What's with all the Fidel Castro dick-sucking from various world governments, Sup Forums? Like...

What's with all the Fidel Castro dick-sucking from various world governments, Sup Forums? Like, I get that they're all globalists commies, but most people have at least some idea of what went on in Cuba and/or what happens during the missile crisis. Most normal people recognize that he was a dictator.

Everyone I've talked to, even normies, have responded to all the government eulogies and dicksucking with a "what the fuck?"

So, even if they are globalist commies, publicly mourning Castro looks bad. What's their end-game here? I really don't get it. It's extremely suspicious, but I don't see the motive.

It's hard to tell who's actually playing the game, and who's just a brainwashed pawn in government anymore.

Like most communist leaders, opinion on Castro is highly divided. He wasn't a complete bloodsucking monster like edgy retards on here claim nor was he a revolutionary hero like college libs with no idea of the real world claim. He modernized the infrastructure, education and health care of Cuba but he was also a sneaky fuck supporting communists in Colombia and had an extremely repressive regime.

He reminds me a lot of Hoxha, a dictator I had the (un) fortunate of living under. Brutal guy, jailed people just for having beards, but he turned his country from an illiterate farmer shithole to a slightly modernized literate urban shithole. Sometimes you need an iron hand to do that. Guy was still a dick though

Trying to make Communism (well Authoritarian Radio-controlled Socialism really) a reality.

Look who praised him, it shows their true colours - RED.

This is the world they actually want, and are actually working towards. It should fucking scare you.

Compare Cuba today to hispanic countries that bent at the knee to capitalist Am*rican imperialism.

Without Castro and communism the population would be illiterate slaves working for the US kikes

>he wasn't a complete bloodsucking monster

He was just as bad as Stalin or Mao or Pol Pot.

That's the thing I don't get though. Most normies don't like Castro.

Government leaders publicly mourning him seems like a really bad way to show your hand, y'know?

Or Pinochet or Trujillo...

>Without Castro
Pathetic communist .




Castro was based
Cuba thrived under embargo
Cuban people are great

A curse on you shill, get cancer and die

You don't understand that Cuba was US' bitch by that time and Fidel stood up and told US of A to go fuck themselves.
He was a dictator, but he was at war. Compared to any man of power in charge, he was no worse than Obama or GWB.
Shitting on Castro, knowing what Cuba went through the past 70 years is actually very lame, especially form someone who pretend to love freedom and liberty.



>western politicians cucking for communist dictator

I don't remember Obama or Bush putting thousands of political dissidents in prison without a trial.

Or burning books for that matter.

Please you cunt, eachof those two killed from 1000 to 10000 times more people than he did at least.

>Cuba thrived under embargo
Being subsidized by the U.S.S.R. for years .

He's right. Castro was a tyrant but saved Cuba from looking like Haiti or El Salvador.

Normally I would agree, but I think a socialist push is coming very soon.

Like how every capitalist success story like South Korea was financed generously by the US?

Anyone have the supposed picture of Castro assassinated on the ground with a bullet in his forehead?

He sold out to the globalists long ago so they like him now.

Not directly, but they provided crucial aid to despots like Karimov, Niyazov, and the House of Saud.


>>western politicians cucking for communist dictator
No kidding !!! With Turdeau leading the pack .

After Russia stopped supporting Cuba the embargo was used as a competition shield for European and Israeli companies.

Some of them paid for this helpful embargo by donating to the US politicians who maintained it.

I don't think the literal Israeli intelligence agents who started a bunch of totally legitimate farms in Cuba had to pay the US anything though.

>I don't remember Obama or Bush putting thousands of political dissidents.
True, neither A-stan Prisons, nor Guantanamo, or Abu-Grahib did exist while Castro was alive then... Nor did the US kill hundreds of so called terrorists ( and 10 times more civies) because they were trying to liberate their own country in A-stan, Yemen or Somalia. Surely those 3 countries declared war on America, is it?
I don't mind not liking a dictator, but don't you ever try to drap yourself in the cloth of justice and rigthousness.

Lol at your pathetic picture piece of shit shill

The Clintons alone have had 100+ people murdered
How many ritual pedophilia victims in the western world, since the 60s? how many witnesses and cops assassinated because of those affairs?

How many victims of colonial wars?

Get cancer and die, piece of shit shill

I don't give a fuck what my country does to other shitholes.

But killing your own citizens en masse is fucked up.

>Not Hillary

Let me put it this way: 200 million children in the world today sleep in the streets — none of them are Cuban.

Im not surprised europe, canada or spic nations wouldnt fellate him. His politica are in line with tjeir vision of the world. Im pissed by Obamas wishy washy statement, he really wanted to suck off castro, but had to at least maintain the illusion he didnt


Financed by the (((US)))

Well it's not Castro let a bunch of companies tied to the Clintons and all that shit operate in Cuba or anything.

>He's right. Castro was a tyrant but saved Cuba from looking like Haiti or El Salvador.

