FACT: Muslim immigration will allow all Europeans to retire at an earlier age. The median age of Muslims in Europe is 32 compared to the Median native European age of 40. By introducing new, younger taxpayers to the workforce, all Europeans will reap the benefits of increased revenue and public spending, not to mention private sector economic growth. Currently, death rates across the continent are outpacing birth rates, and without a means to replace the working population, all of Europe faces economic stagnation.
"Hurr durr I dont want to live around brown people" BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
FACT: The reception and integration of migrants will require investments that will help pull the European economy out of recession. Beyond the obvious job creation within housing and infrastructure to provide for the new Europeans, people working in language instruction, social workers, translators, vocational trainers, and others will benefit from the facilitation effort.
t. Jealous nigger variant.
So basically just keep importing more people to keep the ponzi scheme going. Nice. I bet you complain about global warming too, while at the same time you argue for a system that requires constant growth in order to function. kys you fucking kike.
FACT: In the long term, Muslim immigration will serve as a boon to national security. Refugees fleeing from the war torn regions of Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc... are fleeing Islamic fundamentalism and this are far less likely to support radical groups. Their experiences and attitudes will having a moderating effect on Europe's existing Muslim communities. Not to mention the obvious fact that accepting Muslim refugees is an important first step in reconciliation with the rest of the Muslim world.
why does Europe need to reconcile with the Muslim World?
The Islamic Caliphate pushed into the Iberian Peninsula and started the Crusades, they need to reconcile with Christian Europe, not the other way around.
>all Europeans will reap the benefits of increased revenue and public spending
my sides
>Beyond the obvious job creation within housing and infrastructure
my sides
>Muslim immigration will serve as a boon to national security
that is just speculation at best, why say "FACT" like a fucking retard? I hope you are just trolling and not really this stupid. either way please kill yourself.
FACT: Europe's population will see long term health benefits as a result of middle-eastern migration. A majority of Muslim immigrants will be young males at or near the marrying age, and with such a gender disparity comes the inevitability of intermarriage. Increased genetic diversity will offer greater resistance to disease, and a much needed boost to our ability to cope with environmental variability in an age where global warming is set to change our climate in unprecedented ways.
Here's the problem, with the exception of Turks whose families are already integrated, Muslim immigrants don't want to be working taxpayers. Archbishop Schneider had it right when he told Merkel to encourage stay at home mothers to have more children to make up for the population decline rather than inviting undocumented immigrants.
how? they came form countries where most people are dependent on welfare handouts and massive subsidies. They hardly ever fucking work in their own countries and have barely literate educations.
Europeans will work LONGER because all the middle easterners and africans will either pay no tax cause they commit crime for a living, or they will be on welfare cause they dont feel like working.
they didn;t come to europe in some "american dream" type scenario, they came for the benefits of getting free shit and living in a society that allows you to rape, murder and steal with little consequence compared to their homelands where they would be killed.
FACT: By introducing Muslim cultural aspects to European life, we can broaden our moral and intellectual horizons allowing us to cooperate in solving society's major challenges. Amplifying cultural diversity promotes humanistic values, heightens civic morale, improves productivity, and encourages the exchange of new and innovative ideas. Culture is the lens with which we evaluate everything around us, and broader perspectives grant us unique wisdom and insight that xenophobes clinging to uniformity will lack.
Hey guys don't hate on Muslims, we can exploit them for economic benefit!
FACT: No matter where you stand on politics, you have something to gain from Muslim immigration. Those on the left will be happy to welcome new voters to the population who will be more likely to take a stand against the growing epidemic of extreme right wing nationalism in Europe. Social conservatives will also benefit from a call to return to spiritual values and the moderation of a decades-long lean towards secular social trends. While everyone loves to complain when it comes to politics, those who are willing to see the glass as half full will find some reason to welcome the new population.
>bring brown people to our country so their taxes can fund us an early retirement
>fix economic stagnation by bringing a bunch of sand people to do all the labor for us
>hurrdurr we have to save brown people from the torture that is living in a brown country, they can't save themselves.
“respecting” the identity of the other, conceiving the other as an “authentic” closed community against which he, the multiculturalist, maintains a distance made possible by his privileged universal position. In other words, multiculturalism is a form of racism which empties the position of all positive content (the multiculturalist is not an open racist, he doesn’t oppose the other’s particular values of his own culture), but nevertheless preserves this position as an empty and privileged essence of universality, from which the other specific cultures can be adequately appreciated: multiculturalism’s respect for the specificity of the other is the most efficient means of reaffirming his own superiority.
