I killed civilians in some desert shithole for oil corporations, so you have to respect me

>I killed civilians in some desert shithole for oil corporations, so you have to respect me

What's with the misplaced pride some of today's veterans have?

I have a few friends in the army and they were some of the most insufferable, thick and sometimes outright sadistic cunts in school. I wouldn't trust them to handle a nerf gun let alone a rifle.

The WWII guys were the last generation to actually have something to be proud about.

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I tattoo fury on my fat aussie cock and welcome death


are you some dirty Muslim living in our homeland? or are you just some cringe worthy white boy?

That's not relevant.


This guy didn't even deploy

kys loser

well hes right. standing at a check point for hours means nothing. thats what most of our soldiers have done more like 14 years

Infantry work is fucking hard. Carrying a 50kg load for weeks, dawn to dusk or longer, running on 4 hours sleep a night, being constantly wet and hungry and tired, either cold or in a permanent sweat. Ending a hard exercise or operation looking like a concentration camp victim, but remaining alert in tactical situations despite any kind of personal discomforts, because at any moment someone might try to kill you or your buddies. And then, doing it on the other side of the world, sacrificing 6 months or so of your life at a time, away from your loved ones.

Soldiers are mentally and physically strong people with a unique skillset. You don't have to respect them but don't pretend you know the first thing about what they do, if you haven't done it. Would you make this kind of post about any other job you have zero experience in? But soldiers hear blind disrespect as often as praise


I honestly hope you an your muslim mayor get run over by a truck and your corpses fed to stray dogs.

>for oil corporations

You mean for Israel right? Why do autistic leftist cucks always blame something vague like le oil companies instead of the real culprit.

You are right, in either case you're not worth the conversation.

all cogs in the machine, and the american war machine has killed hundreds of thousands of people over the last 14yrs

the military is just earned welfare. Have sympathy 0orf those so pathetic and directionless they need to be ordered around every minute of the day.

I don't understand that either.
>hur i went to a random asian country, killed,destroyed and raped alot of women
>now i deserve to be put in a pedestal and live on the welfare for the rest of my life

do a better job as a civilian and check your politicians and industrial magnates so when the military is send its for something morally valuable instead of trashing people for their perception, regardless of what they are get used for by the higher ups you should respect somebody who makes that sacrifice

Found out your ex is getting rattled by a squaddie?

Well it is actually military who pledge to defend country from enemies foreign. AND DOMESTIC. Not civilians. But of course this is just a trick. Professional military are j mercenaries to defend elites.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

dude if civs sorted their shit out it wouldn't be a problem, if the military bashers spent half as much time lobbying as they do carrying signs that say baby killer and watching mind numbing bullshit and bulk smashing poison we wouldnt have half the corruption at those levels that we do

the only vets I have any respect for are those from WW2

have never seen one protest against military action actually take place somewhere those decisions and pressures come from, im sure if 3000 screaming people rocked up outside the private homes of the magnates that lobby and push for conflict we wouldn't have half as much

and really that responsibility falls on all citizens by default

volunteers get my appreciation for their willingness to kill people in the name of my country and get shot at/blown up, but if they get fucked up, beyond making sure they get their bennies i don't care about their boo hoo fucking problems.

Draftees are a different story. They didn't ask for it. I will never be a dick to a draftee veteran. For non draftees they get the same treatment I give everybody else unless they're on duty.

you're too fucking pussy to kill anyone, so show some god damn respect.

>Infantry work is fucking hard
So would be digging holes and filling them all day long. The value of work isn't in how hard it is, but how much value it creates for yourself, other people or society in general. It's a respectable trait to be able to endure all this and I am sure a lot of soldiers think they are doing good in the world, but when you basically only destroy value for all sides of the equation other than your own income and rich and powerful interest groups... it might be time to reconsider your life choices.

so shiuld we show respect to gangbangers too since they also kill people?

>dude if civs sorted their shit out it wouldn't be a problem
>trying to sort shit
>got arrested by police
>try to resist: shot by police and eventually rolled over by tanks under Waco or White House

>So would be digging holes and filling them all day long.
You don't do that either you soft bitch. You just watch as your nation gets turned into an arab shithole and post on Sup Forums

they'd have something to come back to if we had industry.

we don't

there in lays the difficulty grunts have re-integrating. They'd be fine if they could turn off their brain and just hit something for 8 hours a day.


en mass obviously, limited pockets of resistance are always easy targets

They prevent ISIS from taking strongholds in the middle-east you absolute cretin. The middle east is such a disfunctional shit hole that they need us to to keep things stable.

