How do we solve the heroine and/or fentanyl epidemic?
How do we solve the heroine and/or fentanyl epidemic?
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Execute the dealers.
How is the jew on the picture related to your question. Im confused.
And drive the price up more causing addicts to become more savage and dangerous?
Why are Americans so utterly cucked when it comes to drugs?
Heroin doesn't come from Mexico. The biggest industries are in the Middle East and other huge crime organizations have plenty of ways to get it in
They smuggle it through Mexico and central America famiglia.
It might not be manufactured in Mexico, but most of it sure as hell comes through the border from Mexico. It's much easier to get it into South America first and drive it up rather than trying to smuggle it in via American ports.
Harm reduction. Just give them the drugs in a supervised environment - a lot of the crime and disease will disappear, and it's way cheaper than what we do now.
A ton of junkies want to stop. Some of them just want to use safely and keep their habit manageable.
Build the wall. Deport them all.
send it all to me, I'll get rid of it ;)
Let the problem solve itself
Kratom, build the wall
it's funny how marc maron of all people had a guy on his show on election night going into how the heroin problems in previously clean areas of the US is because of mexican drug dealers going there to make money
Tell the CIA/FBI to stop bringing it to the Inner cities
1. Legalize Marijuana for recreational use.
2. Implement federally subsidized methadone maintenance programs that require daily outpatient group therapy, and offer it as an option to prison when a non-violent addict is plea-bargaining simple possession charges.
This keeps non-violent addicts out of prison and offers them a chance at rehab, if they are serious about attending every day, doesn't require paying for their room and board, reduces the number of cases on the already overburdened court docket, and cuts the number of incarcerated, with commensurate reduction in costs.
Pretty easy, eh?
Yeah building the wall is totally gonna stop suburban kids taking pharmaceutical opiates like fentanyl, oxycodone, hydrocodone, tramadol, and codeine syrup
they purposely choose those areas to bring their supply
Based on what I've read, addiction is something people do to cope with stress, rather than something that happens because the drugs are just "too good". I think the heroine epidemic among young people is a manifestation of rising expectations for young people in an economy/society with decreasing opportunities, many people cannot cope with the consumerist hyper-narcissistic social media culture of modern society
Move out of Alberta with all the closet fag rig pigs and it won't be such am issue.
Alberta is full of drug addicted alcoholic faggots who can't into investments or saving money. Everyone I know who went r fort Mac came back broke, in debt,several STDs and bad tattoos, and most had child support payments. All this despite making 150k a year and a camp to live free.
But most retarded Albertans don't want to live in the commune camps where they can save all their money and have a hand in staying away from vices.
They want to rent a house with 4 other roughnecks so they can get drunk blow coke shoot heroin and fuck std infested hookers.
Alberta is a disgusting province
And that's why I said Kratom because it can be used to replace all of the pharma drugs. And it is safe, although with some minor bad side effects if taking in large amounts regularly
By poisoning all the heroine in circulation and with that also euthanizing all poor druggies who would start using anything else if heroine would be out of the market
Rural Ontario has just as many drug problems as Alberta
Call Duterte to pop over for a week or two.
and Vancouver is the epicenter of drug addiction
Encourage cartels to poison all heroin so everyone dies. Simple solution to a difficult problem.
Legalize opiates.
Audit the CIA.
It comes into the US via military bases directly from Afghanistan.
It is then distributed to remote areas with small airstrips using private, single prop aircraft to avoid suspicion.
The same thing happens in UK but as it's much smaller and flyover is impossible to do unnoticed, they get it the fuck out of the bases ASAP.
That's why if you go to any place in the UK with a military base, the surrounding area is a shitty browntown.
>Alberta is a disgusting province
why the fuck is this a thing now? they are called states you idiot.
Legalize all drugs.
Legalizing weed forced the Mexican cartels to change to worse drugs. Need more education in schools and tougher laws.
Yes. It worked so well during prohibition, we should definitely try it again.
Drug warriors are some of the dumbest and most deluded people on the planet.
The hilarious thing about the US smack epidemic (other than it coincidentally took off after the ground invasion of Afghanistan, but that was no WAY the cause...) is that you even get advertising on your TV for "Opioid-Induced Constipation" medicine.
Your housewives are taking so much fucking commercial grade smack, that they can no longer shit right.
America YES!
Sometimes bait is so bad it is not even worth a reaction pic.
>I was talking about pharmaceutical opiates
>You reply with a link from (((npr))) about street-drug opiates
Literally not an argument.
Kids are still gonna get codeine syrup, vicodin, fentanyl and oxys once we build the wall. Keep shilling for (((big pharma))) with (((NPR))) links though, Braiyden.
Kratom isn't as "cool" or convenient for normieshit millennials to take compared to drinking some ready-made syrup or popping/smoking a pill.
>Heroin Problem
What heroin problem? Just legalize it.
where do I sign up?
>addiction is something people do to cope with stress
As an alcoholic and pill popper, can confirm
Duterte them.
It all comes in from CHYNA due to Fentanyl not being illegal there, so getting in precursors or the final product is too easy.
