
does America accept that 5% of the population (middle aged black males) commit 50% of all violent crime without deporting them back to Africa?

I don't get it, you have no "muh historic guilt" or whatever, you are just voluntarily cucking yourselves?

Other urls found in this thread:

cjr.sagepub.com/content/18/2/182.full.pdf html

You cant deport citizens who were born here. We CAN get rid of the ones who came here illegally tho.

Why don't you try hiring them?

"Citizenship" is just a legal construct, you could say "no nogs allowed".

They are cucks and they are fucked unless they bring back slavery and take away voting rights from women.

>"Citizenship" is just a legal construct
Changing the concept of citizenship opens up dangerous precedent. If being born in country X doesnt make one a citizen, what does, and who gets to define that?

Literally only in the US and Germany being born there makes you a citizen.

we're not allowed to talk about it

we're supposed to blame guns and republicans

for my country? buying a passport.

> Being born in Germany makes you a citizen.
Yep, that settles it. Germany is irreversibly fucked.

Why don't we try hiring rapists and thugs? Why don't you hire a few as domestics for your wife when you're not home?

Why CAN'T we? Because it's the law? Laws change. If we deported every fucking nigger that commits a crime, instead of putting them through fucking revolving door prisons where they can buttfuck whites, that 5% would go to zero. GET THEM ALL THE FUCK OUT!

>Perfectly explaining why we need fascism

>mfw they are suggesting deportation
They must be put in prison. A total of 10 crimes or more committed will lead to the death penalty. We can't just deport them to places where they don't have citizenship.

Just give some African warlord a few gibs - bäm, citizenship for your criminals.

>deporting them back to Africa
We can't. They were born here and most blacks are the decedents of slaves, so even if there was a program to deport them, we wouldn't know where, because the records on where slaves originated from are sketchy/non-existent, not to mention the difficulty of tracing everyone's ancestry to that slave that came from wherever. If anywhere, Europe is the place that can deport Africans.

plz send halp, austria

Kek, we are even more cucked, because muh historic guilt and your great reeducation "pwogamz".

How do we ward off libshits though? Will we make the idea popular through hashtags?

Whites commit more crime and are more impoverished in aggregate

shouldnt toss stones in a glass house

>Whites commit more crime and are more impoverished in aggregate
Get out JIDF.

I do not so admit. I would say that poverty and employment are statistically significantly linked to crime though.


Actually take the red pill and learn WHY crime happens not why pol thinks it does.

>Whites commit more crime and are more impoverished in aggregate
blacks actually commit nominally more murders per year than whites, they not only commit more murders per capita but 13% of the country actually commits more murders total than 65% of the country.


We should judge crimes based on their nigger level

High nigger level - stealing a 40 and shooting the shopkeeper
Low nigger level - blackmail

>posts dubiously sourced stromcuck meme instead of trying to refute what he has green texted

Whites commit more crimes than blacks in aggregate

why arnt you upset about white on white crime? No compassion for your people?

So at the end of the day when you add up all the criminals the majority of them are ____?


Take a look at , and why do you seem to space your posts like this? It's almost as if you are a redditor. Boy I wonder.

Whites are a majority so it's logical to say that Whites commit the most TOTAL crime. But in terms of percentage Blacks commit the highest rate of interest crime. Not only that but they committed the most TOTAL HOMICIDE despite being 13% of the population in I think 2013

Because i like spaces faggot. Ive been here since the first stormcuck invasion of /new/. You faggots will get BTFO as always but enjoy the time you have before youre made to crawl back under your rock

That is complete bullshit.

>instantly stops using spaces
You call it an invasion, I call it a claim of our righteous clay. We'll see who wins this civil war.

why shouldn't anti crime efforts be centered around the people who are accountable for the most total crime?


niggers are impoverished and crime ridden for the same reasons, they are niggers

>Deport people who break the law
>Deomcrats gain power
>Democrats start deporting people who misgender leftist cucks
See how this could be a problem?
>Thinking fascism is anything other than a meme-tier ideology.

Blame ius soli for that. You're the only continent still believing in this shit

ahhh, very astute observation. Why are poor whites impoverished and crime ridden at the same level as niggers?

poor impoverished white people commit less crimes than rich blacks.

>Tfw glorious France has cuck-tier jus soli

>Effectively brings germany out of economical crisis that make the Great depression pale in comparison
>Brings together the people of germany and actually for the first time in history manages to create a working socialist state
>Only meme ideology

Gtfo libtard, The only error hitler did was to lose the war

impoverished whites do not commit the same amount of crime, they commit less you dunce.

That is false. Check my link.

That is false. Check my link.

>does America accept that 5% of the population (middle aged black males) commit 50% of all violent crime without deporting them back to Africa?

If they just deport criminal blacks I can understand why deport black people who do actually contribute to society, like doctors and engineers.

where is safer, poor white neighborhood or nigger middle class neighborhood?

huh my parents are immigrants and I was born here and got the Dutch nationality.