And if we want to make some profit from oil while we're at it then you best shut the fuck up or move to Saudi Arabaia

>no real guns
>no organisation and training
>lets fight against upstanding millions army of goverment dogs armed drones, tanks and shit
You probably think that banzai charges against machineguns was best tactic invented.

>love the cage
>stroke the cage
>be at one with the cage

>What's with the misplaced pride some of today's veterans have?
Because social standing is a cheaper incentive for joining the army than money. That's why they get praised at every opportunity (which is cheap), but don't get good treatment after their service (which is expensive).

>killing civilians for oil corporations

Oh boy

Judging from the comments, people in the miilitary are retarded in addition to being murderers.
Their only response to critics is to call them a Muslim.
Your're all pieces of shit who are waging a war agaiinst illiterate shepards who pose no threat to us, destfoying these people's countries with bombs and occupation.
Im not joking when i say that people who served in the miilitary should be trialed for murder or an accomplice to murder.

Bit more complex than that, I think you just have shit taste in friends.

>The WWII guys were the last generation to actually have something to be proud about.

You mean the Allies? Leave Sup Forums right now. Never return.

Yeah this always crosses my mind when Americlaps go

Millennials demand it. The older veterans don't give a shit.

Why doesn't this apply to ALL government workers and politicians who are paid by tax payers money?

We wouldn't need you to keep the middle east stable if you didn't destabilize it in the first place

>I shitposted on an anonymous anime imageboard, so you have to reply to me

because the military is unneccesary

Some of them do legit userfull stuff when military mostly started illegitimate anti-constitutional wars against countries making no aggression against US?

When did this board become cucked?

I would accept that if you were digging holes all day instead of prepping yours for abdul

Yes you have.

(((Noam Nosener)))

>implying it was ever stable

Jealous, bud? Yeahhhhh you're jealous, you blood pudding eating faggot

You sleep soundly in your bed at night because rough men stand ready in the night to do violence on your behalf, on people who would do you harm. Is that some value?

Whatever you think about the jobs soldiers and police are sent on by the government you elect (and you dont understand their roles and experiences in these jobs so well as they do themselves because they actually lived it) they exist fundamentally for the stability and lack of responsibility for your security that you enjoy. They'll come for you when you need it, putting their lives on hold or even losing them in the process

It's in the Constitution so unless you amend Article 1 it's not gonna change.
The military doesn't start wars?? The Congress declares war.

Not every role in the military is combat related. There are nuclear physicists and medical doctors in the military

How long would you last without the British military?

>The WWII guys were the last generation to actually have something to be proud about.

and your government pisses on them.

>people stop going to the military
>we go to war
>have to start a draft
Literally kill yourself achmed

You're a pussy.

Weak, sensitive and narcissistic people in this thread rationalize the fact they are too weak and fragile to join the army by spouting unproven and ridiculous claims.

It's not that I respect veterans because they kill (((innocent))) sand niggers.

I respect them because they are some of the last people willing to actually dedicate themselves to fight for what they believe in themselves (even if their orders contradict those beliefs), and are protecting those they love in the process. Nu-cunts demand other people fight for whatever retarded shit they think the government owes them that week.

I respect them because on the off chance we're threatened, they're the ones risking their lives to protect us.

Though to be honest I respect our boys in blue a hell of a lot more, since they actually have the harder job. Army fags get medals when they kill someone who attacks them, blues get publicly humiliated and punished to the full extent of the law.

>You sleep soundly in your bed at night because rough men stand ready in the night to do violence on your behalf, on people who would do you harm. Is that some value?

>German military protecting anyone but abdul and mehmet.

Your flag looks like a goddamn Christmas present.

Semper Fi, bitch

>implying joining the army is a choice
Military Commissary doesn't ask you if you want to serve when they conscript you to build villas for generals for free in freezing rain.

your country looks like a missile target

Fuck eeuu

I'm on your side, Putin, so you either shut the fuck up, or get dealt with.


>I respect them because they are some of the last people willing to actually dedicate themselves to fight for what they believe in themselves (even if their orders contradict those beliefs), and are protecting those they love in the process

Actually it's just a bunch of dumb fucks. They are too stupid to earn a living so they need someone to bark orders at them all the time in order to get sweet gibs.
But you didn't hear that from me goy hehe

>iraq/afganistan vetrans who participated in a turkyshoot think they're on the same level of heroism as WW or even Vietnam veterans.
Nope your ill-informed welfare queens who wont get medical aid from your own government after you laid your bodies on the line.

