>What is the wikileaks Podesta Pool Party
>What is James Alefentis doing on the Top 50 Most Influential People when he only owns a pizza parlor
>What is Comet Ping Pong receiving money from a George soros superPAC docquery.fec.gov/cgi-bin/fecimg/?14960793887
>What is $65,000 of pizza flown in from three states over for Obama's fundraiser
>What is the band Sex Stains doing at a parents-n-kids pizza parlor
>What is Comet Pizza's mass media article comparing Pizzagate with Hillary's health 'rumors'
>What is Podesta's incredibly disturbing art collection
>What is Jeffrey Epstein's island resort
>What is the pseudonym "J'aime L'enfents" doing in the Washington Post like anybody could take that seriously
>What is celebs posing with small children in photographs from the mock-cannibalism sex party attended by Lady Gaga
>What is Nambla's symbol doing on menus from Comet Ping Pong connected pizza chains
>What is the point of "pizza, plain, nothing on it"
>What is so difficult for a high-ranking politician and Hollywood fixer to obtain that you need to courier it in by plane from the other side of the US
>What is Wiener's private life insurance stash

Other urls found in this thread:




Cut me few slices




literally going out of your way to look in the wrong place

Bump. Good post.


The counter-signalling is real

I don't think this isn't even the tip of the iceberg user. Once the amount of damning evidence becomes so fucking overwhelming, that the mainstream media is literally unable to cover up, or turn a blind eye any longer, and all these filthy rats start jumping ship in an effort to protect the own backs, the depth and scale of this network will rock the fucking Earth.

>he believes in alt-right conspiracy theories

I just wanted to say, "fuck you Sup Forums, fuck you and your pizzagate bullshit."

I have a dairy allergy. Eating cheese gives me acne and diarrhea. Sadly, I also have a major weakness for pizza. Seeing these threads everyday is really fucking with my self control, making it all but impossible to keep from ordering pizza for dinner.

It's really fucking annoying, so stop it already.

We need some kind of hand sign to do so we can signal to eachother when shit hits the fan


>Pizzagate starts out
>Haha fucking pol going over the line this time
>More is uncovered and the rabbit hole goes deeper than ever thought possible
>Smug laughter transform into worried laughter
I don't want to believe

You can cringe all you want, I'll know friend from foe at the end of the day

Brotip: 'Shadilay' sounds like generic clap-happy Middle Eastern hippie nonsense to normies

ha true

Selfish prick

B-but that was my "secret handshake" face.

that's a good point

>my "secret handshake" face

So cute!!!

One offs are the proof of free will, praise kek

Can you see Russian sub from your Island my pagan friend ?

Very Jewy.

wipe it all out press on the fucking button .. once and for all ..


Sup Forums is always right

>What is the wikileaks Podesta Pool Party
nothing wrong with invading kids to a family pool party
>What is James Alefentis doing on the Top 50 Most Influential People when he only owns a pizza parlor
probably got put on it since hes friends with podesta
>What is Comet Ping Pong receiving money from a George soros superPAC
probably gets it for being friends with podesta
>What is $65,000 of pizza flown in from three states over for Obama's fundraiser
a lot of people work on a presidents fundraiser and they need a lot of food
>What is the band Sex Stains doing at a parents-n-kids pizza parlor
it's just a band name
>What is Comet Pizza's mass media article comparing Pizzagate with Hillary's health 'rumors'
well its true, stupid shit made up by people who hate hillary
>What is Podesta's incredibly disturbing art collection
nothing wrong with owning edgy art, sure everyone here has ten terabytes of hentai
>What is Jeffrey Epstein's island resort
not connected to comet pizza at all
>What is the pseudonym "J'aime L'enfents" doing in the Washington Post like anybody could take that seriously
nothing wrong with picking a dumb alias
>What is celebs posing with small children in photographs from the mock-cannibalism sex party attended by Lady Gaga
it's got about as much to do with cannibalism as that japanese thing where people eat sushi off of a models body
>What is Nambla's symbol doing on menus from Comet Ping Pong connected pizza chains
not everything with a triangle or heart shape has to do with pedophiles, for some odd reason a pizza place features triangle imagery
>What is the point of "pizza, plain, nothing on it"
some people dont like any toppings
>What is so difficult for a high-ranking politician and Hollywood fixer to obtain that you need to courier it in by plane from the other side of the US
these people take private planes every day
>What is Wiener's private life insurance stash
an unfounded twitter rumor not connected to comet pizza in any way


guys i will believe if James Alefantis' instagram is real
that shit is just way too fucked up
the only problem is, archive.org won't show it - is there any way to find an archive of it?

