Really fires up those neurons

Really fires up those neurons
Will be dumping some more

Other urls found in this thread:

Really gets the noggin joggin



Well, at least whites go to schools, kek





>2 billion people with the same hair, eyes, and skin colour
>These two guys




Where do these meme images with the oversized white background caption text come from?

lmao why dont white people season their food


>black people are welfare leeches!!!
really causes you to ponder



More whites are on welfare than blacks

why do white people kiss their dogs on the mouth??


That's just fuckin nasty fuck white people

>what are percentages

>white """culture"""

>it's vermont

Barely, but that's only because there are over five times more whites.

white people are fucked up lmaooooo

More blacks are on welfare PER CAPITA


White people always shittin out retarded kids lmao

Fucking transparent images.


But lets not forget nigs on a daily basis

This makes sense, we should send all the arabs to mental institutions.

>t. will murder your family at the mention of the word "nigger" in a quote of a quote of a quote of a quote with an apologistic context

Why the fuck are they always on about seasoning? Rolling something in flour, salt, and cayenne pepper before deep frying is not a fucking culinary achievement.

Haha, as a Trump fan I love these.

White people be so fuckin annoying I swear like leave me alone weird ass cracker

The fraud part is that they are working while on food stamps?

No, more whites are on food stamps, specifically, than blacks. Welfare is a different story.

Is that Ted?


>this is worse than


nah this is who I'm talking about


Kikebook. See them on there all the time.


That's easy. Harry potter on the right, Frodo Baggins on the left.


American """people""" kek
You guys are weirdos




They say black ppl hav no culture think again sweetie ;)

When ya nigga is gettin' roasted cuz he steal yo xbox


lmao who up nigga bruhs


this is so true tho



Jesus Christ. The Wiggers have no shame.

I don't get it?


> Basic white girls
This isn't even descriptive English. Fucking niggers.


>taking pictures for their instagram that nobody could give two shits about
>always getting coffees from Starbucks
>hanging out with other girls, but all on their phones
it's almost as if you've never hung out with females before, user.

>niggers invented spices

lol what?

>lame unfunny reaching BPT maymays
they need to stick with what they know

Apart from my gf I haven't. Why would I hang out with girls who aren't my partner so I can watch them do that stupid shit?

Wonder how many niggers there are with michelin stars?!

Reminder that Europeans conquered the entire fucking world looking for spices

Really, as an immigrant in Sweden, I'm so fucking glad white people are so fucking tolerant. They conqured the known world and then looked for the rest for more or less spices. What would happen if they went full 1488? I'm glad I look white, talk white and act white. Maybe i could survive and be on the right side of history and humanity

Delicious white tears

>Why would I hang out with girls who aren't my partner so I can watch them do that stupid shit?
There is literally no need to, every time I hang out with a chick I always ask myself why I put myself through it. Suffice to say, it's a chore. Is your GF redpilled? My ex was probably some kind of Jew she was so bluepilled.

That's actually correct. Islam, and all religion for that matter, is a symptom of mental illness.

>What would happen if they went full 1488?

We'll soon find out when the Kike keeps biting the hand that feeds. It amazes me why the USA even bothers to have enemies when it has such great allies like Israel.

The problem is that thanks to the Internet's capacity for creating echo chambers, this stupid "white people can't cook" meme proliferates throughout black communities and becomes truth for them. On the Internetveryone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum - Sup Forums being an example of such a community. They stay inside their little ponds, leaking whatever "truth" suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large. The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated, but nobody is right. Not even natural selection can take place on the Internet. The world is being engulfed in "truth."

Nah not really. She's indifferent when it comes to politics and that kinda thing tho. So for example things like Trump she doesn't really care about either way. I guess it would be a better if she was redpilled but I like her like this as well. Knowing nothing about politics is fine if you admit it. Problem with many bluepilled people is they know nothing but think they know everything.

Yeah, you're spot on about bluepilled people thinking they know everything. Then when you actually talk with them they can't answer anything beyond muh racism or muh feels.

I was born here.

That makes me native.

black "culture" is a joke though

white ""culture"" doesn't even exist though

No they didn't.
I'm not a Jew.


Yeah. Simple fact is that most women don't know very much about politics, and that's okay. But if they don't they shouldn't pretend they do.


I wish black people could have self awareness like how they have someone else's car, bikes, and money.