on my Serbian ancestors, fucker.

the white man did not exist until the late 19th century.

kick turkey out of nato


tfw my ancestors din du nuffin

finland never had colonies, finns were takens as slaves by arabs in middle-ages, finns were oppressed by sweden and russia for 1000 years

kick turks out of anatolia

What did my ancestors do to shitskins?
Please inform me, of what sins did my people supposedly commit, during the over 800 years we were subjugated by foreign rulers and were little more than poor peasants?

Your white guilt bs doesn't work on me, roach.

I bet she got eventually got downvoted



Sorry we brought you into the modern era.

You clearly weren't prepared for it.

>Implying I give a fuck about colored people.



I feel ya brother!