Could we please stop shaming Germany and Germans for "voting" Angela Merkel their Chancellor again...

Could we please stop shaming Germany and Germans for "voting" Angela Merkel their Chancellor again? It's not like they're actually able to vote for whoever they want.

The Federal Republic will never be based, it was formed by the Allies to puppeteer the former German Empire and will never be accessible for any kind of major political
paradigm shift. The Federal Republic was literally designed to not allow right-wing, anti-globalist movements like the National Socialists to regain their strength.

Angela Merkel will be re-elected Chancellor in 2017 or someone else will continue her work.

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Trump administration will have control over your propaganda machine soon, then the uncucking begins.
Don't forget that we've controlled propaganda in Germany since WWII in efforts to prevent a resurgence in nationalism.

You're right. Its completely true. I'm sorry. UK and maybe even France will get out of the EU. Germany is probably forever screwed. You could always vote someone else in. How the hell can you have someone be Chancellor for 12 years?

I highly doubt this.

We will see, gercuck

It is true that Germany still has "occupation forces"?

You guys are so far brainwashed you need to do a hard reset, elect the person with the most destructive policy.

So a Socialist-Communist-Green party government then turning Germany into Eurabia in eight years. Then we will be like you!

>How the hell can you have someone be Chancellor for 12 years?
Social exclusion of dissidents, outright governmental oppression. You name it!

Yes, there are British and American bases with literally thousands of troops. Entire Divisions.

Welcome to the club :^)

Go have many children Hans. They will have to retake Deutschland after their parents and grandparents failings.

Most European countries don't sound like they are actually free. People getting arrested for saying naughty words and shit. Very pathetic.

Aww, Merkel and her favorite people. They look so cute together. He even brought her flowers!


We truly have no future.
Fucking wait 10 years , when the real shit will start.
Fucking nuke us

>Neben 111.000 ABC-Schützen vorwiegend deutscher Herkunft strömen im Schuljahr 2016/2017 allein im südlichsten Bundesland 58.000 Kinder aus Asylbewerberfamilien neu in die Klassen. Deutschlandweit sind es nach Schätzungen der Kultusministerkonferenz 325.000. Dem stehen rund 700.000 deutsche Schulanfänger gegenüber.

>111k new pupils in Bavaria + 58k "refugees"

>700k in Germany + 350k new "refugees", mind you many in the German figures are already foreigners

Sorry but roaches can survive nukes

You faggots should overthrow the tyrants like every other country in Europe did at some point in their history.

If you're going to be slaves without a peep of dissent, you deserve your fate.

I have no idea what you said

So fuck you

>vorwiegend deutscher Herkunft

Die ganze Angelegenheit hier ist gegessen, Alter. Hat echt keinen Sinn mehr.

fuck off

Nazis are not right wing
Nazis are not anti globalist
Commies have successfully infiltrated your country a long time ago. As long as you believe in giving away power to people above you they will stay in charge.

Should we just give the east back to Russia?