What's wrong with commun-ism? don't you live in a community ?

What's wrong with commun-ism? don't you live in a community ?

Collectivism is the only system that benefits everyone rather than the wealthy.

Really made me think.

jews are still pushing the capitalist meme

What's wrong with capitalism? Doesn't your country have a capital?

Yo espero que la gente en tu comunidad enseña a tu que horible y malífico el comunismo es, idiota.

Spain was communist before fascism and now we are going back full commie

Nothing is wrong with it. In fact it is superior to Fascism and Nazism in every single way. Every Fascist and Nazi state got fucking rekt by Communists in war because only beta cuck pussies are fascist or nazi and thus they can't possibly beat communists in a war.


What's wrong with the fascism dnt you have a face??

Whats wrong with being a pedo, dont you all have feet?

More like commonism. Because everyone is common, the same, and no one is allowed to use their wits and abilities to outshine anyone else. Each according to his needs. Common.

Lol Germany almost took over the world twice.

ancaps are the true overmen, then. Who else would advocate for the dystopia of anarcho capitalism if he wasn't sure that he could survive it?




canada, ladies and gentlemen.

>Nazism (or National Socialism; German: Nationalsozialismus) is a set of political beliefs associated with the Nazi Party of Germany. It started in the 1920s. The Party gained power in 1933, starting the Third Reich. They lasted in Germany until 1945, at the end of World War II.

Its ok though, we all know your shit tier Amerifat educational system has failed your entire nation. After all 60 million of you morons voted for Drumpf ahahhaahah


Yeah that's why I'm a Communalist and not a fascist-in-disguise (AKA Communist)

Governments are inefficient by design.
They should be used as infrequently as possible, because what they implement must go through committees and elections and beureaucracies to create a product that best fits the governed

Thing is, private markets can respond to changes in the market faster, they can tailor their product regionally and they offer a clear reward for productivity and innovation

/leftypol/ fuck off to containment






Well... Trump won, and was a much better option that Hillary Clinton. Not that I would expect you to know what a strong leader is, Trudeau is one of the most cucked leaders ever. Have you had a doctor sign your tranny note so that you can get your gender "identity" changed on your government ID yet???

Who Leninist-Stalinist here?

most ancaps are fat autistic jews living off of their inheritance

I'm not Canadian but keep trying to attack the flag that I'm using to post bro its funny because you can't argue anything I posted lmao.

Communism only works well in wartime, when fear and nationalism unite the population and get them to be really productive. In peacetime, communism leads to a shit economy because it is unmeritocratic and, being centralized, it tends to become corrupt.

All the above is also true for fascism/NatSoc, by the way. Fascism is just communism with a more aggressively nationalist aspect.

I believe I did argue what you posted. Trump was the ultimate win.

maple leaf haha

A real communist country is a stateless country with no government. Communist countries that are trying to achieve communism are actually socialist countries.

URSS One of the S stands for Socialist not communist.

Collectivism is a general term for describing systems, not a system itself.

then you have retards blaming Ukraine famine on communism...

>there are "people" who still believe in a retarded ideology like gommunism

It is funny seeing someone love a failed ideology of a failed nation while living in a nation that is running on a failing ideology while failing.
It's like poetry.

Pure fascism and communism are equally as bad, but I'd rather draw influence from a fascist government than a communist one

>What's wrong with commun-ism? don't you live in a community ?

Totalitarian, single party, track record of economic failure and use of mass executions and genocide. Lack of any assurance of freedom of speech, association or religion. Loved by spoiled middle class circlejerkers.

A solution is helicopters. Place communist in helicopter, ascend to reasonable height of several hundred meters and release communist.

Get in the helicopter.

You can't replace capitalism because you have no viable alternative.


Your spanish sucks. Please don't try it again. You make Cervantes cry.


Holy fuck, do you just enjoy talking out of your ass or do you legitimately believe anything you just said?

Do you even understand how Communism is meant to work? The difference between National Socialism which insist that Capital exist, that the exchange of currency be a thing, and has an actual commodity backing it's dollar and Communism which insist on not having a money to begin with, the state not existing, and workers owning the means of production?

You do know that National Socialism also calls for private property and the ability for the state to intervene whereas Communism calls for the abolishment of private property, with few exceptions, and the state wouldn't exist to intervene?

Lord calm me for I have never been so triggered.

Read a fucking book.

Says the American lmao
>Hillary wins the peoples vote by more than 2 million votes
>Drumpf still wins cuz the American system is shit tier

But like you said, It is funny seeing someone love a failed ideology of a failed nation while living in a nation that is running on a failing ideology while failing.
It's like poetry.

They don't appreciate a good, free helicopter ride.

What's wrong with communism? Not enough helicopters.

Why is Antifa such a fucking joke movement/organization?


El Socialismo es una mierda de sistema que ignora el comportamiento natural del ser humano y de cualquier especie en la tierra. Si el Socialismo es una mierda el Comunismo también lo es.


Yes, I do legitimately believe it.
You're talking about idealized, abstract National Socialism. In practice, in reality, NatSoc/Fascist countries would be run just like communist countries - in other words, into the ground. What you're doing is the same thing that communism defenders do when they talk about some ideal version of communism that has never actually been made to work anywhere. You can already see in the history of WW2 Germany how NatSoc would have *really* played out - the vast mess of cronyism and corruption as overlapping inefficient war industries cozied up to Hitler and his inner circle to get contracts, the extreme centralization of economic control, the debts that the Nazis ran up, etc. In theory the Nazi economy may have been capitalist, but in practice it would have been extremely corporatist, and the difference between it and a Soviet-style command economy would have been minor. In both cases, you would have a very corrupt, centralized, stultifying and unmeritocratic system in which who you know and whose ass you kiss are decisive.

Talking about your idealized concept of NatSoc means nothing, just like talking about what communism could be in theory means nothing. In reality they would have led to the same kind of society and government.

I live in a community, not in a commune though, retard.

Here's a hint: You can only say, "Th-that was just a practice shot!" so many times before people get wise and take the ball from you.

Why are neo nazis such a fucking joke?

You literally have no fucking idea of what you are taking about. You will fit well here on Sup Forums

Ah, well then you should be able to make an argument explaining where I'm wrong.

I don't know. Why are they?

You don know what communism is for starters

Hows that old Soviet Union working out?
Everything okay? I heared ya'll got mad at your bosses and had a little uprising. Did that go over well?

I dont really give a FUCK about communism but u cant deny how aesthetic WW3 would be if there were still a Soviet Union



What's the problem with fascism? Doesn't your country have bundles of sticks?

Sup Forums sure has been pinko'd lately

I know what real attempts to build communism end up being like, and that's what matters.