Post your Aryan bloodlines and r8 each others.
Heritage thread
gib template
Noah was a Jew, we are all Jews
>what is the global flood
> bloodline
> post last 80-90 years
Mfw my 3rd great grandfather stole a pony and got sentenced to life transportation here and my 3rd great grandmother killed some sheep and got the same fate
>wow, you are like the epitome of inbreed retardation.
>shitskins are mad
this one is more detailed
cant paint atm, only family members that arent norwegian are my gypsy adopted great grandmother pic rel8 and german gr8gr8 grandfather. i look like a half gyps half white.
Check flag, cuck
>chinese guy as great-grandfather
gee, I wonder how that got there
Australian gold rushes. He was a cook and smoked a fuck load of opium.
I'm not going to even bother, they were all blue-eyed Finnish farmers inhabiting the same area since the late 1500s. Kind of boring.
Mostly Swedish with tiny bit of Wallonian and Russian. I have distant relatives who emigrated to America.
Straight back to the first settler of Iceland in 844...
Honestly guys I'm a Nordic Russian (pure Aryan) so I'm not just trying to defend myself. But these threads really need to stop. We need to stop belittling others for their heritage. It's not right. I'm not a cuck or even a civil nationalist. Yes there are white and non-white countries but you can't be hateful. It's not right. Just say you are "European" or you are "human" or "Canadian" or "American". What I'm trying to say is you can identify as long as much as you want as long as it doesn't create hatred and division
100% anglo
>Nordic Russian (pure Aryan)
what did he mean by this?
Where can I see my bloodline like this ? Do you guys visited someone to it for you or is it just based in what your family has told you ?
My family comes from Novgored our last names are all Norse we come from the Vikings during Rurik times.
Native American all the way back.
>Feels good man
It's mostly online. You're French so it should be quite easy for you. Pic related is your ancestor
That's actually so cool. Native American heritage is SICK
I found my ancestors to have freaking Genghis KHAN
Will I have to pay if I want something accurate ?
I know so little of my own bloodline.
I only know a few things.
My mothers side goes back to 1600, all farmers living in the netherlands.
My fathers side is part german (though my grandmother never wanted to admit it haha) and probably part french, from cannes.
It depends. I'm not sure how far French state documents go back, but I'd be surprised if they didn't go back to the 1700s. Beyond that, you may need church documents from the towns where your ancestors are from. YOu would need to google archives for each adminstrative district in france to see what documents have been digitized.
First step is to ask the oldest people in your family what they know. Get a good idea of who all your 16 great-great grandparents were and figure out where they lived + occupations for men.
Also ask about family folkore, like if you're related to anyone famous or if someone in your family's history did something notable.
It's beautiful and deep definitely but not really that grand.
I honestly think white people have a much more rich and beautiful culture than my own. If the white man continues on the path they're going down they WILL BE the master race.
So long as they can stop the oncoming genocide brought on by multiculturalism and mass immigration.
I'll eventually fill it out with more info.
Will post the template to this which I made.
Thanks murica' I'll take a look and see if I can get anything good out of it
>I honestly think white people have a much more rich and beautiful culture than my own. If the white man continues on the path they're going down they WILL BE the master race.
I always thought the other way around. I always saw my European people as a peasant race slaving away for Lords and Kings. While the Native America was free, fought for his tribe, and actually could feel true loyalty to his tribe. Also the wars benefitted the people of the tribes while European wars only benefitted the aristocracy. That was I always say Native American heritage as more honest.
you've got a nice mix of countries there. it's a shame you've got some irish
European culture literally set the tone for how society should work. While you're right that until European immigrants swarmed the America we were for the most part a homogeneous society. We waged war for land, for people and for just pure rage. In fact many tribes went to war just to do population control.
Europeans have set the pace for the whole world in every way from culture to technology. Europeans have always been ahead of the curve.
Sure you were all slaving away for lords and kings but you were testing out governments. My people were still tribals when the white man came. Sure we had currency, trade, government, science and technology but nothing on par with the Europeans. They were at least 5 governments in before they got to us.
I think what happened to my people was fucked up sure but I ain't even mad. Look at what the white man did with this place it's fucking amazing. You know Cinnabon? Yeah our tribal elders would've shit bricks just seeing that.
In short white race is master race and people need to accept they're the best no matter how bad they lost or how butt blasted someone might be about losing to them.
I guess your right but I don't think it has anything to do with race. I mean gemanics lived like Native American 1000 years ago but learned to do science and advance, Natives could have done the same under the same circumcstances.
Coulda woulda shoulda but in the end didn't.
We got BTFO hard no use whining about it now.
I just find it odd that all the worlds major advancements in almost every field come from white people.
God bless the white man for invading my territory.
>obligatory afl
>giving a fuck about your heritage.
Pure finn afaik, though one of my grandfathers was an orphan.
ok back again i want more rates
But was it really worth it? I mean with small pox and all that nasty stuff
I don't have to go hunt to get my food.
