You have been given the power to remove ONE(1) thing from existence in this world.
>what do you pick
try to be creative
You have been given the power to remove ONE(1) thing from existence in this world
All the cucks. Then we could use our military power to deal with mudslims and other menaces.
also checked
niggers, it's not even debateable
non whites
Your waste of quads.
The entire middle east starting at 18000BC
the human race, fuck it we suck lets get it over with
Political correctness.
leftist ideology
Source of all evil in the west.
Not the jews, but everything that's controled by them.
The ban on furposting ;-;
Socialism. All our problems can be traced back to Marx. Muslims blowing themselves up would t be such a problem if they were kept in the desert.
Immigrants working at customer service and gas stations, its so fucking annoying trying to talk to them. I'd rather fuck my dog in the ass then talk to another immigrant.
Fuck you
Live simply so that others may simply live.
just relapsed after 6 days and want to die
This as long as it includes sand niggers.
I'm going with Non-whites ftw bob
Arms, because it would be funny to witness humanity trying to continue without them.
"White" is not a scientific race. The current understanding of what "White" is, would still leave many Arab and other "non-desirables" about.
electricity. it would make things interesting.
Probably high speed internet. And then reinstate dial-up.
Religion or america
The Clinton Foundation Board of Directors
People all of themYou I would fucking remove you
Suck me sideways sweet-tits.
I'd remove oxygen from the planet.
every other man on the planet......pussynado
Myself ?
england because fuck those cunts
too easy
Anglo alchemists influence.
> there's a ban on furposting
> post furries anyway
is Sup Forums an exception, or are you suicidal?
"Progressive left"
Its most cringeworthy and harmful for whole humanity thing ever invented.
Gay disease,
As in gays catching diseases ever, so fags can take over the world.
Anyone who is not of Western European origin.
death. race wars will endure for all eternity
Are albino niggers white?
Humans with an IQ under 130
good pick
the University of Alabama football team
He's a faggot.
You can't ask me to choose between niggers and Jews.
every single person that lives in this area.
The ozone layer
all abrahamics
Honestly man, that stupid fucking spam filter that gets me every time i tell a faggot left_ist to go back to red_dit
The need to shit.
Seriously, do you how much time we could save if our shit just magically dissappear from our colons?
Anyone politically to the left of Nigel Farage.
This far into the thread and no one has said "leafs" yet?
There, just fixed 90% of the planet.
this baka desu senpai
What about the need to sleep? What if we remove need to eat too?
Globalist Jews
Terrible pick! Amateur hour wish granting.
Next time: The NEED for sleep.
Sup Forums
But us Burgers would have nothing to live for then.
Sorry, I would have articulated my wish better but I didn't sleep last night
Women who have betrayed their biological purpose and became sluts
The men that constantly had sex with them will need to better themselves to get with the women who are leftover, and the guys who haven't had sex due to the unfair risk/reward of being with a slut will get to experience a balanced relationship that isn't 99% him doing shit for her and 1% her sucking him off
FDR's decision not to ally with Nazi Germany as one of the Axis powers.
Everybody will be gay
no more stress or wars or some shit like that
Tired of their in the shadows bullshittery while playing the victim in public.
existence itself
Why exist if you can simply not exist?
>Gay disease,
>As in gays catching diseases ever, so fags can take over the world.
The concept of freedom
Excess Co2 and Methane in the atmosphere.
The ozone layer.
I'm sick of the bitching about it.
I would make Bees stop existing so that pollination would slow down considerably and destabilize just about every ecosystem on earth
The Coulomb force
Human Reproduction.
if we can't die then you are just condemning us to suffer for all eternity
The sun so I don't have to go outside anymore.
I would remove my own power to remove something from existence.
so basically only Indians would be able to reproduce?
The fact that I'm not omnipotent
Bitter desperate fat/ugly women