You have 100 years to name one thing that BLACK NATIVE africans are good at that is not running, jumping or throwing!
You have 100 years to name one thing that BLACK NATIVE africans are good at that is not running, jumping or throwing!
Other urls found in this thread:
Setting people on fire in public
Spreading aids & catching flies with their face
Let me guess, don't tell me....
Trump voter?
Poo in loos are better at that tho. Its like a national past-time
Creating the human race.
penit butter
Making Jenkem
general crime, rape, murder, etc
How about;
Ruining previously western-run apsiring industrial countries, into a state below europe of 100 years ago.
What is ruining white countries, Alex?
Let me guess, an effeminate redditor?
You have to go back nigger lover.
an user along time ago said that they were doing that because they get paid by the hour until the job is done, so the do whatever they can to stretch it out and do as little work as possible
fulfilling their biological directive and
being men
all of which you cumskins lack
Let me guess... Newfag.
Picking cotton
spreading HIV
They will save science from the idiocy of the white devil.
Hi cuckbot I see you haven't fled the States yet.
I'm starting to like "cumskin."
Keep using it spear chucker I mean shitskin sorry nigger I mean coon no wait definitely meant nigger.
My brother worked in an African country; said the exact same thing. Purposely delay the project by acting like they don't know how to unlock a padlock. Just stupid shit like that all the time.
I'd argue that not all of africa has as easy an access to oil - somewhat essential if setting people aflame easily.
If this situation were to be remedied, I believe there would be a great increase in human bonfires in africa.
Why would I group a whole bunch of people by their skin colour?
Fucking your wife.
Hunting and I guess farming.
They're talented at making sure they don't advance past the neo-modern twilight state they seem to love.
I think Africa is proof that blacks inherently desire gibs, every attempt to civilize the continent has been met by force.
If Bill Gates would fuck off they could start dying off before the continent completelt collapses and we have Fluchtlinge Zwei, Szchwarzen Schlong Edition.
You do know they're measuring the yardage of that sand for something, right? Probably mixing cement.
They are good at getting angry. They can go from calm to wanting to kill everyone in a fraction of a second over a word or gesture.
Fetching coconuts. Monkey behaviour ...
Africa is the richest continent on earth in terms of resources. Advancement only comes from adversity which blacks never really faced. They weren't constantly at war or dying of plague or other diseases. That's why it's a continent of children. They are happy living in poverty and being surrounded by death and disease. That's their natural state.
When I worked in a grocery store, there was a really dark skinned native African immigrant who worked in the deli. He was probably the hardest worker there. He worked 12-16 hour shifts 6 days a week and never complained. One time I helped him mop in the deli, and he thanked me the whole time.
All the other African immigrants I've met have been entitled trash though.
Most American blacks are trash imo. Every African black I have met have been respectful, hard working people
Fucking krauts are supposed to be good at that sort of thing. German Engineering. Guess nu-male modern Germans are too prissy and sheltered.
making clicking sounds.
They make Amish look futuristic.
>Most American blacks are trash imo. Every African black I have met have been respectful, hard working people
Consider this, you're meeting the best of their race. The rich ones that are intelligent and can afford to travel abroad and go to school. Having said that, the ones I went to college with hated nigger Americans worse than most other races hate niggers. They looked down on them like trash. American niggers would be in for an unpleasant surprise if they think that Africans would welcome them with open arms if they were to go back. Theres a reason that they sold them in the first place. We got the weak minded and strong backed ones. They kept the good ones.
I think that's because the ones that make it over here with work ethic are fanatical in their devotion.
They are not common though.
Michael Jackson
A german bro working at amazon said they kept hiring pajeets and dindus, the pajeets did the sasme shit. germanbro was assigned to train the pajeets, he showed them what to do , then he had to go to his office for an hour to do some paper work. He came back an hour later to find them all standing in the same corner. He asked them wtf and they said the scanner was off and they didnt know what to do, he turned it on and the battery was still at 60%.
wow the faggot ass mods deleted the thread. I just went through my history to link you to it. It was there thismorning and now its 404d..
fucking mods can suck a dick. it was pajeets in germany, thats political.
The thread was good, had about a dozen greentexts from him and a few others. Someone might have screencaped it but I doubt it
getting me doobs