Communist media?


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Read the comments

>Trump states a fact
>Media calls it an attack
They are going to twist and turn everything he says for the next 8 years.

Are (((media))) openly communist now? Is it fair to say?

Lugenpresse thread? Lugenpresse thread!

Which is why we need to destroy the leftist media, so our political victories have a real cultural effect.


If communism is so great, then why did the country that fucking invented invented it stop using it? Checkmate faggots





>NBC getting shitblasted in the comments

1983 in this bitch

Most of the world acknowledges him as a great man. Also theyre just saying what he said.



What the fuck are you people talking about?
They're reporting exactly what Trump said. How are they lying?

Keep it going, these examples are the best way of showing people how leftist the media is.


whoops, didn't mean to reply

can you explain how they're lying?


attack fidels """"""""""""LEGACY""""""'"""""'"

I'm going to die happy if Trump turns them into the new alternative media by ignoring them entirely and only showing up on shows like Savage Nation and Infowars.


a legacy isn't always something positive, is it?


They're usually not lying, but biased, see


They're liberals. They'll suck whoevers dick they need to in order to maintain a grip on power and convince dupes to vote for them. They'll be ultra nationalist and attack Russia one minute, and then be internationalist communists defending Castro the next. It's absurd.


wtf is wrong with me today, meant to reply to


>Trump critizes based alt-right (before the time) leader
>Sup Forums loves it
I'm ashamed of Sup Forums



>great man

Yet they will never give Adolf Hitler the same treatment. The (((world))) is corrupt to the core.


Why wont they treat Adolf Hitler the same as Fidel? Its not fair...





>believing alt right Hillary made meme

I'm laughing at you.

>darkest timeline



Nobody realizes in those companies how retard and hypocrites they are? Jesus christ I can't understand why liberals are that much retarded


look what Jesse Ventura said about him on facebook


My sides



>believing alt right is a myth
Leave Hillary, we are alt-right by definition because we are pro-israel pro-europe

oy vey indeed


>Using the term "alt-right"
I fucking hate leafs.


Marx was a mason, eh?

I don't believe the AP wrote that, obviously Assad is fighting against IS it's a fucking civil war ffs




This one always gets me


Did you just assumed my political orientation, shitlord?


Those aren't technically contradictory if you want a white genocide and/or are suicidal.


They just trip over themselves to prove him wrong.

Why is the media suddenly dick riding Castro? I think we need to rev up them helicopters.

mommy give milkies


>leave the poor dictators alone!

lol, we are just a few steps away from double-jewing the media into defending hitler.

Hoho oh dear.
Although when people post this shit it would be nice to have citations

jesus christ

I'm out of Lugenpresse images so let's end on a picture of the actual totally real Hillary supporters, anybody else got some more Lugenpresse images? My collection needs feeding.

why the fuck is the lugenpresse treating this commie like he's the best thing ever now. are we that cucked by communism now?

JFK, McNamara, Truman, and Reagan must be clawing at the top of their coffins to get out right now

>transgender boys aren't girls

look at the mouth looks just like the jew drawing

Don't go there user.

Only tears down that road.

The top is from one of his bits on his show about Trump don't remember which one, the bottom is from his one on cyber bullying which you can find on his youtube channel.

wow so fidel castor wasn't a brutal dictator? I'm shocked. i guess all those cubans fleeing his brutal dictatorship on rubber boats were all just fucking liars.

But they are different years..

It's like they're talking to children.

Marx was a German, Germany never used communism. Lenin and the Bolshevik revolution brought communism to Russia and eventually established the first major nation to use communism.

Read a fucking book Achmed, or are you only allowed to read literature approved by your local Imam over there in Swedistan?

Don't they know how to screenshot?

>Trump attacks Castro's legacy as a 'brutal dictator'
Has the US media not universally agreed that they don't like Castro? I thought everyone in America, minus the commies, saw Castro in a bad light. They're honestly attacking the Don any way they can



Said "alt-right leader" is a fag-worshiping piece of controlled opposition

The difference is Castro won and Hitler lost. Other than that the two would agree with each other on more topics than you might think.



What legacy? Running his country down the shitter with communism?

>NBC can't even screencap the tweet

Why are the lugenpresse so incompetent?

Boots by Tetsuya Nomura

My blood is fucking boiling.

What the fuck can we do to put a stop to this?

This is very, very bad. A vast amount of people will never see the evidence of this agenda and it's why Hillary got so many votes in the first place.

Something has to be done. This is an unimaginable threat to the well being of the country.

Would you idiots take 2 seconds to fact check before you post blatant lies?