Intelligent black man here. Does American really hate black people or just nuggers...

Intelligent black man here. Does American really hate black people or just nuggers? Most if my friends are white and aren't openly racist. How would American actually benefit from removing nuggers completely? Also ask me anything. P.S. I only date white woman (white is right).

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>Intelligent black man here

>intelligent black man

Worst meme to spew out of here

Multi-ethnic society: Yes
Multi-cultural society: Fuck off

>Intelligent black man here.
from Ukraine?

Multi-ethnic society: No
Multi-cultural society: Don't care

A nigger is a nigger neck yourself

>Intelligent black man
obvious b8 is obvious

>Intelligent black man

You're the type to say "Pussy is pussy man.. Fuck fat bitches all day!"


ask him

They aren't racist around you.

If I had a black pal I probably wouldn't spew pol-tier nig jokes around him too.

Thought what good would he be if he couldn't take the banter?

In my opinion the problem is with the clash of cultures and ethnicities, which is going to happen in a multiculti society no matter what. It's not impossible that there are civilized black people of course but whites and blacks should live apart nevertheless. Don't care about blacks on their own, I just think it would be better this way.

post a timestamped photo of your hand.

>intelligent black man
Calling yourself intelligent is douchey. Never do it again. And no fuck face, they don't look at individuals are niggers, but most people in the ghetto do think blacks as a collective have problems. Nobody hates you fuck face.

I love a good joke. My oldest friend who's Mexican makes almost exclusively black jokes and i think they're hilarious. But maybe that's because I was redpilled early on in life and I've learned to rise above those who think themselves above me. I've even worked with people who were racist outside of work but never in the office.

Based Tommy Sotomayor

>intelligent black man here

i know the difference between black people and niggers

and i hate niggers.

if i can close my eyes and not be able to tell what race you are, you are white, a productive member of society and worthy of being my friend.

>African intellectuals



How come whenever a black person is on a news or talk show they always bring up race issues? Even when no one else was talking about race?

since when is octaroon considered "black"

Thomas Sowell

Then who would all the whites shoot and murder if all the black were separated?

Sure u r

You're welcome

>He bought the "civic nationalist" maymay

Name of the bitch? Google gives me nothing.

there are 36M african americans in US.
1M are in jail, fuck them
25M are in welfare, fuck them
The rest can get the benefit of the doubt.

All this fucking hoopla for about 4% of the population of this country

I would take a fucking bullet for Thomas Sowell, Jakari Jackson, Sheriff David Clark, hell, lots of black guys.

This crap that we just hate black skin is such fucking bullshit.

We absolutely run this shit as a meritocracy. Always have, always will. And those shitheads who hate you no matter what because of your kin color, those guys are just retards, okay? And they're not with us, they just like to think they are.

Trust me, if I saw a bunch of whites about to lynch Thomas Sowell, I'd fucking crack all their skulls just like I would if they were niggers trying to lynch Ron Paul. The only color I'd fucking see is red.

sage and report cuck threads

My best friend is black. He teaches math to middle schoolers at a shitty school because he wants to help other brown people. Problem is there are so many of them who are raised in a culture that does not value the way most white people become successful. Then a lot of those people end up being angry because they see white people are successful, and think it's due to keeping the others down as opposed to doing something of value. Some people are just destined to live shitty lives, and a lot of those people are black.

Because most black people aren't educated. Furthermore, a lot of people make that same mistake but I'll focus on my race as an example.

A lot of black people just don't trust the system (just like native Americans... Digressing) because they feel like they've been wrong in the past or present. In some cases yes, but for the majority the hold on to this sense of entitlement because of what happened in the past. They feel something is owed to them. I personally side with Jack Nicholsons' character in the Departed; "no one gives it to you. You have to take it non serviam".

Not to mention the media is just an extension of the entertainment industry. They want dumb stupid voices to be heard and criticized. How else could they stay relevant and further the agenda (divided & conquer)?

