Redhill me on castro


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The left is falling in love with him because they think Trump is being mean about him.

We need Trump to bash chastity, self reliance and personal responsibility.

Started his revolution initially as a non-communist. Even went up on a hill with rosary beads and called himself a Catholic. Then he became a commie and a good portion of the people who fought under him who didn't fight for communism got disillusioned and ran to Florida.

All his kids love the high life partying in Europe while his people live off 15 dollars a month

Draw your own conclusions

Left wing equivalent of Pinochet, except Pinochet gave up power to pro-democracy movements. Castro handed power to his sibling.

I have no Idea why leftists suck his now dead dick so much.

94% of jews fled from Cuba after he took power, so maybe he wan't all that bad?

He had huge gay guy guy pic nice ghz stuff all I got tats

he told usa to fuck off and now cuba is free of debt

>btfo kikes by nationalizing their kike stores
>btfo CIA niggers by refusing to be assassinated over 600 times and defeating all their pathetic coup attempts
>btfo political dissenters and dividers by making a single party platform
>raised the national educational and health level dramatically
>got embargoed by the (((US))) so their economy went to shit so haha wat a loser amirite
Fucken hell Sup Forums is retarded.

They owe Russia and Chinese a couple billion dollars

>burger propaganda

Eh, we never really demand those to be returned. Not from those tiny little countries.

Stalinist commie. Nothing more to say. You should understand what that implies, if you dont, kys.

>Fidel wants to be a communist but the big bad Yankee capitalist refused to trade with him and now they are shit

I guess communism doesn't work

russians removed their debt

He was based.
he took back his island and made it indeoendent aswel as BTFOd the Americans.
Despite the sanctions Cuba stil remained pretty good compared to neighbouring countries.
Good healthcare and education etc.

His resistance became legendary and inspired leaders and people all over the world

He embodied high ideals of a politician, citizen and patriot, was sincerely convinced of the rightness of the cause, to which he gave his whole life. His memory will live forever in the hearts of Russian citizens

And the Chinks are fucking ruthless given their record with Africa.

He was a dirty fucking commie,
the fact that so many in the West are mourning him speaks volumes.

Trump didn't fuck around, he said what needed to be said about this murderous cockroach.

Funny post

Of course Putin likes Cuba, it went from a U.S vassal state to a Soviet vassal state and serves the same purpose Poland serves for the U.S.

Not when you have more to gain keeping them as your bitch amirite Russia?

>Castro was a murderous roach
>praises hitler

except the cuba-soviet freindship was mutual beneficial

Not many people know this. Castros ridiculous beard inspired Johny Knoxville to make the taxi driver prank. They glued pubes on dave englands face so he would look like castro but everyone mistook him for a sandnigger. So they had to change the prank
But its true that castro inspired johny knoxville

Apparently, he was Trudeau's secret father

Castro was twice the man Trump will ever be.
Castro actually fought against globalism and he made his country independent again and BTFO'd foreign influence.
He is everything Trump promissed to be under the campaign.

Funding communist guerrilas in South America and destabilizing their countries is not fight globalism, sending your army to Angola to further communism isn't fighting globalism either.

to make your country independent from (((america))) and not submiting to neoliberalism is ighting globalism

Jackass brings back some memories!


holy shit

A true legend, something that no american presidents ever will be. Even trump called him a ruthless dictator, that's a shame, trump is confirmed for another bullshiter in terms of global politics.

>sending your army to Angola

He sent them to fight for freedom, not like americans who are sending their army everywhere to steal and leech from these countries.


Soviet Vassal states

prove it

I'm watching a documentary on him rn. Reminds me of Trump

Resisted nearly years in being cucked by US.
Cucked Trödös dad and his son is now leading Canada.


I love Kleptocratic oligarchies



He is Trudeau's father

>subsidized by USSR in the billions
>in exchange the USSR used Cuban soldiers to fight their proxy wars in Africa

Seems pretty clear cut that it's vassalage

Sounds pretty based to me

I killed him with my trips.

yeah hes a commie tho soo...