Why do red states mooch off of the federal government if they're so against welfare?
Red Welfare States
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Because the fuckers in the blue states stop buying goods from the red states and starting buying shit from China.
Pretty much this.
blue states = less staple food farms = less farm subsidies
wow hard work
So conservatives support farm subsidies and not the free market basically
because red states are full of dumb, lazy people that would rather blame people for their shitty lives than actually get a job
aka white people
how do the red states receive welfare when those states cut welfare? how does that work?
conservative policies are worthless if people are still able to get welfare in conservative states
>implying most people taking gibs aren't concentrated in blue states
So you expect the federal govt to force blue states to buy overpriced garbage from red states?
For the purposes of this discussion they are defining welfare as: states that receive more Federal Tax $ than they pay.
Unclear if they mean state governments or aggregate (checks to citizens)
Niggers and farmers are the biggest leaches. Red states have a lot of niggers and farmers.
without them everything you eat would be prohibitively expensive
Okay look at it like this.
Say that there was a law put in place that made shoplifting legal.
I would surely vote against this law, it's a moronic idea.
A bunch of gimme dats vote in favor of the pro shoplifting law... and it gets passed. Well fuck, now shoplifting is legal.
I go ahead, and go to the stores... That thing I would have bought for 10 bucks is now 50 bucks because so many people are stealing shit... Guess what I'm not buying shit now either I'm gonna steal because of the inflation caused by others that justify stealing.
Morally I'm against theft, but at this point it's between being price gouged, or taking the easy route everyone else does...
of course in such a reality the stores will be closing down in mass, and new ones won't be opening because everyone wants free shit...
Basically that's what welfare does
Self interest.
What is the case for giving a bunch of shit to the federal government and getting less in return?
Because of the way the bitch asses that drew up the graph defined things. Government supporting agribiz in the form of farm subsidies is counted as welfare.
Government supporting blue state subsidies in mass transit, urban development, and educational welfare programs like the school lunch program don't count as welfare.
You are surprised that politicians will drop their ideological positions over popular local programs that their constituents directly benefit from?
cuz of all the nigs in the south
That is some heavy cherry picking.
>cuz of all the nigs in the south
>black people
Not a chance.
>red welfare states in the south
Hmm. It's almost as if there are an absurd amount of niggers in the south.
Really gets my noggin joggin.
>be a red state
>try to make a living
>federal government destroys agriculture and mining industries
>wonders why they are dependent on them now after they destroyed their jobs
>not including TARP and all walstreet bailouts
>Create massive loopholes to send jobs and money overseas
>Set up NAFTA
At least there are three posts instead of one.
Because government funding requirement vary linearly with population, but geometrically with land area. Lower pop density = more $$ to maintain.
MS 1,074,200 blacks 37% of state population
LA 1,506,534 32% of state population
SC 1,290,684 28% of state population
AL 1,251,311 26% of state population
GA 3,150,435 31% of state population
FL, 3,000,000 15% of state population
NC 2,048,628 21% of state population
VA 1,551,339 19% of state population
>black revolution begins
>North Carolina
Not any more, Comrade
WI, OH, MI, PA, NC and FL are all swing states, not safe blue or safe red
WERE Swing States, thanks to MILLIONS of illegitimate votes
That is all coming to an end
Also Wisconsin was never a Swing state, they were solid Blue since Reagan, sometimes even double-digits Blue
Not anymore
You will have a very hard time finding any niggs living in those states. Too many welfare queens.
These have plenty of niggers AND prairie niggers.
whitetrash are bigger welfare queens then blacks
Whoa! Really made me think.
Because of trade.
A lot of those red states in the middle have no population, nothing really but farms and ranches.
However these states need money for their roads, their interstates. Those interstates are needed for transporting goods from one coast to the other.
Before I hear anything about rail and ships let me tell you. That shit wont work with the amount of freight that is in the US and would cost a fuckton of money to expand the rail system that no one wants to pay for. By ship is already expensive.
Driving a semi from California to Virginia is cheaper then ship and a lot faster than rail. I used to drive a semi doing such routes. Go from california to the upper/middle east coast then go back.
So all that money that the middle red states use is actually beneficially for the blue states.
Maybe Utah but every other state you are wrong about. They have a very low black population
How do you know those don't count as welfare? Source?
Pic related is a good half of that.
As for the other half... well, I took a trip over to the 2012 (and thus pre-shale) source this little gem used (taxfoundation.org
Now that we know we're working with raw numbers of net money flowing to all other states (and no 'welfare' consideration), consider the following:
Military facilities are going to be, overwhelmingly, in your 'welfare' states, and the armed forces are going to draw personnel (proportionally, if not absolutely) more from your 'welfare' sections. So a lot of that is going to be coming from military salaries and base upkeep.
Farm subsidies account for a bit more, likely. We have them, and most of your 'welfare' states are going to have large agricultural sectors.
Also, something, something, Senate.
If you want your country to produce food, which I personally believe is a matter of national security, then you have to subsidize farming, because importing food from shitholes is far cheaper.