When and how did you realise communism is better for everyone?

when and how did you realise communism is better for everyone?

When I learned that automation can be used to free undocumented laborers from wage slavery.

I always knew.

when i banged my head against the wall fifty times

There is zero evidence to support your claim.

>implying I give a fuck about undocumented slave laborers

Fuck em desu

Shortly after I realized my ultimate goal is to silence people who disagree with me politically

> when I understood, that, if implemented, much more people will be freed from the shackles (of existence)

Your memes don't work. Even Sup Forums was more discussion based before it turned into a shithole meme fest.

When I farted my boyfriends cum outta my ass

People are not ready. Applied Socialism is the way.

When I decided I didn't really wanna try in life and would rather have things handed to me.

Communism is a jewish idealogy

When I realized I love Jews and all things Jewish.

Top kek my atyafi gets it.

>Only in death is everyone equal.
>Communism wants everyoen to be equal.

I'm an American Capitalist. Why the fuck would any one not want the opportunity to do what I have done without a rich family, with government gimme programs, and with little money.

I'll take the OPPORTUNITY every time, nigga!



When I got brain damage

Lol they are overexerting


>better for (((everyone)))

When I realized I would like to subvert modern media and promote degeneracy.

when it killed more than any other regimen in place in the hole world. Humanity is a disease and communism is the cure.

You guys don't realise
Communism is better, you're not owned by the tycoons in the glass towers that own big corporations
You will be given what you need if you obey the rules and give back to humanity and make your father/motherland proud
It's sad how you are blindly following the media to consume, while making the corporations bigger, and making the state weaker
it's the state that should own you, so you can own the state
communism is for the people
not for the rich that got there with no effort

I really hated how retard get free money and I get less.

There has never been a successful communist society. Prove me wrong.

Pro tip: you can't.

It's not. A form of national socialism with further government control over economy and property is the key. The non existence of property and internationalism is a big mistake. Imagine lose everything to the government, even the computer/mobile phone you are using now.

How come its always a fucking portugese whos posting pro kike shit?
Portugal needs to be banned from Sup Forums

>computer/mobile phone you are using now.
Good, all I see in this fucking society is zombies looking at their device.
Not even caring about the world that is moving around them

You guys don't realize
National Socialism is better, you're not owned by the jews. You are able to do whatever you want, have your private business, live a free life.
It is sad how you are blindly following the media to consume, while making the jews stronger, and making the state and the people weaker.
The state provides for you at first, and then you return the favor to the state twice as much.
National Socialism is for the people, not for the lazy ones that get free stuff while they are able to work.



Internationalism is the friend of the big corporations. Nationalism is quite the opposite.

Reddit niggers aren't welcome here

Your clothes then. Imagine having nothing of yours.

>Just the other day when a bunch of you leddit faggots came here for an exercise in futility


So you're saying that they will make us naked?
And no clothes?
Now that's just an understatement

fucking nazi fags
good thing you were put down

When I realized that it is better for everybody to die horribly, but only after they lived their lives in misery and slavery.

Ban all hope
Ban all fun
Ban all rights

You would have clothes, but they would be federal property.

when i was 13
then i grew up

Cheap clothes, and not made overseas

It's a good thing true communism was never tried.

We are talking about internationalism. Maybe they would be made in China :P

When I realized I could rat some one out as the political opposition just because I didn't like them and they would be eliminated or at least have their livelihood destroyed. Ahh, liberalism is the best kind of "tolerance."

I'm not even a nazifag, but at least forms of fascism have been tried and found great success unlike communism.

Compared to USA
Mostly all the stuff is made over there, and less jobs here.
With a country like this, it was made for the people by the people

>hte j00s run the banks!!!1!1111!!!!1!!!!
>but they're not capitalists

C'mon neighbour, you know pure marxism is shit. Look at the USSR, Cuba, North Corea,...

when i tried to kill myself but didn't buy enough monoxide, so was left as a retard instead

Also, all those articles saying that Based Kim banned Humor was lies.
American propaganda

examples? most of them died in a war

Looks like Reddit and lefty Sup Forums is trying again.

Fuck off retards you deny god and any sort of religion but then fail to realize humans are also affected by this and you fail and basic human emotions and wants. That's why your special snowflake version of Communism always fails.


Exactly, therefore the solution is a nationalist economy with huge tariffs on forgein products and big corporations allowing small buisnesses and hard working people to prosper. Also strict control over immigration would allow a good public healthcare and welfare system to protect disabled and old people.

>you deny god and any sort of religion
I don't I am a Christian and still a communist

Communists are nothing but city dwellers (especially pressent days) who haver never even seen a field. no wonder communist country's always have so much famines and rarely have any support of the farmers. so no, its not better for everyone. Leading party members are rarely actuall farmer or workers.