-Slavoj Zizek
if you've ever had to live around niggers and mudslimes, you'd never ever want to live around nonwhites again.
How can you even write this with a straight face. Sickening.
Christ demands that we walk on a straight and narrow path, not acceptin broad moral horizons. If the people fleeing to Europe are so great at fixing the world's problems then why aren't they ficing their homrland.
if you were talking about mass migration from a country like Japan then you may have some argument. your line of reasoning shows you know fuck all about the middle east, its peoples or cultures and just regard them as the same as Europeans, which they aren't.
This is literally Ignorance: the thread.
Even if that were true (which it isn't, the banks just want fresh meat to lend to and their leftist puppets are happy to follow their orders because it guarantees votes, keeping them in power and ensuring further investment from their paymasters) I'd rather work my fingers to the bone until 90 than live in a caliphate.
>mfw these are all pretty good arguments, and all I see no counter-arguments
Posting Shlomo pictures and saying "my sides" doesn't prove him wrong. I use to think this website had actually intelligent people pretending to be dumb, but now I just realized you're all just fucking retards.
fuck you lib shill.
Immigration is the cancer thats killing Europe, we wont let it happen in the states as well
Read the replies.
This is taqiya in action indeed
" Hijrah, or jihad by emigration"
" is, according to Islamic tradition, the migration or journey of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, later renamed by him to Medina, in the year 622 CE. It was after the hijrah that Muhammad for the first time became not just a preacher of religious ideas, but a political and military leader. That was what occasioned his new “revelations” exhorting his followers to commit violence against unbelievers."
You should be shot on sight.
found the problem, burger
you can virtue signal all you want from your nice safe neighborhood, but for those who actually have to live near these subhumans, life is hell. After a nigger breaks into your house or car for the 5th time, you begin to notice that maybe these aren't good people. In fact, they aren't people at all.
>Brown people
You mean Shitskins ?
Well memed my friend!
here is the counter argument:
Most middle eastern countries rely on welfare handouts and do not work anywhere near the same hours as event the French. The ideaof being an "entrepreneur" does not exist in the middle east and in fact they don't even have a banking system with interest that would encourage it.
As a result most migrants dont want to workthe same hours as westerners, they just want free stuff thats better than the free stuff in the middle east.
Most migrants are poorly educatedmeaning you have to either give up on an entire generation, put them all on welfare and hope the next one is better, or spend massive amounts of money to educate them. Time they won't be working.
The law in the middle east is harsh, if you rape a woman you will likely be killed by her father or relatives. If you molest a girl you'll have the ever loving shit kicked out of you. This is not the case in europe and so they become more bold and beleive that the state exists to keep Germans and others from harming them. they believe the state favours them above the natives.
Now we know you are bait
>we have low birth rate from overpopulation
>let's invite more people so that natives can't have children at all.
No gummibears for you today, Ahmed.
Hooked noses, droopy eyes and sickle-cell disease for everyone !
Not an argument
>workforce, all Europeans will reap the benefits of increased revenue and public spending, not to mention private sector economic growth.
1- what happens if those arabs don't find jobs 2-what happens if those arabs don't want to pay pension to old people of another race 3- what happens if a country gets filled up by muslims
Fact European economy was failed in purpose.
I have an idea. All refugees are to be placed in wealthy white neighborhoods across the country. Same goes for public housings. Those should be placed in affluent areas.
>References working age disparity quite rightly so
>Thinks this can be fixed by importing labour
>Fails to consider what happens when the imported labour gets to retirement age
Literally making it worse for our children
>By introducing new, younger taxpayers to the workforce
Yeah it sure worked out well for sweden
I wonder if OP knows how prevalent inbreeding is in the middle east.
Also, the immigration Europe had gotten for decades from the middle east hasnt done any of these things
You facts just say that this was planned as hell.
Get multiple genetics, nah mate european it's the more diverse people in the world with Latinamericans.
"By introducing Muslim cultural aspects to European life, we can broaden our moral and intellectual horizons allowing us to cooperate in solving society's major challenges. Amplifying cultural diversity promotes humanistic values, heightens civic morale, improves productivity, and encourages the exchange of new and innovative ideas. Culture is the lens with which we evaluate everything around us, and broader perspectives grant us unique wisdom and insight that xenophobes clinging to uniformity will lack."
you have muslim before that, there's no reason to import more, also they don't represent an improve to your land.
Ah yes the great social security ponzi scheme in action
>Muslim immigrants will murder the native population
>This will allow them to "retire" from life at an earlier age
>Thank you based brown people!
