Is Jill working for Trump? Have libcucks been btfo?
Recount exposes Democrats stealing Stein votes so Trump does even better in 4 years since that fraud gets shut down.
Then why not recall Nevada, New Hampshire, or Minnesota which were closer than Pennsylvania
No OP, she's probably making it look less suspicious. Doesn't Baraka have Soros ties?
Because libcucks won't give her money to take states /away/ from hillary.
No... she's just trying to distance herself from the people who are paying her.
It's like those fake celebrity spats you read about in TMZ.
I could get behind this being on account of either candidate, though I really like this idea best.
Stein is rogue as fuck. Who knows what level of Jew chess she's on right now
Jill wants to see the electoral college burn down. This is a way to get it to happen.
all these filler episodes are so predictable. can't wait for the main arc to kick up again
Hilary tries to arrow Trump but this only awakens his stand
>John Titor
holy shit
>true battlefront 3 never ever
>empire will be cucked as fuck by disney
10/10 did laugh
>what level...jew chess
No, she's just mad that democrats were mature about the election results at first, then decided to help her in her cause, because she wanted to be the important person.
Why can't dissenters understand this?
Everyone is mad at Jill but cant understand that the dems wont pay for hill to lose harder.
Because nobody knows who she is or what she even wants.
They know she's in the green party and the greens are left. So they assume she's on Hillary's side.
holy shit you are braindead if you believe this
el psy kangaroo
>expose the corruption
I came here to post this
I came here to watch this
I still think stein just wants attention. She wants to siphon the Bernie crowd away from the Dems.
The only states being contested are incidentally the states that brought Trump the victory
no she isnt working for trump .shes a fucking free agent and she gives other free agents a bad name
people like her are on their own side but dont have enough sense to stay out of shit that doesnt concern them. the liberals now have the urban legend of voter fraud committed by trump supporters despite the fact the only real election or voter fraud known to have happened was in the primary committed by democrats and thats why the dnc sacrificed one of their own. its not tin foil that bitch got fired though they kept the jew with orange hair who was really to blame
> Rothchilds
> Soros
They're all working for it. This is extremely bad news.
she's playing 11D manifold darts with the entire political landscape, it's genious
seriously looking forward to her ecofascist platform in 2020
> dems wont pay for hill to lose harder.
Reading through it, it seems it might be a parody account. However, the writer seems to really have it in for Trump and seems to rationalise Globalism and PC culture
This two post together are a summary of what's happening.
This recount is bad news for Trump, they are trying really hard to stump him.
a real rothschild wouldn't be spouting memes on twitter. you don't get to where they are by letting people know what your positions are
So what Jill Stein is doing is she is paying for a recount in 3 states that Trump narrowly won.
Her tweets both before and after the election indicate she has an ulterior motive other than being #withher.
People keep saying if she was truly trying to find out corruption and make it public why doesnt she request recounts in states Hillary nearly won as well.
Yet they somehow forget that Jill had all that money donated to her by Hillary Clinton supporters, therefore if she started with a platform of pointing out election fraud in California and where Hillary barely won like Nevada she wouldn't have gotten all the liberal tear money.
Ergo my statement that dems wont pay for hill to lose harder, they want to pay on the belief that Jill Stein wants her to win, forgetting that Jill hated hillary at the end, and still does.