Red pill me on Francois Fillon
Red pill me on Francois Fillon
He will be the next President of France.
Francois Fillon has a mutated shoulder. That's why you never see him wearing asymmetric leotards.
He's a lot more sensible than Skirt. But of course that may be a bad thing, as it might steal Le Pen voters.
He is guenine terrified of daesh and became so much hysterical he now wants to gas all muslims
What are his thoughts about the EU?
We can only hope he's going to be our guys.
His policies are good but he's a cuck, so hard to tell.
Been voting FN for my whole life, but this time I am considering voting for Fillon instead. He is the closest thing to the true right France ever had, while Marine turned the FN into some socialist circle-jerk.
Fuck the leftards and their social justice bullshit, their healthcare and 35 hours a week. It's time to do real right wing politics. Besides, we can't let a woman have the nuclear codes!
Oh my god, so much role-playing in only one post!
He is gay. Screencap this. My father works with him, he knows it for sure.
Shit will blow in a few weeks.
nice copypaste
Is he anti EU?
No. He's very pro-EU.
That's why he will do pretty much nothing that he's promising right now.
cucked. He wants more austerity. I smile, because doing so he'll definitely ruin the economy and the french will have his head and Merkel's.
woha his shills are taking this seriously
maybe this samoese indifferentiated classic board isn't as irrelevant as many think
What's France's excuse for not being able to elect Le Pen and FN?
In America, the only reason why hardcore conservatives don't completely curbstomp the opposition is because we have so many nonwhites who vote overwhelmingly for leftist bullshit. You are far whiter than us, and yet still much further to the left. How is this?
Nearly 40 years of non-stop socialist propaganda. From the cradle to the grave, frenchies are being brainwashed.
Been voting Jimi Hendrix for my whole life, but this time I am considering voting for Leopold Butters instead. He is the the closest to Berlin that Mauritious ever had, while Marine turned le tour de France into some socialist anal orgy.
Fuck the shills and their korean pop, their healthcare and 35 hours a week. It's time to do real bull prepping politics. Besides, we can't let Jafar from Aladdin have the nuclear codes!
oh so he is a conservative-christian-democrat-proEU. He sounds pretty much like a Merkel with dick
Because in America if you don't vote for one of the two major parties your vote is wasted. In France you are given the choice to vote again. This allows the regressive left and the cuckservatives to unite against Le Pen's crypto-socialism.
And have you guys grown more conservative as the nonwhite population creeps up? Something I've noticed is that whites in general go more conservative after they start being flooded with nonwhites.
Another shitty globalist puppet.
5 more years of Sarkozy under a different name
No electoral college, no freedom of speech, and Plus France is kinda like Scandinavian countries; they've been consistently far-left since their revolution. In fact, had the French Revolution never happened, we'd be living in a pretty based world, with a much richer and much more prosperous Europe and more poverty outside of the Western world
Older people know France is going down the drain. Younger people know that things could be better. 30 y.o want the new iphone.
He's like Merkel with a flaccid dick, yes.
is this real?
>The shit I do to run this god-damn country
>Older people know France is going down the drain. Younger people know that things could be better. 30 y.o want the new iphone.
Interesting. I believe something similar is happening in America. "Millennials" are renowned for being far-left SJWs and numale cucks on average, but apparently studies are showing that the kids in highschool or just graduating now are actually further to the right. And that's despite each younger generation being more nonwhite than the last - meaning that the whites are getting far more conservative even at a young age.
yes you can search "fillion sikh" on google if you want to know the context.
well at least he seems a very meme man. It's going to be fun somehow.
I think he is low energy
If Le Pen mimics Trump insults against opponents she can steal his voters
his charisma is nonexistant and he's known for capitulating to unions blocking the country
At least they're Sikhs and no Muslims
merci mon ami
No worries, he likes to inaugurate mosques too.
I've read that centrist Juppé does better in the head to head polls versus Le Pen than Fillon, so I guess this is good news.
Sikhs are good people not like shitty muslims, it's nice to see Fillon being close to them
Sikhs belong in khalistan, not in france.
Bateau maison
You're right but still I prefer them over muslims
A literal cuckold europhile which steals ideas, policies and terminogy from the Front National in order to get elected. As soon as he is president he'll hand France over to the globalists on a silver platter.