"Trent Somes III
November 20 at 1:57pm · Instagram ·
Hi. I'm Trent. I'm a pretty stereotypical millennial. I love Starbucks, travel, social media, and smoking tobacco pipes with my friends.

And in this photo I am holding an "assault shotgun."

We don't have guns with retractable stocks, shortened barrels and pistol grips so that we can shoot a squirrel. We have them so that when a fascist wins the office with the most power in the entire world and then starts making Muslim registries, forming internment camps, violating our privacy even further, closing the borders, giving more power to police while making them less accountable, etc. we can defend our fellow citizen.

If you care at all about the people that I am talking about, go buy a gun and learn how to use it. Now isn't the time to wear a wristband in support of people who will be oppressed if these policies are enacted, or change your Facebook profile picture, or send out some supportive tweets. Now is the time to prepare to defend the life, liberty, and property of your neighbor.

I pledge to my friends who are Muslim, refugees, immigrants, marginalized, or those who are otherwise genuinely scared by the rhetoric coming from our highest office: I will defend you. #libertyordeath"

Fucking faggots think it's worth fighting a war over muslims, spics, and mystery meats coming in from all over the world.

It's pure LARPing. They wouldn't fight to defend their own freedoms. Why would they fight to defend random shitskins?

""""assault shotgun""""

E pluribus Unum

The far left is nothing more than vanilla ISIS now

See you on liveleak, then!

"""""Assault""""" shotguns are auto or semi auto and are restricted to law enforcement. Looks like he has a pump shotgun. And good luck hitting anything past 50 yards.

I wish dumbass leftists would start an armed revolution. It's been 3 years since I've shot at another human being, and this time it'd serve a purpose other than making kikes rich.

>Muslim registries, forming internment camps, violating our privacy even further, closing the borders.

Wait, this guy is equating 'closing the borders' with internment camps and violating our privacy? Opening the borders would be (and has been) a greater attack on Americans' rights than closing them.

And does this faggot think that Trump could possibly be worse for our privacy than Obama? I mean, W set the whole privacy problem into motion, but Obama carried it out in an unprecedented way. He's been the worst president for privacy in our entire history.

And what Trump wants to do is get the people out of this country who caused our 'need' for privacy violations in the first place. Flooding a country with criminals and potential terrorists was the impetus for wiretapping, computer surveillance, and telecom logging in the first place. Getting the shitskins out would take away their excuse for spying on us.

Also, we don't want internment camps. We want DEPORTATIONS. If there were camps, they'd solely be for the purpose of sorting out where to ship them back to.... There's no need for internment.

And what the fuck is wrong with an internment camp anyway? Is it just because it reminds you of concentration camps? Is that what this is all about?

God leftist millennials are fucking retarded.

I can see it now...
Monkey cam footage
IED goes off

>I love Starbucks, travel, social media, and smoking tobacco pipes with my friends.

None of these things include creating or achieving anything. Really makes your neurons fire.