Holy shit what a fucking retard

Holy shit what a fucking retard

he literally legitimized the recount

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this is going to be amazing when he is most powerful man in the world praise KEK


>illegals live in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan
You're fucking retarded leaf

if he claims that the election is crooked, that validates a recount dumbfuck

They are recounting in states where illegals don't live in.

Holy shit leaf, you don't see jill demanding recounts in california do you?

>it's always a leaf

are you this fucking dense ? He legitimize the fact that the election process is crooked thus validating the counting process and who knows maybe its gonna go beyond those 3 if he keep it up

why cant he just shut the fuck up

He is defending the electoral college. He must know something. It must be under serious attack.

He also valides this talking point giving more fuel to the media and more fuel to the hillbots. all he has to do is shut the fuck up

How the fuck does leaftards not have their own chan by now. Fucking white niggers just droolin all over themselves creating shit all day.

If they demand recounts in all states including california she will be in a worse situation.

Jill camp knows this alongside Hillary hence why they are targeting specific states illegals don't live in.

He's not validating anything, since again illegals don't live in fucking wisconsin you stupid fuck

This way he can tell the masses that he truly believes in the process, and they then have no ground to stand on of he stole the election.

>Aliens voting with Driver ID licenses
>O'Keefe videos
Stop posting leaf

No evidence of illegals voting. He's playing to conspiracy theorists. He is a fucking moron. The guy went on the alex jones show for crying out loud. Why the hell did we vote for him?

Hillary supporters now accepting the election was rigged so there has to be a recount

Just kys already

>what a fucking retard
He's just playing 7D hyper-Kriegspiel

i know illegal dont live in fucking wisconsin why dont you fucking repeat it a 10th time. reread this tweet retard he LITERALLY just made the case for a recount.

if youre not too too far into his ass which i strongly doubt, you can clearly see that he makes losing the popular vote a concern otherwise he wouldnt argue about it in the first place. jesus man im the french here you should be the one pointing that out to me

First of all... He's been saying the process is rigged since the beginning. Where have you been? Don't you know there are no breaks on the trump train??

Second of all, a recount isn't going to decide which votes are illegal. It's just a recount of the votes.

because he would win a recount even more bigly

Please, please
Just get over it already. It's done. It was done3 weeks ago. Are you gonna do this for 4 years? Get a life


He sure seems nervous

>lets gamble on an outcome i won

trump should recount california

If you really don't think illegal spics went out and voted for their benefactor, Hillary, then you're the fucking retard here, bud.

why does he keep saying such retarded shit? i mean i'm still glad shillary didn't win but is this guy autistic or just retarded?

>he made the case for a recount
They are literally recounting RIGHT THE FUCK NOW before he even said anything holy shit.

Opening his mouth and stating that they need to also recount in places where illegals DO live in is the best course of action.
Jesus leaf are you all this dense?

I don't get what you're trying to say, no matter what he says it's happening anyway. This might push Jill to do recounts in areas Hilary won too, which is cool.

you're a fucking retard if you think any funny business benefited Trump instead of the most establishment candidate of all time

>there are """people""" in this thread who think he ever actually wanted to be president

>all these butthurt shills and antifafags

Gonna be a great 8 years

how is it retarded? spics in CA just need a driver's license to vote

why does it matter? He won the election. He can say whatever the fuck he likes now.

Are you shitting me nigger? I was in Beloit yesterday and its a fucking shithole crawling with spics and niggers.

Nice argument. I especially like all the evidence you provided

Trump is a plant for hillary

>everyone i meet is illegal
Shut up retard

its a recount not a recast you fucking mongoloid, the same illegal votes would still be counted in a recount.

they aren't recounting commiefornia though

>there are at least 30 million illegals in the US
>most of them are in cali/texas/nm

Leaf, why do you concern yourself with our politics while your prime minister is sucking totalitarian cock "on behalf of all Canadians?"

I dont think you understand that he is referring the states that do not require id to vote, states like Cali and Nevada that they bused in illegals to vote. He is speaking the truth, bring on the fucking recount... No one is worried, dumb fucking leaf.

