Not my president

Not my president

I'd gladly live in a country called Dumbfuckistan if it means no browns.


That's a crappy shop of the Jesusland map from 2004


But I like it how libshit losers can't even update their own map.

Quit crying you pussy.



Come in guys its (((current year))) how could you vote for literally hitler

As a Person of Color, I can safely say that Drumpf is NOT my President.

Not my president!
>Not my president!

you have to go back pedro


>not posting the original


Not mine either but the rust belt belongs in dumbfuckistan now.

wow whites truly are the most intelligent race of humans. makes me think


I'll never not be impressed by how red that map is.

so the blue are faggots and red are our goys? but I thought you boys were chanting better dead than red...


Put dumbfuckistan over the whole US until the election system is revised to a full democracy.



Here take this it might help

wrong map

>that nigger belt


>it's a double down into a 2020 landslide episode

My favorite show

My country is more fucked right now than the USA will ever be.

That flag must be a proxy then, if it wasn't he would be you're president.

Emotionally, perhaps.


nice joke CTR

If you live in the US he will whether you like it or not.

If you don't like it, move to Iraq or Afghanistan and get enriched.

it's an old image


I know it doesn't make sense to me either, they used to be Democract-red Republican-blue until the '76 election if I remember correctly, when for some reason they switched them to what they are now, the opposite of what is usually the case wherein the right-wing uses blue and the left-wing uses red to identify themselves. I don't know why.

hows life in mexico? havent been there in 10 years. family is from there. from what i remember i was a god in the pueblo and looked at as a magician for having a game boy. i remember myspace was a thing then and tried to get on but had to go to a special place miles away to use internet. i seriously have trouble even picturing you, a true mexican unlike my chicano ass, being able to post online muchless finding your dumb ass way to Sup Forums

But I didn't vote for her.

this tbqh