"Social Anxiety"

Why has this only just recently appeared as a phenomena in modern society?

The Greeks had dysthymia to describe depression and I'm sure a myriad of other terms to describe various other psychological states, but I'm not aware of one for anything close to resembling "social anxiety". And as far as I know, it wasn't even a thing at all until the late 20th century.

Pic unrelated, just needed a filler image

Ah, agoraphobia only came to my mind after posting this thread.

But I'm really talking about a specific kind of social anxiety, the type that makes it hard for some to even just speak up.

Social anxiety seems to have been a thing since the public got it hands on personal computers and internet.

Why do some armenians like Bilzarian and the chick on TYT look white, but then there are others like Kardashian that look straight up pooinloo?

Seems to be the case, but how can such a rapid shift occur within the span of 20 years?

Fuck off

Surgery/make up they think pooinloo is edgy and exotic

She looks like she smells like
dirty scalp
Coffee breath

Armenians were attacked by Muslims so there are still alto with high euro blood. Armenia is the oldest still standing Christian nation.

That and the population explosion happened. It hard to get any solitary time nowadays, even when you are home alone you are probably interacting with others via the internet for some of the day.

John Calhoun's Mouse Utopia comes to mind

Horseshit. My grandpa had weaponized autism to a level you wouldn't believe. Indians are like little normies in comparison.

Remember when celebrities who went against (((the line))) suddenly suffered from "exhaustion" and "dehydration" and had to go back for another dose of (((the line)))?

same thing

I'm fine talking to people, but during confrontations or even around people i don't know in an unfamiliar place my heart races, my voice starts cracking and I get short of breath.
Should I kill myself?

I'm convinced I don't have social anxiety anymore.

I just don't like people or think they're worth giving my opinion to. I think before I realized I should just do whatever the hell I felt like, I wanted people to understand so I could have permission to feel the way I felt. Now I couldn't care less what people think, and anxiety in dealing with people is gone.

>More alienation between members of society (in the past everyone lived in close-knit small communities, now everyone has their own apartments and don't even know their neighbors)

>less exposure and interaction between people
leads to
>weaker social skills
which leads to
>weaker confidence and self-doubt, anxiety and even more alienation and isolation (people become introverted to avoid these uncomfortable feelings caused by other people)

Essentially we are just evolved to constantly interact with others in a tribal environment.
The only thing that can fix your anxieties is going back to the same levels of social exposure your ancestors had.

> I'm convinced I don't have social anxiety anymore.
You do, you just don't go out of your comfort zone much, try giving a public speech or even do something weird or autistic in public, you'll see how much you "don't care" what others think

I thought I had social anxiety disorder but turns out I just hated everyone around me.

Made some redpilled friends who introduced me to other redpilled people and when I am around them all that shit disappears.

For me atleast it was being forced to interact with a bunch of faggot shitlibs if I wanted to socialize so I hated it. Was always afraid I was going to get "outed" or I would reveal my power level.

My opinion is the liberal indoctrination people are being forced into is whats causing it.

>Should I kill myself?
no, you should do some fucking squats

You should just gradually up the ante and increase your exposure to other people m8
Start going out more, start talking to more people, get a job which forces you to interact with people, i guarantee you it will go away

Ancient Greeks: Some people are more quiet and nervous than others, who cares.

Tbh I had the same realization and afterwards I had no problems giving speeches in front of class whereas before I'd be a nervous wreck.

I've only ever had retail jobs so I know pretty much everyone in my town and it has without a doubt help me get more social, but for instance I went to some girls campus like an hour from where I live to fuck her and the whole time we were walking to her room I was on the verge of having a heart attack and no it wasn't her making me nervous. Same shit happens if there are too many niggers around.
I'm starting to work out hoping knowing I can feasibly defend myself will help

We are more aware of it, especially when our society puts us in a state of anxiety. We're being pushed towards enlightenment as well, though.

culture probably has a lot to do with it

the spergs used to just join the church and be creepy weirdos. or they'd work on a farm and just read books at night by candlelight and never get married. now when you turn 18 your parents ship you away to live with strangers in a ghetto and like $50/week for food and act surprised when not everyone adjusts to the lifestyle.

Growing up with TV, video games and the Internet is bound to fuck you up. Why go outside when there is so much to do at home?