100 million Americans didn't even vote. why would mexicans cross the border illegally just to vote?

You haven't been paying attention.

>muh evidence

You don't need a peer-reviewed paper to support every thought in your head. Use reason and logic


Recount it

we'll win twice


Now I'm convinced. Nice work, Sherlock and Watson.

>is this guy autistic or just retarded?


They do, it's called tumblr.

>accusing your opponent who lost and is trying to get a recount going of having rigged the election without evidence


They are already recounting, dumbleaf.

You can always spot CTR by the fact that they never seem to understand what trump is saying.

We know god emperor trump has been fucking over the media and leading them on a wild goose chase since day 1.

I'm convinced he knows something, how to swing this to his favour, and am looking at how it is going to play out.

he won literally fucking everything. republicans have everything. theres nothing left to win

>Anyone who doesn't share my political opinion is a political infiltrator trying to subvert me

Michigan has already been recounted and trump won again.

Wisconsin is so far ahead vote wise that it won't change with a recount.

Those are the only two he needed for a win, all the other states were just icing on the cake.

It's an easy thing to shitpost and get the news worked up about it, basically all the niggers still on the 5 stages of grief are about to get forced to the next level.

There is Virginia and New Hampshire.

>he won literally fucking everything. republicans have everything. theres nothing left to win

Trump anticipated this response.


It's not about political opinion. It's about distortion of reality.


Jezus christ just shut the fuck up you fucking leaf.

>jumping the border just to samefag


actually Trump only needs one of the states to win
and he's up 70,000 votes in PA

>everyone is saying then why don't you support the recount

Maybe cause it's only in red states.

Wasn't THE first question at the first Hillary/Trump debate about if you'd contest the election and Hillary said no she'd not do that?

Nice clip to find.


Literally shaking right now... like a LEAF

Because he's an idiot, don't fall for the 4d chess meme he's fucking dumb as shit and is only rich cause his father gave him hundreds of millions when he died.

>57% of the electoral college is a landslide

>do the recount

Expose the fraud of how Dems are importing votes via illegal immigration.

>destroy the democrats for ever

He's driving his sword into the beasts heart.

The recount is simply that, a recount.

If any votes by illegals were cast, they will be counted again, as they were the first time.

this, imagine if the liberals try recounting even more. like they get desperate and start recounting in blue states.

Imagine them losing votes.

it's been determined that getting over 300 electoral votes is considered a landslide victory
so yes you stupid Kiwi

So 1960 and 1968 were landslide victories?

>when ur a leaf

You're so retarded. You make it seem like Trump is hiding something and having them recount every state is going to backfire. If anything, if they recount and find out that illegals voted for Hillary, it'll just make the Donald look more based and Hillary will be in hot water.

recount wouldn't verify the legitimacy of votes

an audit is what's necessary to discover discrepancies

If it went beyond those three it should go to states where Hillary won because those are more vulnerable to voter fraud due to no ID laws.

These tweets are bait. If the left tries to use his words as a valid reason to recount, he'll have his own reason to implement voter ID federally and destroy the Dem party eternally.


watch this video of Trump, how can you not love this guy?

>He damb auteest retard ass sheeet
Is this all you are capable of


Actually his father gave him 2.9 billion dollars when he died... If he had put that 2.9 billion dollars in mutual bonds he'd now be worth over 8 billion dollars!

In the 17 years since his father died he has only managed to add 800 million dollars...

A leaf speaks the truth for once.


>Actually his father gave him 2.9 billion dollars when he died...

source on this claim?

He is diggin in, even if these recounts materialize, succeed in flipping votes, now he is putting the narrative out there about illegals so he will demand more recounts.



gonna be great when California is forced to recount and revealed that 7 million non-citizens voted

I don't think you understand faggot.

We all want a recount.

hillary btfo

can we get a range ban on leafs already?
holy shit you guys are fucking retarded

>Holy shit what a fucking retard


Do recounts filter out illegals or would they just be counted again?

Wrong, faggots.