America is in decline. My brothers, the time to strike is now. We shall rebuild the empire, god willing
America is in decline. My brothers, the time to strike is now. We shall rebuild the empire, god willing
Britain is an economic basket case, check our GDP per capita, its about half what the US has.
Plus we'll be a fully Muslim country long before America ceases to exist
We've only got about 15 to 20 years left I reckon, if that
>anglo vs. anglo
I support this
Rise brothers. The Empire strikes back!
>yes goyim kill more whites
The fire... RISES!
No. France, pls halp.
Good luck when Trump bans Muslims from entering USA
>fucking capped
Bend over, nige.
Get out of here, defeatist shill
Don't worry.
They'll be a nigger country in years to come. It's will be like colonising south Africa all over again
But no, seriously. White folk need to stark penetrating their women before we all die out.
Keep dropping the redpills. No country should be wiped from their heritage desu.
Oh shit, best burn and it came from a leaf!
No brothers. America is the superpower now and we would do well to throw our weight behind her.
Why we should be united, not infighting.
God might have been willing when he was an Englishman, but your disgusting nation of loathsome atheists can't even support your own economy anymore. You will never be relevant again.
Oh England, delusional as always. You haven't been a world power for close to a century. It's time to give up the ghost.
the economy trundles along fine since we are nothing but services and middle men
our political class, however, are utterly fucked now.
America included, the anglos have held hegemony over the world for the past few hundred years.
I'd say the 20th century was SUPPOSED to be the start of Germany's rise to prominence and takeover of global hegemony. But they were buttfucked by kikes twice over instead.
Now, with America and western Europe falling to shitskin immigration, eastern Europe (namely Russia) will be the ones who take control. Or maybe the Chinese. I don't know.
It's about bloody time. We'll smash Abraham Lincoln's statute and build one of the great MOSLEY.
Bring it on corntooth. What are you going to use pikes and long bows?
>Britannia rules the waves!!
Yes, please "annex" us, so we can outvote you 5 to 1 in your elections.
Only brits will be allowed to vote, silly new worlder
We are united. We've got the Five Eyes, a number of security deals on top of NATO, and a shared culture (to such an extent that some people think Brits invented rock and Americans invented the word "soccer"). The UK is probably the most popular destinations for American tourists, American public opinion of the UK is sky-high and has been for a's one of the few alliances where the countries could actually be described as "friends", the UK might be the only country on earth other than Canada that Americans would unquestionably defend in case of a war.
You're going to try to rule the US without giving us representation in parliament? That didn't work so well the last time....
Last time that was englishmen, Amerikeks will bend over and take it like the subservient swine that you are.
Its just banter. Together the Anglo sphere should conquer the world
It already has
I'll fight for my queen!
>That didn't work so well the last time....
You were near 100% European stock last time. :^)
Remember to sharpen an extra spoon.
>implying 400 pound americans can get out of thei chair
we will burn their fat for fuel
canada will be nuked tehn
So were you