>By introducing new, younger taxpayers to the workforce, all Europeans will reap the benefits of
Ali comes with 25-30.
Needs five years to learn german and a low skilled job.
Have no chance to produce a pension high enough.
Lives from taxpayer again when he is old.
We have a HUGE pension problem even without immigrants...
>all these unskilled, uneducated religious fundamentalists swarming in will magically integrate into modern societies, learn new languages, get good jobs and pay taxes instead of milking government benefits, committing repeated acts of violence and trying to implement sharia everywhere they go
I can count your IQ on my fingers.
" German government plans to spend 93.6 billion euros on refugees by end 2020: Spiegel"
" Migrants bringing infectious diseases back to Europe: tuberculosis, diptheria and more"
" New statistics released by a senior German academic confirm previous forecasts suggesting the majority of so-called Syrian refugees coming to Europe are functionally illiterate and have no hope of joining the job market."
" Responding to the idea that education was the key to successful integration of refugees, as postulated by Federal Education Minister Johanna Wanka, professor Wößmann said the fundamental lack of basic skills made bringing migrants up to speed quickly near impossible. Even at a young age, a “Syrian eighth grader in middle school is five years behind their peers at German schools”."
Nice try. Saged.
>muslims will work
It's not about pensions Hans. Never been about it.
You see, Mbotumbe and Abdil might have sociopathic tendencies, AIDS, inbred genes, double digit IQs and past dwellings in beheading and cannibalism.
But there is one thing they don't have. Debt. And this makes them useful to a (((certain class of people))) who can use the newly found supply of free """""german citizens"""" to spread per capita national debt, so your GDP goes up, fixed income become attractive for (((investors))) and so on.
It's a gigantic Ponzi scheme, and for it to keep working you need to keep letting people in (because national debts have the tendency to increase ad infinitum). It will stop sooner or later, but by then EU will become South Africa 2.0, probably much worse because the economies will be completely destroyed.
But on the bright side, the next step will be full scale race war, so...
GTFO with that shit, Islam has no place in Europe, Deus Vult.
Fuck immigration. Europe now is like a bag of potato Chips. Most of the Chips are nice and golden with a small minority of fucked up dark black Chips that are burnt and nobody wants to eat. Why would you want a whole bag of burnt Chips?
> By introducing new, younger taxpayers
> hew, younger taxpayers
> younger taxpayers
> taxpayers
Try again, Mo.
They would need to actually work for this to be true
american shitposting isnt even funny
>younger taxpayers to the workforce
Found the flaw
You need some Varg in your life. Or you are just a filthy jew. If so, i say; U better hide, the oven is heating up again!
>FACT: Muslim immigration will allow all Europeans to retire at an earlier age.
Fact: cucking your culture for economic benefits is called whoring. Prostitution. Fuck off.
The main flaw in this is that the refuges have proven they don't want to integrate. They have demanded the governments that offered them sanctuary make it exactly as it was back home. The term rapefuges came up after packs of them roamed the streets and assaulted women, then were defended by the governments because "they don't know any better". That is not an argument and shows a blatant attempt to shield these people at the cost of their own citizens.
In short I would rather stagnate then have my own way of life stripped from me by shari law.
Also checked.
However, Kek raises you trips.
"taxpayers" wew laud
this is my experience. living in the ghetto now i see everything
> introducing new, younger taxpayers to the workforce
But generally, lower-income workers take more (in the form of direct benefits and govt services) than they pay in, so that's a shit argument.
On top of that, eventually those people will retire. What then?
Why is germany increasing the retirement age to 70?
Kinda makes it look like you're wrong about a lot of things.
>can't speak the countries native language
>most can't even write in their language
>no skill set
>no education
FACT : immigration is a racket that benefits corrupt NGOs and politicians at the expense of locals, the working class and the taxpayers.
You made that sound as if I gave a fuck about Europe.
>not a major harm
Memes aside, every serious economist
calculates with immense net costs. And
those who claimed otherwise got btfo'd.
The fuck are you talking about? They raised the retirement age in n nearly all European countries because they couldn't afford to give welfare to the refugees.
They're just dumb girls brainwashed by liberal propaganda that have no idea what they're getting into.
>Muslim immigration will allow all Europeans to retire at an earlier age.
Send them back. If that's the option, I will work longer.
FACT: They still occupy the 10 most criminal names in Denmark, even thou they are just a small percentage of the whole population.
I bet you live in California, land of the cucks.
>Paying taxes