Unable to refute my link I see. So you concede?

The sourced answer to your question is b - although the recentness of class mobility influences propensity toward crime (indicating a 'stickyness' to learned norms and behaviors). Given a generation or two behavior aligns itself with the norm for the income group.

any proof?

I've had niggers born in middle class neighborhood to rich white families and they are no different to any nigger.

established nigger neighborhoods which are middle class are worse than poor white neighborhoods, this is fact, you can make up any amount of excuses that you want.

you can't just offload them onto another country in this day and age

maybe one day when we colonize the moon we'll ship them off to have their own colony on the moon

>you can't just offload them onto another country in this day and age
Mexicans do this in this day and age.

Germany seems to want some workers to replace their birthrate and workers, send all the blacks there.

The idea that we are "identical" race is a lie. There is quite some difference in things such as iq and i also belive that there are some difference in instincts and how much they effect diffrent individuals race from race. By just lookin at medical pappers from blacks you can affirm that they are indeed black

>does America accept that 5% of the population (middle aged black males) commit 50% of all violent crime without deporting them back to Africa?
But user, that would be racist.
You can't do that.

Be me
>post peer reviewed study
>tells people to click link
>multiple times

Be pol:
>any proof?

Consider that babies adopted at birth have the same crime rate as their adoptive parent.

This is *not* a fact. This is something you read on Sup Forums.

it's fact, that is as observable as a rock falling down, propaganda "research" doesn't mean shit.

>facts don't matter
>actual observation does not matter
>only my feels on a subject matter

Typical pol reply. Get out of your safe space user and take a real red pill.

middle aged means being in your 40s to 60s. I know it's retarded, but that's what the term means.

They are waiting for Don Black to tell them how to respond
desperately searching Stormcuck forums for a "refutation"
Either trolls or stupid not sure

First of all, it is likely that whites report crimes at a higher rate than blacks. Second, victimization seems vague to me. It bothers me that they use this term rather than crime, since victimization implies that they were counting who the crime victimized rather than who committed the crime.

>it is likely that whites report crimes at a higher rate than blacks

Fair, what is the variance and would it have any impact on the veracity of the findings?

It is a technical term.

You are a leaf and by pol standards your opinion is already shit.

(middle-age blacks)
Nah. It's more black 16-30 years olds that do it. By 35 most of them calm down or get killed. By middle age (40-50) they often law abiding but occasionally get into minor domestic disputes.

I'm not sure what the variance is, but blacks have been shown to be more likely to lie about crimes so it wouldn't surprise me if they also lied about this. Also I read a bit more,

"This report uses data from the National Crime Victimization
Survey (NCVS) to describe the nature of nonfatal violence
against persons age 12 or older living in households
defined by their percentage above, at, or below the FPL, as
measured by the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services (see Methodology)."

So all this study proves as far as I can tell is that white people and black people are just as likely to be attacked violently when below the poverty level. It says nothing about black vs white crime, only victimization. Still an interesting study, just not exactly a BTFO for Sup Forums.

Families in poverty are less likely to report crime.

Yes, crime tendency is directly and statistically significantly tied to community makeup. So it is pretty much a btfo pol.

Variance is a measurement for difference.

Further supporting documentation:
cjr.sagepub.com/content/18/2/182.full.pdf html


I'd be willing to bet that most impoverished whites live in impoverished black neighborhoods and not the other way around. And even if white and black impoverished neighborhoods were segregated, they would still likely be nearby, which would mean mixing of the impoverished groups, and thus low rates of criminality. Do you have any studies talking about impoverished crime statistics by race specifically? I've yet to see any decent research on the topic.

Because Jews tell us it's okay

Liberia's open

You would be incorrect. Impoverished communities are highly segregated and not typically "nearby".
>Do you have any studies talking about impoverished crime statistics by race specifically?
cjr.sagepub.com/content/18/2/182.full.pdf html

Lincoln fucking tried but Southern cucks decided to fucking cap his head. The south deserves all their wonderful blacks they oh so wanted.

I read the abstract, the full article is subscription only. It seems to have nothing to do with segregation based on race, only inequality based on income. Maybe you could screenshot some of the important parts from it or something? I live in Cucknada so I don't know what poverty is desu.


Here is another one. Read about clustering.

You were asking about if there were segregated communities as it relates to my original article. THat was the question I am trying to answer for you.

Sorry about the slow replies, I am watching 'Murican Football.

>Quotes study that excludes fatal criminal activity
>Implying nogs don't have significantly higher murder rates when adjusted for population

You got me there. I'll certainly look more into this, but I definitely still think that there are many reasons for the victimization difference. It's difficult to pin down the reason when there are so many factors like welfare use, reporting of victimization, type of crime(I notice the first study you posted considers only non-fatal victimization), etc. I also find this hard to believe considering the gang-culture of impoverished black communities, which doesn't exist on anywhere near the same scale in white impoverished communities. As I said before, if you could post a study on crime by poverty level and race rather than just victimization I'd be stumped.