I don't have to purify my own water after carrying it on my back for upwards of miles.
I don't have to worry about skinning buffalo to make clothes for the winter to keep from freezing.
I don't have to worry about my people going to war for population control (being apache we did this a lot we were almost constantly at war but you know warrior culture so meh).
The world the white man created is glorious. Everything about it is better than it use to be.
Very much so worth it.
Was Trudeau really worth it?
r8 pls
Grandma with the French and German flag actually had her DNA tested and she's full Northern European
your shitty little trees are worthless
it's 2016 for heavens sake give your DNA to the ((Companies)) and get actual knowledge you fucking cucks
Boyos, your not gonna like mine
>What is genealogical research
Have you ever even visited an archive? Do you even have detailed information on your past relatives?
I have multiple boxes full of books and source material written purely on the history of my family and related family branches. If you think that is inferior to some meme swindle, then you are a fool, Mehmet
>White + Black = Asian
The world the white man created was awful though. So much degeneracy, no hunting, no tribes, no chiefs, no serious religion.
nigga my whole entire family comes from korea. if i have any foreign blood, i would have a little bit of chinese blood and/or a little bit of siberian blood.
im shit at colours on paint, what can i say
r8 m8ts
DNA tests are worthless and shitty
this. I have my German side, they trace it back to the 1600s at least. The rest I think was destroyed in the war from Russian artillery.
On the other side with my Danish grandfather, he died and his cunt relatives won't give me any info.
This is basically why you never move to America, family fucks each other over then you end up with no real identity.
my family name is literally "von ####" so I kinda know more then you little boxguy
you don't know untill you know, might have been raped by some viking or some shit in the past
Your country is worthless and shitty, and you know I'm right
;) tnx bby
>I have my German side, they trace it back to the 1600s at least
How? I have two German ancestors who came to America in the 1860s at some point. I only have their 1870 census. I can't find when they immigrated and from which town. All I know is "prussia", which is too vague. How do you get past that?
What does the "von" signify? I have that as well
I think "of". It's for nobility as far as I know
They were one of the richest families in Germany until WW2. Noblemen and such.
Nobility, royalty so you're blue blooded cousin
but dont mix it up with van which is a cucked dutch version every second one is "van" there
How do you do genealogical research in Germany? I have some ancestors that came from Leese and Hannover, and I emailed the lutheran churches there and they won't respond. Maybe because google translate butchered my email
thnx guys ily 2
Germany is worthless and shitty I descend from Royalty. Royalty from Russia!
Probably faux nobility, as most real German nobility has a surname which includes the noble title, so you'd have to be ''Mehmet Graf von ####"
The meme is that all German surnames with ''von'' are noble, as it means ''of'', like ''Duke of Edinburgh''. More often than not, the title itself is absent and the family is not noble at all or was created noble somewhere in the Wilhelmic period for some bullshit reason and thus not real nobility.
True, I think this is the reason e.g. so many 1/6826th Italian-Americans hold onto a meme variant of their supposed identity whilst not really having any real connection to their heritage. People need an identity
Before you say I'm not white They're all northern italian.
Northern Italians aren't white either.
heres a 10minute mail
[email protected]
email me the ((google transled original)) and the email of the luther church, I check the spelling and grammer and send it to them
At least I'm not a fucking leaf
>german great-great grandfathers first name was david
>was a member of the Lutheran church
wew lad that was close
Leafs have no right to judge anyone's race.
>Don't know anything about my heritage because my grandmother was an abandoned French child picked up by Dutch tourists and she never bothered to go find her real family
>Did a 23 and me test and it's not telling me much either
Life is suffering
You wish you were. Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms makes the constitution look like toliet paper.
My family in Germany kept their own records
In my particular case I think it is because they wrote of one of my ancestors being a nobleman. Of course it doesn't really matter now, we're lost our fortune in the war and through a series of good ol American divorces.
Is there any sort of society or museum that keeps records of families in Germany prior to WW2? I can find some stuff on Google from the name but I'm wondering if I went to Germany I'd be able to find any tangible physical records.
how the fuck is your father a programmer?
are you like fucking 12 years old
did you leave off the 3% africaan blood off the screenshot on purpose ?hahaha
you have to put the test on speculative
I have that "broadly Northern European" shit too, wtf does that even mean?
follow up
I also heard about bill C-16. When addressing me, you must use the pronouns
Highness/His Highness
My Mother was a Patty and my Father was a Pizza Bagel.
Yeah? I supported that Bill
SICK heritage. I have Russian too but it's Nordic Russian
I'm pretty sure people would be flattered that you as a burger care sop much about your german heritage that you're doing actual research
so I'm pretty sure they'd would love to help you especially churches
but that's a lot of money If i were you I'de try forst they have 100.000 of german records
they can't exactly specify