These are the most redpilled hobbies

Prove me wrong.

>Protip: You can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

I make soap out of jews

What happens if I combine a waifu and chess?

>video games
>shit posting on Sup Forums

both literally wastes of life


Nothing else needed, everyone move along please.

>Community Service
we have nig nogs for that
male only
>no cooking
i guess this is a women job anyways

Is it Kosher?

(((user))) we aren't shit posting! We are saving humanity using meme magic. HUGE DIFERENCE!!!

I've done most those

>no blacksmithing

>tfw god tier and waste of life tier at the same time

It is vegan, coz kike ain't even animals.

what are anime drugs?

by reading i assume you mean novels?

Take...take that back right now!

I don't even consider anime or drugs to be hobbies same with partying and video games.
I'm my view a hobby is something you do in your free time to better yourself.

What would building engines be in?

Also... why martial arts is next to partying? Thats a joke.. partying should be in shit tier. Meditation/Mindfulness/Self Reflection should be in God tier.

OP confirmed for finnish nigger.

>tfw both writing and drugs

What does make me? The god of wasted life?

>video games higher than crossfit

Found the obese NEET

>video games
>anything but waste of life tier
shit list

>Modern Music
>Shit Tier

Good thing I make Drone, AKA Classical Indian Music.

If you seriously make video games and martial arts your hobby, by being competitive you rewire your brain and learn adaptation, train your reflexes, train your spatial recognition and real time application skills.... So much more can be gained out of video games and martial arts- ONLY if you are competitive. If you don't compete and try to be better than other people in video games or martial arts then they are shit tier hobbies. If you are trying to be better than other people in competitive martial arts or video games they become god tier hobbies.
Also meditation is a god tier hobby.

What about private piloting rate tier me Sup Forums i must know.

u mad op

>No scale, military modelling

>math not in god tier
the only real intellectual pursuit

>puts video games above modern music
god dammit finland. you mean to say that all music conceived in the last 100 years is "shit tier"? that's how we can tell you have no idea what you're talking about.

>Martial arts
>low tier

What if I do everytging in the God tier, but I do it while doing drugs?

>dancing if female

Sexist. Deplorable.

My only argument is Martial Arts being low tier.

But it depends a lot on why you're taking it and what you're taking.

If you study multiple forms of Martial Arts, it should be top tier, if you're studying hardcore mixed martial arts for the sake of combat, it should be god tier.

Martial Arts and the whole "but be a pacifist" thing is the philosophical side, something not found in all and can be readily ignored in almost all.

math is a tool used in certain hobbies, not really a hobby in of itself

Founding Father tier.

How the hell is shooting Mid teir? If anything, It should be top or god teir.

what kind of fucking sperg rates videogames any higher than waste of life tier

>Mid Tier

>Shit Tier: Social Media
>everyone on here using this social media site every single day

Really makes u think

Nice Dolly Parton T-72A there brah

sincerely /k/

Pacifism is good for martial arts and it just means you are hiding your power level until you are forced to use the power that you have accumulated by training martial arts.

>God Tier

>Caring this much

>video games
Didn't know you thought so highly of me

Indian Classical music (Carnatic) has drones in it, but there is much more to it than just one sustained note. Keep convincing yourself that you're making music, not just a hum that a refrigerator makes.

"wrenching on cars/motorcycles" not even on the list?


>video games
actually they kept my younger self away from a more devilish media. yeah recent video games are mostly sjw shit, but many of the older ones gave you a challenge so you had to improve. woke interest in history, economy etc. so you've gained knowledge about many different topics.

It seems my master-race status has been confirmed.

>classical art and music
>programming (learning)

Feels good man.

and why is paintball in low tier, it's literally mock combat
sure it's mostly played by 2edgy4u teenagers, but the sport itself is pretty good for cardio and decision making

My hobby is torturing animals in my neighbourhood.

Tailoring, leatherwork, furniture making, other artisan skills?

wtf is social media politics?

Well, I don't make art but I visit museums constantly and research a lot about it.
I do play music though, jazz and classical, and listen to both. Right now I can't stop listening to An die Freude

>weight-training god tier
if someting mostly for insecure faggots compensating for their small dick and lack of intelligence is god tier, rest of the list is probably shit too.