That's nothing to brag about . Apart from the resorts , real Cuba IS like Haiti and ElSalvador .

Hey, they provide free food cards to all citizens! Except for how they stopped doing that, it was a great success for leftism!

castro was a bull

you'd provide free food cards to everyone too, if your country didn't have food anyway.

>hey, I put three slabs of asbestos together and called it a house, now sleep in it or I'll kill you


The similarities are uncanny...


At least uncle castro knew the score on faggots.

All goberments want power and Castro had it.

Not exactly. People in Cuba are very poor but at least they have housing, probably a job, a long life expectancy, unusually good health for the region, very little child malnutrition, protection from natural disasters, and guaranteed access to education. You can find this in neutral reports like those of UNICEF.

Shut the fuck up, you stupid, ignorant leaf.

>neutral reports
pick one

Child malnutrition has been reported as very low by virtually all humanitarian groups and observers. That's rare for a Latin American country, especially one that poor.

Are you seriously calling UNICEF a communist shill group?

Oh I'm so sorry !!! Did i trigger you Francois????

How many millions have suffered and perished under your communism ?

Choke on a croissant !!

They are just being honest now. They have enough support that they are willing to show their true selves.

Why the fuck is it, that when a commie dictator is in power, it's OK to idolize him.
But when it's a fascist dictator it's just the worst!!!!
Or when it's a dictator that tries to defend its nations freedom from the multinationals and terrorists it also pure evil!!!!!!!

>et me put it this way: 200 million children in the world today sleep in the streets — none of them are Cuban.
yeah can you prove it have you gone to cuba? have you actually even seen it in pictures? or even talked to a Cuban at all? don't talk shit if can't prove it. Cuba is a shit hole and Cubans know it. Take your filth commie ass and kill yourself for the good of our country.

>But killing your own citizens en masse is fucked up.

Says the statian whose police kills its own people by thousand each year...


Lefties (read: Commies) live by the "By any means necessary" mentality. They don't care how many people suffer or die, as long as they can realise their dream.

Look at Corbyns response: he only mentioned that Castro created a nice healthcare system and made the schools better.

They don't care what it takes because they are all thirsty for the power the most known commies had. This is the reason we still have A LOT of people who are openly communist or leftist (but very authoritarian, ergo commies), regardless how many people died under communism.
They want to rule over the peasants and be the one who gives money to the poor.

The responses to Castro's death put a spotlight on a MASSIVE problem in our society: leftists are fine with communism and the horrors it brings with it, as long as they are the ones in charge.

>The similarities are uncanny...
Makes you really think .....

Leftist dictator = good

Right-wing anything = bad

That is literally all there is to it.

Castro was an illegitimate child, too, who doesn't look like any of his siblings.

Castro looks like some of Justin's family. Same ears as Charles. It goes BOTH WAYS

>Shut the fuck up, you stupid, ignorant leaf.

Go fuck your mother !!! Oh , that's right , you already did it !!!

It still blows my mine that being a little right from center and people compare you to Hitler (20m deaths), but when you call yourself the Socialist Party for the Workers of X, and no one will compare you with communists (100m deaths).

It's almost as it they don't care about the deaths under communism because they share the same end-goal...

The answer is simple, and depressing:

Communism won.

But that was only the first battle. Let's ensure they do not win the ones to come.

>What's their end-game here?
>I really don't get it. It's extremely suspicious, but I don't see the motive.
The thing is that they (the elite) play by a particurlar set of rules. They have to tell YOU what they are going to before they do it because then they have no moral responsibility what so ever. You and every one else is basically being served some court papers and if we don't show up to fight it they can send every one to the gulag with no moral culpability.

This is the rules that they play by. The information is out there and if people don't see it they are just dumb cattle that deserve what is coming.

Virtually every report I've seen on the subject agrees largely with him.

>Please you cunt, eachof those two killed from 1000 to 10000 times more people than he did at least.
Compare the population of Cuba to the population of Soviet and you will see that he was basically as brutal per capita as Stalin.

I don't think any one comes close to the death per capita as Pol Pot though.

Technically Castro was defending his people from multinationals and terrorists.

>qui-gon jin

Really shows that the commies won the Second World War and the Cold War.

>Be right wing
>Kill 3-6 million Jews
>Be all rounded up and executed
>No one can be openly right from center without being condemned

>Be left wing
>Lead to the death of about 100million
>Everyone in positions of power is sad when an OG of this ideology dies.
>Openly communist parties are generally accepted
>Western countries are all socialist with massive overreaching governments

We really need to start to bring the "better dead than red" mentality back.

That's cool but what does it have to do with their food card policy reversal? I'm not one of the folks arguing that the government needs to provide food for everyone for them to get food.

he's a relic from the cold war after all, I personally like Fidel even when communism is the worst shit ever, because he was a mastermind in politics and leadership. You gotta understand he was always respected especially in the third world, just like De Gaulle (complete opposite ideology of course) or other anti-american leaders of that era, regardless of ideology. An American probably wouldn't understand that and that's ok.

castro was a pile of shit and jill stien, cnn, and msnbc can go fuck themselves

they can move to cuba under his brother and see how they like it

t. south floridian

It's hip and trendy to be a commie, gotta appeal to all the cool kids these days.