>He bought the "civic nationalism is a maymay" maymay

This Chris Rock meme has been played out. A black man is a nigger. Stop kidding yourself.

Jessica "Beal" is how you spell it I think

>How would American actually benefit from removing nuggers completely?

Well there would ba a lot fewer hate crimes.

A lot fewer dead cops.

And a lot fewer murders.

Well said.


>Intelligent black man here

Literally a meme ideology for people too scared to be "rayciss"

>Intelligent black man

As a black guy, it's an appreciated sentiment.
The ones on Sup Forums who actually hate black people are the same ones who say that the intense relations between blacks and whites are thanks to the Jews despite the fact that they y'know hate blacks on their own accord.

I can understand Europeans being scared of immigrants but I don't see how white americans can be when we have been a melting pot for many years.

A melting pot... of white europeans. Prior to the Hart-Cellar act of 1965, this country was over 90% white

And no most white Americans don't actually hate black people.
Also "intelligent black guy" gives my enough second-hand pretentiousness to actually consider killing myself.

The US used to be around 85% white until post- World War II and has gone down to like 75% now.
But yeah it depends on where you go, some places in the South or the ports on the East Coast are pretty tolerant and melting pot-ish


my point still stands because even prior to act there was no ban on non-whites from entering the country. Was it harder? sure, but you really have to do a lot of mental gymnastics to kid yourself into thinking America was meant to be a white utopia

nice quads

Makes sense seeing how there was no such thing as a "white utopia", like we imagine today.
Germans, British, French, Russians, Irish all basically segregated themselves and kind of hated each other.

There were race based quotas specifically designed to maintain a massive white majority. The founding fathers only intended for white people to be citizens. They were the original white nationalists

>Intelligent black man here
Rare species.

Everyone hates niggers.

>intended for white people to be citizens

I guess that huge fight over slaves being granted citizenship (the one that that almost lead to the colonies being split in half before the revolution even began) never happened and was instead an argument over who was the whitest lol

everyone hates niggers
ones who aren't niggers usually are liked, rarely hated, but often just begrudgingly accepted

just nationalism at it's finest. Even the Irish that came here were treated like trash for awhile


That was because of Lincoln and the Republicans, after all the founding fathers were dead. From the outset, the USA was intended to be an outpost of Europe in America, populated by largely Europeans with some African slaves.

Forgot link:

>Intelligent black man here
Stopped reading


>Intelligent black man here
>P.S. I only date white woman

Would love to help m8 but blacks hate us trying to help their communities.

man where did they get those sweet duds with all the words on'em

Just hate niggers. In fact I call white people and Mexican people too. If you're acting like a nigger and have the mindset of a nigger, I'm going to call you a nigger


I'm not talking about the civil war i'm talking about the debate the founding fathers were spilt on when they were trying to build support for war against great Britain. Many felt like it would be hypocritical to allow slavery to continue in America when it was being built as a land of freedom and opportunity for the poorest and richest. Sadly many cotton states didn't want to give up their economy and threatened not to support a revolution if it meant a end to slavery.

>Intelligent black man here.

America would benefit from removing the blacks, not only would you have less of the budget being taken up by frankly useless people but crime would go down.

Only question I have is: Are you regularly called an Uncle Tom for supposedly not being a hood rat?

If you asked the founding fathers if they intended for white people to become a minority in the US, the answer would be a resounding no. If you asked white Americans in the 1960s if their vision for a future America included the minoritization of white people, they would have said no. The 1965 immigration act was passed based on a false promise from its creators that it "would not disrupt the ethnic balance of our communities."

Most of us don't hate blacks, just inner city niggers. And all degenerates and people incapable of following simple rules, for that matter.
I'd say the smartest solution, however, would be to reform their inner cities and raise the mext generation as fully functional members of society.