>nothing wrong with invading kids to a family pool party

Whoa brutal Freudian slip there britbongo

We really fucking lucked out that we wound up in the Trump timeline. He is going to make these fuckers pay, he already acknowledged the voter fraud on Twitter, he is the same man as always. The reason he looked down at the white house is probably because he found out how deep the rabbit hole really is.


This is exactly the thread I wanted to see

Lately I have been....FUCKING freaking out on people who deny pizzagate. They have NO argument besides "Its stupid" or "Shut up and stop spreading that bullshit" and I get triggered so fucking hard

I'm going to make stickers with QR codes on them linking to pizzagate videos and stick them all around my city. Anyone else want one?

>We really fucking lucked out that we wound up in the Trump timeline
Not really, there's an infinite amount. It's 50/50 really.

what is Kosovo Liberation army kidnapping organ and human traffiking

what is Podesta and Clinton Foundation doing with the people guilty of it

what did the clintons know about the breakup of yugoslavia

what did bush know about afghanistan and Iraq


>What is the wikileaks Podesta Pool Party
A pool party.
>What is James Alefentis doing on the Top 50 Most Influential People when he only owns a pizza parlor
List by who? Oh right, some random-ass magazine.
>What is Comet Ping Pong receiving money from a George soros superPAC docquery.fec.gov/cgi-bin/fecimg/?14960793887
Ask Soros.
>What is $65,000 of pizza flown in from three states over for Obama's fundraiser
>What is the band Sex Stains doing at a parents-n-kids pizza parlor
Probably performing.
>What is Comet Pizza's mass media article comparing Pizzagate with Hillary's health 'rumors'
Media laughing at your theories?
>What is Podesta's incredibly disturbing art collection
Modern art.
>What is Jeffrey Epstein's island resort
An island resort.
>What is the pseudonym "J'aime L'enfents" doing in the Washington Post like anybody could take that seriously
Ask him.
>What is celebs posing with small children in photographs from the mock-cannibalism sex party attended by Lady Gaga
Celebs posing with kids.
>What is Nambla's symbol doing on menus from Comet Ping Pong connected pizza chains
>What is the point of "pizza, plain, nothing on it"
>What is so difficult for a high-ranking politician and Hollywood fixer to obtain that you need to courier it in by plane from the other side of the US
Gee, why don't you tell me.
>What is Wiener's private life insurance stash
A private life insurance stash.


>those poor anons who lost the coinflip

you said its all bs fin ?

Stop embarrassing Sup Forums with this nonsense. 100% speculation. Not even enough to raise eyebrows. Just weird rich people shit taken out of context.

Dude, terrible argument.

Holy shit shill harder dude.

Do you realize how much pizza $65,000 will get you

a bit strange, but it's not as Sup Forums says imo
as long as modern art and shit like that is involved, it's bound to get weird


I guess his party attracted a lot of mouths to feed?

>>What is Comet Ping Pong receiving money from a George soros superPAC docquery.fec.gov/cgi-bin/fecimg/?14960793887

This just gets more and more fucked up.

Alright, so I'll allow you that yes it is possible these are just "coincidences" but can you refute the points made in this video


How do you explain the symbols that the FBI knows pedophiles use to alert others of their presence on the Besta Pizza logo, which they removed soon after Pizzagate got fired up and HOW, HOW IN THE FUCKING WORLD do you explain the coded language in the podesta emails? And if you say that theyre fabricated be ready to explain how because that would be an EXTREMELY strange and intricate trick to play on people to get them to turn against the government

Nice try, shillfag, but you can go die now

Wtf I'm a pizzagatist now



Breitbart had a hunch, he called him out

Fin, how do you explain this youtube.com/watch?v=IUGj5IhepMg

how do you explain #hotard

Why is the FBI allowing Jack Dorsey/Twitter to disseminate child pornography/pedophilia, which FBI already knows violates criminal statutes and case law?

Why isn't Arun Rao under investigation for his participation/collusion with Comet Ping Pong?

United States v. Shaffer, 472 F.3d 1219 (10th Cir. 2007)
Wenger v. State of Texas, 292 S.W.3d 191 (Tex. Crim.App. 2009)

pic related

>everything is always as it appears to be
>Hillary is fine, who cares that she collapsed just be a good goy and trust the MSM

>Probably performing.

