what do we think of him?
What do we think of him?
Based fag
He's a useful idiot. Let him remain as one.
Probably doesn't care about any of this. Just realized he would be one of the herd supporting Hillary whereas supporting Trump gave him recognition and the ability to create a career/name for himself.
People are ultimately self serving and its foolish to think hes /our guy/. None of his values match ours. The only thing we have in common is wearing the same jersey.
All faggots need to be killed
Biggest degenerate in the world, gay nigger-lover. He likes to talk about easy subjects like Feminism, SJWs and other stuff which most people already find stupid. He can sometimes be entertaining though.
He described the Alt-Right as non-racial nationalism which is false, the alt-right has an ethno-nationalist core.
Literally who?
his charisma is pretty one of a kind t b h
he just says the most perfect shit at the perfect time. i really wish he would go full white nationalist he could rek cunts
Well presented but generally lacking in depth analysis. Hence his college aged audience.
Yea. Why would the faggot even try redefine the alt right?
Ignore him and his cult