Someone redpill me on Castro. I know that he took innocent people's land but why do others praise him?

Someone redpill me on Castro. I know that he took innocent people's land but why do others praise him?

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>I know a bad thing
>so why do x a bad thing

Learn to formulate a coherent question you illiterate shitbag.

Because he resisted american imperialism against all odds, said land grabbing being a direct result of said struggle, and overall did literally nothing wrong

But apparently he did a good thing as well if people loved him you fucking faggot.

Did he not compensate those who's land he took for muh independence ?

People road trash boats to escape him. Those people vote democrat.

The people who praise him are so far left that they can only be 15 year old children, or waterheads.

He used Niggers to overthrow the rich and wealthy and then gave the worthless their land and homes.

Liberals love the thought of that running down their cowardly leg.

Because they got the land?

Communism is a front for people to gain power

Good intentions doesn't mean what he did was good. With that logic Hitler should be praised aswell (no I'm not comparing them, I'm comparing the logic).

I get it. So basically those worth their weight in gold got pissed on and left. The peasants who were never used to shit anyway were given a sandwich and praised Castro for the rest of their worthless existence. Thanks user.

Agreed. I was just enlightened by said "good" thing.

I seem to remember a road being paved with those and it apparently is goes directly to Hell.

Because you can do litterally anything up to and including mass murder and people will love you, if you make a good looking guy the face of your organisation.

Just as a side note "Boston Bomber Cute One" was one of the auto-fill options when looking for "Boston Bomber" for this pic related.

lol he didn't resist shit, the dems loved cuba under Castro and that is.
Americans could have invaded Cuba hundreds of times.
JFK was a moron and a traitor to not do what it was needed in the bay of pigs.

>Just as a side note "Boston Bomber Cute One" was one of the auto-fill options when looking for "Boston Bomber" for this pic related.
>mfw it's true
>no face

Women truly are a meme

The United States did overthrow regimes in many countries and killed lots of people just to stop the soviets. They tried to do the same with Cuba, and failed miserably. The histories about how Castro avoided being killed are amazing, he lived in constant paranoia for decades. Despite its small size and lack of resources, Cuba has a tremendous political influence in the rest of Latin America. He managed to spy the US government at higher levels than other countries (google Ana Montes or Kendall Myers).

So he was a commie, yes, but it was a commie that you could be afraid of.


Because he kicked your faggot country's arse in a time where your faggot country was trying to fuck Cuba like a bitch.

he overthrew american jewry and returned Cuba to the Cubans.

>People road trash boats to escape him. Those people vote democrat.
Yeah he scared away the worthless liberals yet Sup Forums stil hates him for some reason

Castro and cuba did nothing wrong apart from go against US policy and disenfranchise the rich, wealthy, and powerful. They did nothing wrong and the only reason Cuba suffers so horribly is because of the trade enbargos imposed by the United States on them for disobeying.

Sure is good Castro is gone.
Now Cuba can finally become an open democratic 21st century society with tolerant values and that participates in the global economy

Cuba would be Africa tier without Castro. It's something like 80% black.

He was a shitty commie dictator that tried to start a nuclear war

Anybody that praises him is a dirty commie

He looks pretty cool and survived a fuck ton of US black ops assassination attempts.


I don't get why he's praised either. Stalinist "communists" have all been shit leaders.

I even am a supporter of some socialist programs like socialized medicine (only way I think we'll drive our costs down without being barbaric and just letting people die in the streets and denying coverage for preexisting conditions), and I guess I was a Bernie Bro, but the way Soviet and Chinese style socialism works is just awful, depriving people of rights to try and force them into some antpile like existence. Soviets gave socialism as a whole a bad name and now anyone who mentions anything about any socialist programs like healthcare, education gets seen as someone who wants to strip away the right to bear arms, the right to free speech, and the right to own property.

Fuck Lenin, Fuck Stalin, fuck Mao, and fuck Castro.

Cuba is 80% black because all the white people left after Castro took power.

>Those people vote democrat.

Cuba refugees vote republican. The ones that vote democrat are the kids of those refugees.

Latino here,
People like him because he gave US interventionism the finger, Miami Cubans hate him because they were an upper class as a result of that intervention.

I don't agree with his leadership though.

Stalinism>>>>>>Trotskyism, neoliberalism and neocons

The real Castro red pill is that his son is continuing his work in Canada

Cuba is about 50% mulatto, and 35% white. The rest is black.

A lot of white people did leave because they knew they were going to lose a lot of their shit, or that they wouldn't be as much of an upper class.


They had to have a literal revolution to overthrow the American-appointed rule. I'd say he resisted a lot.

His entire life was basically a giant iddle finger to the Great Satan (murrica)

the US media propelled him to power, as Stefan explains

they posed Castro as a moderate rebel against a bad dictator, they did so even after the coup and following atrocities, but oy vey in a year he gone full ISIS

>Comparing Castro to ISIS


the missile crises of 1962 is a joke?

he could have done to the US what ISIS can't even think of

I'm libertarian, but even I have to respect this guy.

> Kicks out US puppet from Cuba, returning it and its resources to the people
> Lifts most of country out of poverty
> Successfully ruled an island for over half a century
> Survived countless assassination attempts
> Didn't like the Soviet Union and negotiated well so that Cuba could not be either country's
> Kicked out triggered Yankee invaders who tried to get back the land that they stole
> Endless trolling of Americans
> United nations that seeked to remain independent
> Fought apartheid in South Africa (Sup Forums will not like this)
> Survived 90 years after smoking so many cigars
> Remains a symbol of national strength and pride to Cubans
> His son Justin became Prime Minister of another country

He did some very shitty things and I hear that even he regretted going full on Marxist since it failed economically, but he achieved a lot and lived one hell of a life. An interesting historical figure who has finally passed away.

How is that Cuba's fault? It was literally the US and USSR fighting as usual. Cuba was just a satellite state.
The one who genuinely wanted nuclear was Che.

Commie buffoon

You forgot to mention that Castro was one of the greatest US sources of inside info on the Soviets. Yes...Castro was a great intelligence coup of the United States.

justin pls

He was actually pretty right wing and a nationalist. Only thing left wing were his economics and I think he said that he regretted going so full on Marxist.

I hear that he put gays and Jehovah's Witnesses in labour camps or something, you'll have to look it up. If true, what an asshole.

That's a positive in my book since USSR were filthy commies trying to spread it to other countries, so USA knowing their plans is good.

If you think Castro died in 2016 you are a literal cuckold
Take this truth bomb

Spic commie who btfo Americans and survived countless assassination attempts/counter coups, of course they will be mad.

>pre existing conditions.

When will this shitty meme die? It's alarming how many americans can fall for something that doesn't stand up to a modicum of critical thought.

Because Cuba has better healthcare than the USA, and it's free.

Because of insurance, health care costs are so expensive that nobody can afford it without insurance.

If someone has an autoimmune disease they get prescribed Humira, Humira costs over $4000 a month out of pocket.