Yes, """"performing""""

I wish it wasn't true user.

What did you expect. Jews like Pizza.

Podesta, you SOB.

It clearly wasn't pizza, it was cocaine or something.

t. former drug trafficker

(i don't doubt that kids get raped at Epsteins island and bunkers but most of this pizza code jumps right out as me as people discussing drugs and feeling clever.)

I'll just reply to these questions presented in this , since that's what I'm here for
>How do you explain the symbols that the FBI knows pedophiles use to alert others of their presence on the Besta Pizza logo, which they removed soon after Pizzagate got fired up
The logo bears a resemblance to a pizza slice. And I'd remove it as well, why would I want my company mixed up in weird theories even further?
>and HOW, HOW IN THE FUCKING WORLD do you explain the coded language in the podesta emails?
I am yet to see any basis for those decryptions. Where did they even come from?

Besides, a group usually has their own terms and language, and Podesta being a chef explains the usage of food terms

>inb4 lol shill doesn't watch video no replies

What's bothering me is all these photos of these people with infants and toddlers and reportedly no one can figure out who the parents of these children are. These babies we see these sickos posing with have likely already been raped to death and eaten by now. These people are so brazen they will post picks of their future victims online. They know that if they are photo'ed with an infant that no one can identify and no one reported missing, no one will even question it.

They are either stealing infants, "adopting" infants from underprivileged pregnant women, or some could be coming either coerced or willingly by members in satanism or other cults

Reminder: Pizzagate threads are doxxing and wit hunt threads which are illegal.

Report and hide all Pizzagate spams threads

fuck off

what should I do if I know something but don't want to implicate myself..I have seen things anons and I wish I hadn't.

>Andrew Breitbart: What's In Your Closet John Podesta?

hory sheit

Take your bullshit to /x. I'm glad these threads get deleted.

You go public, unless you implicate yourself your claims have no grounds.


What is Boy's Town Scandal of the 80s?

What is Franklin Prostitution Ring?

What is the Conspiracy of Silence Discovery Channel documentary?

kill yourself

>it's got about as much to do with cannibalism as that japanese thing where people eat sushi off of a models body
They eat sushi off a dead model body, ask your bosses for an invite sometime


Nice edge kid. Continue larping as batman in these pathetic threads

I will thanks

I dont want prison. it wouldn't be Norwegian prison bro. USA shank in the ass prison.

hellooo, i'm waiting for replies, calling all pizzagaters

Holy shit.

So you're saying that you would go to jail for implicating yourself?

Better start talking some larp shit or gtfo

politicians meet with other politicians all the time, doesnt mean they are involved in their dirty deals, she's met with a lot worse

those symbols are so abstract you can find them all over the place, I've seen people point out Sup Forums's logo looks like le pedo butterfly logo for example, and since people literally email them death threats they're now well aware of the connotations

>Believing that high-ranking government officials use an old internet meme name for child porn to refer to actual child porn

Good one.
I mean, I would love for a habbening like this to happen, but if you are going off of a literal meme I dont know what to tell you.

yes..by knowing the truth you are involved. that is how the system works. a conspiracy doesn't work voluntarily..but if every one who know the truth risks ruining their life forever just by knowing it?? this is the problem..half the people involved wish they were not.

This is podesta group

and you didnt answer my questions about george bush and Afghanistan and Iraq


How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.


These refute attempts are pure cancer.

>mfw andrew died of a ""heart attack"" after this

If you know the truth then spill it, if your version of the involuntary truth is so identifiable that you can't say it. It's probably either fake or voluntary.

If you're really serious then seek political assylum and leak your story or be a martyr.

I know. He had also said he was going to expose information about Obama just before he was "heart attacked" too

>1 post by this ID

The email one wasn't answered ether. I really would like to know the context of those emails.

>he was going to expose information about Obama

You repeating post numbers suggest all three are probably true.

it's a deep hole.

I work at a book store near Comet ping pong. Definitely a lot of odd get togethers there but nothing I can give you in the way of hard evidence.


I remember watching Breitbart that night.

It was at the CPAC convention where Breitbart said he will release video's on Barack Obama because Obama was never properly vetted in the 2008 election. "The videos will greatly affect the 2012 election and I will release them just before November" stated Breitbart.



excellent wabbit furfag


I think only elite pedophiles and unattended youths must be allowed for the viewings, in this "family, kid-friendly restaurant"

Yeah. He knew sumpink