I hope this mad man never stops shitposting

I hope this mad man never stops shitposting.

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We can't let a man like that hold the nuclear codes

yet you did

May Trump tweet in the white house for 8 long glorious years.

I never understood this 'arguement'. Do people really believe the president has some sort of button on his desk that he can just input a password on and then launch a nuke anywhere he wants? Fucking retarded.

Still a better choice than Hillary.

the only trigger he's pushing is butthurt libtards

what a glorious bastard

He's completely right even if he's butthurt though.

They get their all their information from Hollywood. They think the president desk has a big red button and a big red phone that goes directly to Moscow.

They believe that any second Trump might picks up the phone and says ''Game over, Putin'' and press the big red button.

we have reached the part where Frieza- after being beaten- appears again as a cyborg version of himself.

We all know how it's going to end.


>mirai Baron appears, goes god emperor, and slices mecha hillary into miniscule pices before erasing her completely with his high energy

Trump incorrectly thought the election was rigged


it was, but that was not enough to stop him

>tfw someone hacked and recorded Hillary's dreams


the us military ultimately inputs those codes... Men who are selected because they can be 100% trusted to act lawfully and humanely at all times.

It was rigged though, what the fuck?
Democrats did everything in their power to tilt the vote.

Were you under a rock this election cycle?
At one point they were bragging how rigged it was.
The only thing that happened was people turned out, and denied this shit at the door at record numbers and even then, we did it just barely.

This is far too humanizing for Clinton, we've all missed that shot more than once.


I'd watch it twice.

Franken(((Stein))). He's onto this Jew!

Why not? As long as he doesn't bomb USA, you should be fine.

Top kek President-Elect bantz!

This. It's almost frightening how much people in the US, and even throughout the world have their views of reality warped by movies and television.

People even think that every incident of road rage likely ends in an old west style shoot out, when the reality of that is incredibly rare.

The fear is that if a situation arises where the nuclear option is legitimately being considered, he will make a poor and rash choice.

>They believe that any second Trump might picks up the phone and says ''Game over, Putin'' and press the big red button.
That sounds pretty radical.

It's not like the President is the only one who gets to decide on who gets a spicy dose of radiation, user.

This filename triggers me so much. RIP soldier!

Anyone else think the movie Fail-Safe had the most chilling nuclear death ending?


Well deserved (You)

what happened to your flag, Russia?

He's right. The democrats thought they would win. The media went hysterical when trump said he'd ask for a recount and he suspected it to be rigged.

There were broadcasts for weeks about the impossiblity of cheating and the harm it could cause if he didn't quickly concede . Now that Hillary lost everything is the opposite.

Trump is brilliant at calling out the media and democrats

I imagine that it goes like this:

Trump wants to work with a "super" power that has just as many nukes as us if not more.

Clinton has voted for more wars, done more shady things than the Don has, and has a far far far worse temperment than the Don.
go KYS faggot

Not quite, but close

my sides

It was as rigged as it could be from a political capital perspective

>They believe that any second Trump might picks up the phone and says ''Game over, Putin'' and press the big red button.

Sounds like Hillary's wet dream

Nukes are a hoax.

Only the electors can stop this shitshow. Remember, he's not president yet.

Are you retarded? How can it be a poor and rash choice in a situation that calls for it?


Yes, yes we can... The rest of the world will say "Don't fuck with them, he is crazy"

Best deterrent ever.

You are seriously delusional if you think electors are going to cut their own throats to be faithless electors. If th y do so they risk jail time and stiff fines, not to mention their political careers are over.

The reason the Electors are chosen is because they ARE the staunchest supporters of their party, democrat and republican alike.

So, do keep rocking in the corner telling yourself they are your savior, for they are not.