>chess, the activity of stroking your ego to the fact you memorize and use patterns agaisnt other nerds
>god tier

>martial arts, discipline cultivating training that focuses on strenghtening your body and your mind
>low tier

garbage list, probably made by a fedorafag

Found the Crossfitter who broke his back

>weight-training above any actual sport

I agree. Chess definitely needs to be moved to shit tier and martial arts moved to top tier.

Programming should be higher, martial arts should be at least mid tiers and you should put some nuance to partying, I think playing beer pong with degenerate normies while listening to some EDM subhuman garbage shouldn't be the same as enjoying a 4 hours set of romanian micro house in an underground club while not taking any drug and drinking very moderately.

>shooting and hunting at mid tier
Please jump off a bridge

Mid tier should be god tier and god tier should be mid tier

>taking care of your body is stupid

Gj Slovakia

>Having to think is bad because I am bad at it!

Yes you do have to learn openings, but if you are good you learn WHY they work not just how to do them.

T-traditional games are a hobby too.

>"I listen to classical music only."


At least top-tier. Maybe even God-tier.

where's modeling you fat prick

Video games and Partying should be Waste of Life Tier.
All sports except for Swimming and Cross Country are Nigger Tier.
You can enjoy Classical art and music, but it's not a God Tier hobby. Making your own music that isn't some hipster garbage is God Tier. Just because classical music is old, that doesn't automatically make it good.

>taking care of your body
body takes care of itself if you treat in right
also this

4 from god, 1 from top, 3 from mid, 1 from low, 1 from waste. I take it the 1 in waste cancels out everything else? Not that I mind to be fair.

Ofrece except shooting is god tier.

Could acquiring currency be considered a hobby? It should be god tier

Kys dyel

Tfw you just stay in your room and browse Sup Forums all day

mid tier is actually the most based minus "gastronomy"

name a single thing chess teaches you that applies to real life

>Fedora tier list

I like the Rolling Stones and Neil Young, are these too modern for your patrician sensibilities my fellow intellectual

>meditation no where to be found
>not tripping on high dose Hallucinogenic drugs evety third blue moon
>not becoming a shaman enriched with the old pagan ways
>being a civilized jew

Where does amateur HAM radio fall into the hierarchy?

Absolutely patrician. I would love to learn to fly, but it is very expensive.

>Low Tier
Martial arts and football. Fucking Pekka, you are a neckbearded fucking läski

They included carpentry, but no automotive/welding skills whatsoever.
Pleb tier shit OP...

Eehh, I'd say mid-upper just because they used to be the lifeblood of masculinity and the economy.

Kill yourself you mongol reeeee

>turning money into loud noises
>Doing an activity with a community that's either unsafe or autistic

fuck you OP, not the classical is best meme again.

>le modern music sucks
Fuck off pleb. Not all modern music is pop and funky monkey

53 GET

> Partying not in shit tier

Partying is just acceptable if you are in the first college year and you want to try it or you are forced to do it because it's the only way to socialize.

If you consider partying as your hobby, then you are not even shit tier. It is Waste of Life Tier.

>drugs are degenerate
psychelics are literal red pills you savages,get over your pseudo-conservative ideas


rolling. :)

Of those provided, here is what I have indulged in the last 12 months:

God Tier: Chess (seldom), Reading (often), Weight-training(seldom) - I use freeletics, Classical Art (regularly), Classical Music (often), Languages (daily)

Top Tier: horsemanship (seldom), outdoorsmanship (often), archery (seldom)

Mid tier: Programming, Sports (Tennis)

Low Tier: Partying (seldom)

Shit Tier: Modern Art (seldom), Modern Music (regularly)

Waste of Life Tier: Marijuana (sometimes to treat Crohn's disease)

What's outdoorsmanship?

might as well roll

Principles of discipline and effective study, that can be applied to anything. Durrrrrrrr, why should I cultivate my ability to learn new skills, that's useless!

Shouldn't you be drinking a Coca Cola you bought at a market stall out of a plastic bag right now?

There are many degrees to that shit.

If you consider "grabbing a few bottles of scotch with 8-10 friends and messing around in someone's house" partying, then I'd say it's acceptable.
Clubs, though, is degenerate-tier.


archery and horsemanship? faggot op confirms that finns are mongols

>god tier consists of stroking your own ego and autism
>no actually useful skills until mid tier
Shit list, m8