Italian Referendum

"ITALY NO!" edition.

What the referendum actually means (ita):
>Marco Travaglio - Perchè No Tutte le bugie del Referendum -

>Perché NO Tutte le bugie del Referendum (di Marco Travaglio) - Estratto a Di Martedì 21 giu 2016


Other urls found in this thread:,_2016

tl;dr for everyone else:

>Reduce senate members from 315 to 100
To makes corruption easier. It's more easy to bribe 51 senators than 158 and much cheaper. The the original law writers decided it would be 315 in order to make corruption harder and prevent the creation of a echo-chamber.

>Senate has no more decisional power and works only as adviser.
This effectively gives full power to the Chamber of Deputies, therefore to the currently ruling party (Renzi's), since the Senate becomes pretty much useless.

>Increase of signatures from 50'000 to 150'000 required for Citizens' Initiative law proposal.
This blatantly reduces the power of taxpayers, it's already hard enough as it is now to find 50'000 signatures, figures 150'000.

Fuck Renzi.

>Italian Sup Forums Discord - Sup Forumsiticamente Scorretti

>PDF sulla nuova legge elettorale (in Italiano)

>Sito Ufficiale sul referendum (in Italiano):

>Information on upcoming referendum (in English):,_2016

>Sito ufficiale del comitato per il No (in italiano)

>Sito ufficiale del comitato per il sì (in italiano)

>JP Morgan: sbarazzatevi delle costituzioni anti-fasciste
>JP Morgan: Enough with anti-fascist costitutions

>Maria Paola Toschi, strategista del mercato globale al JP Morgan Asset Managment dice a CNBC: "Il referendum Italiano di questo Dicembre potrebbe creare volatilità attraverso i mercati mentre l'anno si avvicina alla sua fine"
>Maria Paola Toschi, global market strategist at JP Morgan Asset Management told CNBC: "The upcoming Italian referendum this December may create volatility across markets as the year draws to a close."

Well, shitty typos aside, let me add some more details:

Currently, in order to pass certain laws, they need to be approved by both chambers (deputies and senate), with the reform instead if the Senate doesn't approve it, or if the Senate adds modification to it, the Chamber of Deputies can ignore the Senate's refusal or the modifications and pass the law anyway as it was initially written and approved by the Chamber of Deputies. The senate is pretty much useless at this point, the only reason why they didn't propose to abolish it entirely I imagine is because it would be too obvious.

Sup Forums ita when ?

Vote NO or face the consequences

can a pastabro give me a tl;dr on the whole italian referendum?

It's called Sup Forumsitica


I'm transcribing Marco's video but it won't be ready till tomorrow probably, I made a very brief tl;dr here for now: Pardon my typos, I copypasted from last thread in a hurry.


>the "no" it's uniting both the far left and the far right
what a time to be alive

Io voto sì.

What worries me is that many are not going to vote

>page 9
shamefuru self bump.

Rumors have it Renzi will step down on friday
Also Silvione said he's ready to come back after the CEDU sentence

u are a cuck

What do you think will happens after the referendum lads?
Will Renzi glue himself to the chair, (((governo tecnico))) or early elections?

>>JP Morgan: sbarazzatevi delle costituzioni anti-fasciste
>>JP Morgan: Enough with anti-fascist costitutions

So voting yes is voting for fascism? I don't understand.

You are a Bolognese


Do they even have the votes required for a governo tecnico? I'm not sure how many seats they have with all the changes and sel separating and shit

Rumors from where?

He will stay, still gotta make a new electoral law

so progressive. they must be proud. nice scarf, very trendy

Wake up in the morning and hear people screaming "Votate Sì !"


>noi fummo da secoli calpesti derisi
>perchè non siam popolo perchè siam divisi
>raccoglierci un'unica bandiera una speme
>giuriamo far libero il suolo natio
>uniti per dio chi vincer ci può

Why are the Mario bros here.

Because we'll have the Canzone del Piave when our country shall rise again

E tu perchè non usi È invece di è?

Mama mia

Prinicess peach is Aryan while the Mario Bros are shitskins. Where the Japanese trying to tell us something.

Prinicess peach loves the BIC

Please, tell me someone has a full version of this

I wish we still had these big military parades, they've dismantled too many regiments now
Translation of the summary (first 3 minutes) is the following (1/2):

Let's see how the new Senate works, folks, because the fastest Matteo has taken an easy process, take two system and multiply them by 5: 10 systems. The snakes and ladders game, stuff for psychiatric departments naturally, will increase out of proportion the contentious between Chamber of Deputies (CoD) and Senate (S), Parliament and Regions, with infinite conflicts of power that will all end in front of the Constitutional Court. It's the "Office for Complications of Simple Affairs". Please, follow me in these 10 stages of the snakes and ladders game.