I am an American living in Canada and I do believe that Americans really only hate nuggers.
They are a drain on tax dollars, a problem in society seeing as they are a minority but cause a huge majority of homicides.
They abandon their children and commit crimes.
Fuck them all.
Men like you are a glimmer of hope for the black community.

I'm often called "white" for being able to string together a complete sentence. In my opinion, this is just evidence to support the fact that white people are insecure about their place in society. They can't even give credit where credit is due. It's embarrassing to listen to people call me white because I can read a book or hold a conversation for more that 5 minutes.

half of the founding fathers would have said no for different reasons not because they wanted their race to be supreme. As good as they were on predicating how the future would they couldn't see the culture changes what would effect every race in the world.

I bring up the change in culture because that was an unexpected result of the bill not it's intention. What's done is done and our next move should be how do stop illegals from coming through and how do we better check people coming in from all over the world. After that we should focus on something democrats have ben destroying for awhile and that is the need for immigrants to shape to Americas culture not and not the other way around.

I don't hate intelligent black men, I would just prefer them out of my country.

>P.S. I only date white woman
Nevermind, you deserve to hang you fucking nigger.

>P.S. I only date white women

Uncle Tom (SHILL) end yourself you don't belong here.

Most people just hate niggers that go around robbing people and shit. In fact, I'd say an intellectual black man is extremely attractive to others, or at least white women. Blacks are natural more manly than white dudes, so one that acts civil, is educated but still has that black sense of humor, then they're really popular. Just from what I've noticed.

If you're so goddamned intelligent then figure out a way to keep your people in line. Otherwise you can leave with the rest.

It's not about supremacy. That's a leftist narrative. It's just about having our own country. Japan is 99% ethnically Japanese. They don't let in immigrants. Are they "evil Japanese supremacists"?

>I only date white woman (white is right).
Your inferiority complex is showing.

Your country? When did you purchase it fuck face?

no because they are a different country built on different principals. you can't reverse all of American history just because you want your own country. You have to deal with the many of non white Americans that call this place their home and if you can't deal with it then move to a European country that caters to your ideals

America is a white man's country. Go home nigger, and take your coalburning whore with you.

if we are sending people out of America than you go back to Europe.

You're the one who wants to reverse American history. The USA was never, NEVER intended to be a white minority country. It was founded as a European outpost in America, to be populated largely by Europeans with a small minority of African slaves. The idea of a "proposition nation," and the "melting pot," are recent inventions. It was never intended to be deracinated and turned into a mixed race multicultural mongrel nation where no one feels at home.

Our people* fag

Genetics dumb ass. Read a fucking book you waste of space Your DNA is made to seek out diversity. When white girls stop being attractive dirty fucking whores, I'll stop fucking them.

I don't mind an intelligent nog, but if you were really smart, you'd stay within your own race. There is something to be said about the health risks of miscegenation, and black women really are not any worse than white women.

Or because the only reason they're brought on is for whites to ask them about race?

Fox News does it all the time

Oh really? You're just interpreting past events to suit your narrative. Get one of the founding fathers on Sup Forums to answer questions and then we'll see what they reall ment fuck tard.

>NEVER intended to be a white minority

and who's fault is that? you guys have been having less and less babies every year due to a culture change within your own race.

Europeans were mostly allowed because at the time those areas were the most civilized of the world. Things change and as a result America has opened it's borders to people of all different walks of life(mind you it's still pretty hard for anyone to come in legally and very time consuming).

>where no one feels at home.

the only people who feel like that are the small number of people from each race that blindly believe they alone own this country. Blacks and Asians claiming they built America, Hispanics saying they own half our land, whites saying they sued it better so they own it, it's all the same and each of you sound just as retarded as the last.

Stop acting like a nigger, neger.

>Intelligent black man


Maybe in your part of the world but I personally find black woman to be horribly unfeminine.

should read as whites saying they used it better
so they own it


>Your DNA is made to seek out diversity.
That's not how it works. Stop reading pop science magazines.