Because they constantly talk with ebonics. They do not dress nor act the part to be employed. Why the would an employer want to hire someone who sounded and acted ghetto?

The fact it species one type of crime yet looks across all races is unimportant to the findings.


"The results of this analysis buttressed two basic
theses derived from the work of Blau and his colleagues
and by
. In agreement with
the relative deprivation thesis, both the overall violent
crime rate and the Black-on-Black crime rate were
predicted by the measure of economic inequality
(income inequality) generally employed in prior studies.
Consistent with the macrostructural theory of intergroup
relations, racial segregation was shown to be associated
inversely with one of two forms of interracial crime,
White-on-Black crime. This finding supported
Blau's (1977)
thesis that intergroup contact of any kind
decreased as segregation
The results of this analysis showed clearly that the
effects of economic inequality on rates of violent crime
were consistent with the work of Blau and his
associates. The failure of prior research to unearth
evidence that established a relationship between Black
crime rates and economic inequality was most likely due
to the methodological limitations outlined earlier,namely, the use of homicides as a measure of crime. The
use of the four dyads had provided a richer framework
for exploring the effects of economic inequality and the
way in which these effects differed by dyad grouping.
The vast majority of studies conducted to date restricted
their attention to models that allowed for an economic
inequality-crime effect, but that precluded the prospect
of race-specific inequality influencing race-specific
offender/victim crime dyads.
Further, if one was to accept the relative deprivation
thesis, the current study also provided insight as to how
economic inequality might inspire Black crime.
interracial economic inequality appeared to be more
salient for understanding variation in Black crime than
intraracial predictors.

Then start a narrative of voluntary repatriation instead. Proclaim with a tear in the eye and an aching heart how terrible it must be to have been torn from your ancestral homeland and how this disgraceful wrong needs to be corrected by aiding them to return to the bosom where they can live like Kings with suitable reparations on top.

But of course they must renounce their citizenship.

niggers were never meant to be actual citizens of the usa. they actually don't belong here

>does America accept that 5% of the population (middle aged black males) commit 50% of all violent crime without deporting them back to Africa?

Look, everyone but the niggers and the Liberals know that they need to be sent back to Africa.

With the current climate + Liberal agenda smeared everywhere, we were lucky to get Trump in. He didn't get in just because of his political views: he was elected to send a message to the left that the game is coming to an end.

If we put enough pressure on Trump & Co from the right, we can start to get things done. The Liberals will never part with their beloved pet niggers (without being forced to by the rest of us) before the illegals are gone (and they won't really like that either, but it will be an easier pill to start with).

If we can keep the pressure on, the niggers will be on their way out and the Libs that can't live without them can go too. We have no use for either as they are both a major drain on this country.

Here's hoping.

He states that the rate of fatality is not important, but as far as I can tell he doesn't say why. I don't see why it isn't an important factor to consider, there is a huge difference between robbing someone at knife point and a drive-by shooting. Unless they were trying to isolate day-to-day impoverished conditions by removing gang-culture from the equation, which would be moronic since day-to-day life in a black ghetto is 75% gang culture.

You can find issue with any study. If you applied 10% of the incredulity you display here to the retarded info-graphics that pol likes to use as 'proof' you would find enormous gaping holes.

Anyway, If I shoot at you and miss that is somehow significantly different than if I hit and kill you irt crime. Maybe at the extreme margins but unlikely to impact the statistically significant findings.

My point was that black people may be more likely to kill each other whereas white people may be more likely to beat their kids or rob people. The study is too vague to really know. And that depends to be honest. Some of the infographics are actually quite correct and reputable with the evidence and source. The only big issue with them is that a lot of them misuse the information and misrepresent it. Still bad, but it's not like any of the autists on this board are going to do anything that matters.

Look up how hard it is to make a constitutional amendment and then realize we are a 60% white country

Classes of crime can be debated. If you can find some support for your claim I would read it.

The study itself is a meta-analysis, sorta. That makes it vague by design...however we are having a vague discussion (race vs crime vs poverty) that is a huge topic and specifics are less critical than the big picture.

>deport native born american to another country


>anchor babies


I have no evidence for it other than murder rates for blacks being so much higher than for whites in general. And if you need a source for that I can get you one, but I'd be a little surprised if you haven't seen the statistics yourself. And the lack of information makes it difficult to take a decisive stand on the issue, but you can't deny that the black community has a crime problem, only the cause of the crime problem. And if the cause of the crime problem is indeed poverty, then the next thing to look at is what causes poverty. Whitey holding tyrone down, or racism?

*Whitey holding tyrone down, or intelligence*

So the ONLY piece of evidence you base a fundemental opinion on is from a single data point that is related to other facts but subsumed by them in importance.

I recommend broadening your aperture.

But sure source it. I am pretty sure I can find flaws in the logic and methodology.