You can gas the entirety of one, and only one of the countries on this map. Which one do you choose Sup Forums?
You can gas the entirety of one, and only one of the countries on this map. Which one do you choose Sup Forums?
vatican city or turkey
Either Denbtistan or Roachland.
Turkey. What the fuck is this thread. That's the only correct answer. Anything else is posted by a shitskin.
>No juice
>No bother
Literally no contest
Sorry England but the royal family needs to go
Britain. Or Poland.
Turkey can stay when they promise to fuck up Israel.
>Turkish promise
Get out roach
Fuck off, Ahmed.
Turkey desu senpai
Achmed, just because you were denied asylum in Polska doesnt mean you have to hate it. The whole of europe thinks youre garbage.
>Not keeping some gas around to terrorise them into making good on it
>tfw the rest of the world really is inefficient
Have we taught you nothing, America?
France. No point to have them
Why would you even want asylum in "Polska"? They belong into the gas so that we can have our clay back.
Let me guess - you're here as part of the plumbing crew?
Albania. No muslims in europe
> Poland
Ehhm? Let Le pen win first
Don't take it too hard. We'll build a nice safe camp for you to hide in.
75 million roaches vs 3 million "roaches", and you pick Albania.
While I love Germany very much, it's gonna have to be Germany. I see no other way of saving the white race.
t. anglo
You tried that once before, didn't work.
Analbanians are closer to Europe.
Fuck you, Vatican city.
Then I guess they'll have to learn how to hide properly.
rly bro
Nah, I'm actually here for your Abschiebemaßnahme, Ahmed. You'll have to leave Germany.
Are you retarded? Filthy Otto, obviously.
Also, kebab removal thread
So? I'd choose 1 billion Africans over the mixed niggers here in the US, because that's the comparison being made here.
Not even a question.
>t. Rothschild
At this point you're no better than the Jews.
Can I hold on to the gas for a couple of years and then gas sweden to make sure we get maximum damage?
England. Would send gas masks to scotland bros though
Turkey obviously
Anglo is the master race, shitskin
Turkey or maybe UK, hard choice.
But who am I going to take Warsaw with then? You've got to give me -some- chance to assimilate into our culture.
>red blue yellow
>slovakia isn't there
Who made this is a total madman
Unfortunate that China isn't on this map
p much this
Either Hungary or Turkey, maybe Londonistan but its salvagable
After all, what is kebab? I always use it as in Muslim, but perhaps it is just Turks, if it is Muslim then there are a lot of missing countries there: India, Israel, Ethiopia to name a few
Albania or Turkey
>not germanic
Just admit the only thing anglos have done for the past 100 years is promote crony capitalism and have been puppets to the Jewish.
They're the reason nationalism can't exist in modern society.
Stop having so much pride in the lies and propaganda your government spews.
What has tiny little Liechtenstein ever done to you to deserve such treatment?
Gas all of Turkey. Also can we salt the earth so nothing will ever grow there ever again?
Whichever country has the highest population of nips.
Just put them out of their misery.
You'd kill more muzzies by gassing Germany
>look at my flag
Do I really need to say which country gets the gas?
>Sweden is kill
>Canada ascends to throne of "Most Degenerate Country"
plz no
>Turkey obviously
fuck off kike
There is a lot to choose from, you know
Verpiss dich, Polenschwein. Dich will hier keiner haben.
France. Time for the "West-Erweiterung".
Why the fuck is kosovo on the map?
They all have cute little girls, so none.
What is a Kosovo?
Revenge for Constantinople. The shitskins are just the cherry on top.
The british people are celtic more than anything else. We aren't germanic you nigger
TurGAY, of course
>b-but what about me, user?
>A balding trannie
Gas him
Melania Trump BTFO
The only correct answer is Turkey.
Gas is too merciful a death for cosplaying tranny turkroach. Anzu deserves the cruelest punishment Sup Forums can think of.
England. Gas the lot of them.
Stop coming to my country and abusing house prices. There are people here who need those houses, and they should have priority over your sorry arses.
Keep your accents where they belong, because they're offensive to my dainty rural ears. And please stop complaining about everything; if you want "above and beyond" customer service, call the fucking helpline or move to London where your own will treat you even worse.
Honestly, English voices complaining about mundane shit in a pound store is worse than an undiscovered Amazon tribe's children being machine-gunned to death. Go fuck yourselves, you entitled cunts.
And please realise how absolutely fucking annoying you are, without exception. You're awful.
Melania is from Slovakia, dumbass.
Nah, we're third after Germany. At least our government hasn't created pamphlets telling brown people how to have sex with our women
I'm not implying Brits are Germanic. Germans are the master race.
They've done more for the white race than the anglos.
You are blinded by your own government just as the British soldiers who fought in WW2 against the Germans.
Anglo-Germanic race could have coexisted but instead you choose to follow mindlessly what you are told.
>They've done more for the white race than the anglos.
Literally invented more than anyone else in Europe.
kek, no she isn't
I have a slovenian friend and he wont fucking stop talking about it
Ruskies are the original communists, and essentially Europe's niggers. Their women are usually not very good looking, either.
I vote Russia.
Russia because eternal ryssä.
Best Ireland. (Norn iron, northern ireland, etc.)
They're the pricks who have caused most problems for Ireland and England in the past.