Except they are importing foreigners to make sure we CAN'T sleep soundly and will eventually have a civil war


>waaah I couldn't enlist because of my asthma so I can't live out my emotionally stunted fantasy of being a warrior so I'll just fox and grapes the shit out of the armed services.
Hahahahahaha damn man I couldn't imagine being a butthurt little bitch with no free college or Healthcare or life insurance for the rest of my days walking God's beautiful Earth.

>he thinks people fight wars for oil companies


PEOPLE fight in wars,so the arms manufacturers and sell countries shit.

Putin is a migrant-importing cuck. Hail Dugin!

fuck off Ahmed

Putin would turn your ass into a pretzel


>earned welfare
All government jobs are earned welfare. They get the bonus of doing politicians dirty work and having their limbs blown off for sad lil cunts such as yourself.

Funny how I wouldn't need free healthcare (that's free for everyone anyway) if I didn't get ill with pneumonia and "treated" by being stuffed into unheated utility room because inspection was underway.

No. Its many gears. Oil companies, weapons makers, political/religious ideology, land, to show a future adversary what your people can do, the list goes on and on. The root to all of these wars is and will always be the Ego of Man.

It was you fucking eternal anglo

Big words you've got there, i can only imagine how much energy your neurons poured to write that. I mean all 15 of them.
On the other hand you went on the other side of the world, on an expensive luxury cruise paid by the taxpayers to kill children.
So you can afford the latest mobility scooter after you get that free african american studies college degree

Putin is only interested in underage boypucci.
Doing physical labor would cause his forehead to burst and poison the water table with botox.

Not ego, but elite's animalistic desires for safety, sex and food.
It's both sad and funny how uneducated the modern elite is. In the old days, the elite at least was into arts and science.

Well how many towel heads have you killed, OP?

I feel like you enjoy the fact that he may or may not like little boipussy

People don't really get medals for killing, but for putting their life on the line. Might mean taking out the machine gunner might mean running out into its fire to save a friend. Both take big balls. Or just for being in a theatre, which takes commitment.

Not to say I don't respect the cops, I do. Don't they also give medals? And soldiers are definitely subject to the full extent of the law. In fact two sets of law.

Cops just don't get the hero worship you guys in the states seem to like giving soldiers. It's not that dudes cry out "respect me" it's just something very out in the open in American culture to thank soldiers. I do my best to avoid wearing uniform any time I'm not working because no one gives much of a shit here. But in America? I could probably get a free upgrade on a flight just because of the uniform. Makes me kind of uncomfortable and I bet a lot of Americans would quietly feel the same, especially if they made decisions or mistakes they aren't proud of, or just don't think they did anything worth glorifying

You are a fucking moron. If you actually think that its "the elites" Its still the Ego. You can change out any of the "elites" with you or any of your friends or even a random stranger and the results will still turn out the same over time. Now there are rare exception to this rule. The ones who are almost incorruptible to power. These people are rare and do not seek power. Its given to them as a burden.

fury is one of the worst military movies desu

Who is, the fucking soldiers and police?


Americans just wanted to stomp some sandniggers because of (((9/11)))

>These people are rare and do not seek power. Its given to them as a burden.

this is called monarchy

How could stomping sand niggers ever be the wrong thing to do?

Hey guys! I pretend to protect your freedoms but when people in uniform spy on you in violation of your constitutional rights, I'm going to defend that because I fight for you!

Oh yeah, those tanks and helicopters at Waco? Totally not us. For real. The military would never do anything to harm citizens. Kent state was just a misunderstanding! Haha the bonus army!? How did you hear about that!? Haha nothing even happened there bro! The battle of Blair Mountain was just because we were defending corporate rights over citizens rights! Corporations are people too haha! If we didn't shoot those coal miners, how would you even have a job now?

Checkmate civilian. Now give me forty percent off my hamburger or I'm going on Facebook to say you shamed a veteran.



Are you proposing that we should abolish armed forces? Or that you're edgy and just think the recent conflict in the ME is bullshit? We know it's bull shit mate but we don't get the luxury to choose anymore. I'd rather go over seas and risk my life instead of my mate. I won't let the boys down regardless of whether the conflict is pointless. We may be fighting for some bullshit agenda but when you're on the ground it doesn't matter, we're not out there providing security to contract drillers or oil mines. We're hunting bad guys, helping the locals, establishing rapport in the region. Fuck you're a clueless cunt.