Your own Antonio Salazar for one.

Also, although it lacks the nationalism and authoritarianism, the nordic countries are quite fascistic in their economies.

Then your not a communist simple as that

You do know that God made all of us, right?
He even made Karl marx.
So technically god made Communism

North Corea and Cuba are ruled by an elite wich is as bad as big corporations and kikes, meanwhile common people is starving. My uncle is a socialist but he is deeply disgusted by north corea and cuba.

our antonio salazar only made our shit shittier
the only things he accomplished was filling banks with gold, but he didnt even use any of it, made us fight our own colonies because niggers learned rebellion, and our faggot wanted to keep them, and our country was poor as fuck, after his shitty reich our country is now poor, but not too poor

right after i suffered a TBI

Maybe they shouldn't be starving if they worked and rather not fucking protested and help their country grow/

Hi 2^3 chan

thats capitalism bro

I know, it's retarded

Germany was the first country in Europe to escape great depression. In Italy people stoped starving soon after Musolini reached power and gave everybody jobs. On the other hand the USSR suffered the worst famines of Russian history under the Soviet rule.

>takes communism seriously
OP have you considered the fact that you might literally be mentally retarded?

at 15. later I realized that life is suffering and ideology is for morons.

So true, I lived in communist Ukraine, and I surrendered my fields, my plow, my food and eventually my wife and kids starved to death but I got to take part in the great communist ideal. The commissars were the most diligent soldiers of egalitarian socialist principles, they helped me to redistribute all of what I had unrighteously stolen from the Earth so they could build a great empire, but alas the one thing they could not steal was my spirit, for it died along with my family in the mass famines.

Praise communism!

If you believe in communism you cannot believe in communism. Opium of the masses yadda yadda otherwise your turning communism into yet another special snowflake version doomed to failure and millions dead.

Lets see you when the communist state is tearing down your churches,lining up priests and executing them and banning all Catholic teachings in schools or other places. I'm sure your faith will be respected.

>No one agrees with me so I call them retarded!

Really? Cause he's pretty well known for the economic stability and growth he brought your nation. Heck, you're a commie so I can see why you don't like him, but your fellow Portuguese certainly do.

in b4 barneyfag

They work, but the system is poorly organised and the resources are bad distributed. Also the elite ruling have huge privilegies: education, better food, better housing. So nobody is equal there.

You can take down the church, burn the bibles, but they cannot take their religion.
Even if they kill you.
or you can just pretend.
Or know that there is a god and just ignore it for the rest of your life knowing that you're going to heaven or hell anyway

And even so, there's still the nordic countries. In fact, think about it, their main problem is a flooding of migrants and liberalism, so we see what the lack of nationalism and authoritarianism did to them. Up until then, though, their fascist economics were working pretty well.

When I actually read the works of Marx/Engels,Lenin and even Kim il sung/Kim Jong il,facinating stuff.

Social market economy is god tier.

Take a look at America.
Everyone sitting on their Asses and aint doing nothing but yelling at each other and let other countries do their work.

Also this, love the UkSSR anthem

Just kys faggot

people here hate that nazi faggot
sometimes some random folks even make bodies resembling him and than they burn, stab, rape, and shoot that wooden body

i was like reading up on Marxism Leninism and i was like oh shit here we go

When it resulted in a healthy amount of innocent corpses.

Also, Salazar was great leader

Never, because it isn't

cala a boca seu cigano da merda

They killed jews and degenerates

Well then your not a communist if you don't want the state to pull down your churches, burn all the bibles and line up priests and shoot them while systemically cutting the religious population into tiny minorities.

Communist fags are Fascists in denial over evolution and human nature, they understand rich capitalists ruin everything but those rich capitalists are Jews like 90% of the soviet makeup causing millions of slavs to die while Jews were treated like gods

You are not listening. Just as I said before, big corporations moving factories to China are cancer. People who doesn't work because they don't want to despite being able to are cancer. We can all agree on all this, but not in property and internationalism I'm afraid.

>Stinking Gommie
>Calling other people gipsies
Pick one

>likes anime
That's even worse than communist faggots. And you do realize Nazis were leftists? Sup Forums was never neo-nazi, and never was KKK or any type of stormfag shit. That's all far-left idiocy. Fuck communists, fuck nazis, and fuck KKK. Sup Forums is right wing.

Evidently not all Portuguese agree on this subject, although I'm inclined to think that the one that's not a communist better represents Portugal. He was voted the best Portuguese on one of your shows you know.

Anyways, there's still the point I made here

So you are in favour of factories in China? Define right wing please...

Get your internationalfu here, and don't forget to sage!

What kind of shitty contest is this?

contest isn't fair, Clinton's pizza friends already took the hottest Haiti lolis