>There are golf players that have played a perfect game the first time they played - non of them lives outside best korea

>1.5 million exiled
good they where (((american))) cocksuckers,
Cuba didn't want them.
It's also more humane to exile them then to kill them. many of the exiled where literally criminal scums too.
>firing squad
so what? It was the cuban version of the "day of the rope"
>Gays rounded up for re-education
This is Sup Forums you fucking leaf

>all leftists are communist
That's 100% bullshit and you know it.
Praising Castro's contributions and criticizing his faults is somewhat like how the USA praised the alleged contributions of François Duvalier while criticizing his extreme paranoia and fondness for mass murder...
Oops. Wrong story. The US praised Duvalier's regime and gave him generous funding while excusing or outright denying the possibility of his believing that he was a voodoo god or the fact that he killed tens of thousands.
Maybe a better comparison is the support for El Salvador's wartime regime, where we acknowledged their noble goals but condemned their faults.
Oops. Wrong again. We gave them money and weapons while remaining totally silent on their rampant war crimes.
I might be more accurate in mentioning the US support for Suharto. We recognized his ample contributions but heavily criticized him for his misdeeds.
Oopsies. Wrong again. We gave him hundreds of millions in aid while rationalizing and sometimes outright funding his genocidal killings and embezzlement of billions.
Gee. This is tricky...

Politicians jobs is playing games, these sort of things are never honest. They probably want to open Cuba for more trade and all that so they keep their message positive.

Trump can be seen to go against the mainstream on an inconsequential matter projecting the image of the independent rebel he wants to be.

US foreign policy hints otherwise.

He looked like a really old Varg

Whats wrong with being a dictator?

>muh 100 million billion
Demographically impossible.
Also, leftists and centrists here regularly get called communist. Ben Carson compared the Affordable Care Act to Lenin's coup.

forgot to add, he made King Nigger of America and the fucking pope bow to him, 100% respect after that

>This is Sup Forums you fucking leaf
Why don't you fuck off and die like castro did Sven !!!
You pathetic , communistic waste of humanity .

>demographically impossible

Could you delude yourself any harder?

Oh yeah that's why the most powerful country on earth is staunchly anti-socialist and has spent untold sums of money crushing leftist political groups worldwide and excusing it with vague mumbles about communist conspiracy. And why much of Europe has criminalized denying Soviet crimes on the continent and has relegated itself strictly to multiparty social democracy but is still called communist...
Really makes you think...

No. Look up the populations of the Russian Empire then of modern Russia+surrounding countries that were part of the USSR.

Russia is not the only commie shithole to kill millions of people. Mao killed at least 30M just in China

That's more believable, but population statistics and a little knowledge of reproductive biology discounts the possibility of a society-wide famine that killed 50 million people. Female fertility is suppressed when food is that rare.

I'm not even a commie but i rather side with a commie then liberal scums like you

>Most normal people
yea, thats it
most shit talks starts from this words

>Pay 30% or more of your property in tax under treat of jail/death
>Goverment is literally watching you inside your house
>The world's leaders are sad about the death of a communist dictator
>Media is owned by the state (directly or indirectly)
>Schools are all lefty strongholds
>Most powerful person in the EU worked at the Stasi
>Mainstream lefty in the UK was a Maoist
>Person who said breadlines in the Soviet Union were "a good thing" almost won the primary of a major US party

Wake the fuck up

>>Are you seriously calling UNICEF a communist shill group?

The way things are going soon Sup Forums will start calling the japan of communist

Even though he was a commie, I still have major respect for the dude. Everyone in the world tried to play him, and his tiny little backwater country survived every attempt to subvert them. He's the one guy that the CIA couldn't get, despite several hundred attempts on his life. This man, though I may not agree with his politics, is someone to be respected.
>why can't Sup Forums respect their enemies?

authoritarian leftists sympathize with one of their own

He's a commie fuck and a lot of Europe is in love with socialism/communism. They overlook how oppressive he was, his regime, all the people he killed, how he set Cuba back.

Y'know, because it wasn't REAL communism. Better dead than red, do not trust Commies.

You know the entire "600 attempts on his life"-meme came from HIS OWN GOVERNMENT? It was OBVIOUS commie propaganda.

>What is the Bay of Pigs
I'm sure you know a lot about CIA activities in Cuba user. Sure a lot of it is propaganda, but there were very many credible attempts on his life by a foreign party.

>One attempt failed
>I guess the commie saying they failed 600 times is a credible story

Kill yourself, seriously

>how he set Cuba back.
yes Cuba was a paradise under (((US))) puppet Batista

You don't know your history user. I'm not saying there were 600 legitimate attempts on his life, but you can't honestly say the CIA didn't pour a significant amount of resources in taking down Castro when the Bay of Pigs invasion happened.