1. For Constitutional Laws, the system remains the same
- Perfect bicameralism between CoS and S

2. For Ordinary Laws, absolute chaos:
- Approval is up to the CoD and S can always give its 2¢
- Montecitorio Palace (CoD) approves, sends the law to Madama Palace (S) where within 10 days 1/3 of senators' votes are enough to review the text

3. In case of review by S, there're 2 options:
- S can leave everything as it was decided by CoD or amend the law within 30 days

4-5. If they amend within 30 days, the law goes back to CoD who have last word and there, there're 2 options:
- Receive and approve the amendments by S
- Ignore the amendments by S and restore the original text approved by CoD with the Simple Majority (half +1)

6. Completely different procedure for laws about Territorial Autonomy's Matters:
- If the government decides to activate them, there's the Clause of Supremacy (don't ask me what it is because it's too complicated )
- S has again 10 days to review or ignore them, then 30 more days to approve eventual changes
- If S doesn't touch anything, it passes as CoD decided.

7-8-9. If S changes anything, the text goes back to the CoD:
- CoD can discard the amends done by S, but in this case the Simple Majority won't be enough, that would be too simple, they need Absolute Majority vote (half +1 of the elected)
- In case S's amends were done with Simple Majority, CoD can also overcome it with Simple Majority vote, maybe, this is not very clear because they're still arguing about it.
- Without majority in the CoD, the law passes as S amended it.

10. The Financial Law follows yet another different process:
- CoD approves it then sends it to S
- S automatically votes it but have only 15 days to amend it
- If S amends with Simple Majority, CoD can re-amend the amendments with Simple Majority
- If S amends with "Complicated" Majority and CoD doesn't reach a "Complicated" Majority, nobody knows how the fuck we're going to figure it out. Then, if there're conflicts or appeals, presidents of both chambers meet to find a resolution, but, the presidents are 2 people: if one has an idea and the other has another idea, who wins? the most beautiful one? or do we go in front of the constitutional courts? about these "silly issues" the reform doesn't care, thus leaves everything suspended.

This way We have gone from Perfcect Bicameralism to Bullshit Bicameralism/Crazy Bicameralism (2/2).

i have to vote by mail and as i was suspecting, "NO" is better

How come you're in Uruguay?

we have the cittadinanza due to my mother's roots

Nice, thanks for helping liberating this country

love your country, plan to visit sometime

i'll prepare the vote now.

We're lucky most of europe is going to snap soon, if all goes well we might end the jewnion by 2018 and actually build something good

>This way We have gone from Perfcect Bicameralism to Bullshit Bicameralism/Crazy Bicameralism (2/2).

I don't have fond memories of going from Lire to Euro. Lets hope things dont happen that way again. It felt like prices literally doubled right away and then slowly increased again over the years.

Let's just not trust analysts too much, Brexit and Trump show us the way

i'm waking up at 7am just to vote because i have to leave at 8am and i won't come back until the day after, there's no fucking way i'm going to let YES win on my watch

Referendum, Grillo: "Se vince 'no' andremo a Colle". Il premier: "Mi fa ridere"
La Repubblica - 7 ore fa

Lefties are all underage or too lazy to vote, but we should take any risks


never take a risk when it comes to our future, GET UP AND VOTE THAT NO

>La Repubblica

>(((La Repubblica)))


Needs more chin

Greetings pasta niggers.

From what I gather a vote for these constitutional reforms is against democratic processes that were created for a very good reason.

But what, if anything, will be the consequences of this with regards to the EU? Assuming the vote fails, what's the next step of your plan?

We don't know if our prime minister will resign or not, what we know though is that there is still a electoral law he has to make in order to go to the elections, so he might stay, make the law and then go to the elections, or, worst case scenario, we get a "technic government"
Anyway EU will be weakened, it's a risk I'm willing to take

crashing this EU

Bump.Pic from old thread.Did Renzi really sent the paper in which he asks to vote yes to voters in other countries?Isnt it kinda illegal?

As far as I know there should have been the pro-No brochure too, but for some reason they weren't allowed to send them

Fucking Renzi I swear

>Isnt it kinda illegal?
Depends on how he did it, there's still an unresolved controversy because the committees for the NO are saying that they can't have the addresses, only the names which would mean that Renzi used his power as premier to get them and gave them to his committee

Thanks for that. Any predictions on who will win if legitimate elections are called?

Will it survive?

The parties will be PD(the one currently in power) 5 stars movement (anti-enstablishment but not really good at what they do) and centre-right with Salvini's Lega Nord, who is hated especially in the South

It's going to be a hell of a campaign, personally I'll vote for whoever propose something to prevent further immigration

>Will it survive?
without the UK and us?
absolutely not

Großfränkische Reich?

i doubt that the french would cooperate with germany if the EU falls