This is how they handle it in my city which doesn't work:
>expand shooting galleries staffed with nurses 24/7
>expand 'awareness' campaigns by organizing drug users union (yes, this actually exists)
>crack down on dealers
>ask CHYNA to stop Fentanyl shipments to Canada
Still get the same amount of ODs, it's not working. The left just scream for more money to be thrown at more drug user coddling efforts. Right now we have around 300 ODs per month, but only 20 or so are fatal due to ambulances working overtime.
There is 2 solutions:
>Final Solution
Just let the addicts all kill themselves through natural selection and give them nothing as they deserve nothing. They all die, problem solved.
>Free Heroin
Do what Netherlands and some other EU countries did which is provide the drug through government to eliminate the black market and target junkies for treatment. Also allow for free drop of labs so you can test drugs for their content without fear of being arrested.
Both these options cost a lot of money as you have to pay for ambulances or heroin.
mmmm codeine
The ignorance in here is amazing.
Our most problematic drugs (fentanyl/benzos) come from Canada.
We have methadone clinics galore here, does fuck all. No addicts go to jail either yet they still steal and rob every chance they get once released.
So the additional financial burden of a growing habit expense doesn't present additional stress?
Really gets my transistors transisting
>killing non-violent """"criminals""""
I wonder who the evil fuck is in this scenario.
Focus on harm reduction instead of spending billions on a pointless war.
The gigantic fentanyl labs are in Mexico and China. China supplies Canada and Mexico supplies US there isn't a lot of cross border fent going on, some but nothing compared to factories pumping out the shit down south.
there is no such thing in brazil. we have crack tho. Also solving heroine problem is virtually impossible, since we use the source plant to create potent pain killers in medicine.
>throw money at a problem
>think it will help
hell give Detroit a couple billion dollars then
As someone who has been to multiple rehabs, I can confirm that the first bit about addiction being a function of stress/trauma is 100% true. Everyone in there had something in their past (sexual abuse, family issues etc) which would have caused them to become an addict at some point. The existence of one particular drug is completely irrelevant. If heroin didn't exist, every junkie would just be a methhead, drunk, crackhead etc.
Fentanyl epidemic is solving itself
Legalize it and let natural selection do its thing.
So people fall into the trap at first t basically forget bad memories for awhile until they sober up? Is that what I'm understanding?
Get out of Afghanistan.
i.e. stop protecting/participating in heroin production
Legalize it, and most of the problem will sort itself out in 5-10 years.
Opiate addiction is a byproduct of hopelessness and despondency. Fix the economy and the allure of opiates will fade.
Execute addicts. My mom is a heroin addict and she's nothing but a drain on me, my family, and society as a whole.
10year prison for every gram of heroine
Spend double tax money for war on drugs
that will help
It's not difficult to grow opium poppies in the US. Easier to do than grow weed plants, as poppies are legal. It's just the act of refining the latex from the plant that is illegal.
Not entirely, opiod addiction is a result of doctors overprescribing shit like Oxy, crack and coke heads who look for something that lasts longer, chronic pain problems and accessibility: it's avail everywhere so people try it.
Another major issue is forced treatment, due to laws parents can't force their children into rehab even if they are desperate drug addicts living on the streets. If you can't take care of yourself you should be forced into rehab for 2 years like a prison sentence, that's about how long it takes to truly get clean.
I worked for a year at a city agency that dealt with addiction. After being exposed to these people for more than a few weeks you will no longer feel sorry for their stupid asses and secretly wish they get wiped out by a bad fentanyl batch.
I've seen grown adults jumping up and down crying because crack pipes blew up in their face, heroin addicts stab a coworker because they ran out of "kits" to inject with, and incredibly entitled atittudes of these parasites who just drain society and contribute nothing but misery back to it.
Yeah I would say people generally fit into one of three addict groups
1. People trying to escape the memories of some terrible past trauma
2. People who led regular lives but were consumed by severe underlying personality/emotional issues (psycopathy, bipolar, borderline personality disorder, chronic depression etc) and turned to drugs to cope.
3.Nihilists, and people who have no real reason not to do drugs. Your average crackhead from the hood would fall into thts category. If all you have to look foward to is a job at Mcdonalds, why wouldn't you just drop out of society and smoke crack all day.
>Use 50 million on an enormous oven.
>Use 100 million corralling the blacks into it
>Spend the rest on public relations
How wonderfully sociopathic of you
Adversity doesn't build character, it exposes it.
Not everyone with a shitty life focuses on it, then does heroin.
We mix jew into the heroine
The Filipino tactic of dealing with the peddlers and dealers seemed to work well for them.
/3/ reporting in
Made too much money. Don't have to work. Now I get high and fuck druggie girls.
Only ever snort heroin, kids.
but then how does one finance their black ops ?
Find the flaw, though.
Legalise its distribution and use. Fuckheads are still going to use it, all you're achieving with legislation is taking money out of hospitals from caring for people who get crooked batches and putting even more into the hands of criminal niggers and mexicans.
Couldn't they design a series of plant pathogens that kills poppy plants? Do it in multiple phases and types (viral, fungal, nematode, insect, etc) so that cartels can't easily try to counter-engineer a plant like they did for roundup and coca.
stop smokin shit that has to mixed with other shit. godamn
>Opiate addiction is a byproduct of hopelessness and despondency.
Drug use in Mexico is well below that in the USA even though they are a major source and distributor.
'Hopelessness and despondency' are dealt with in Mexico by sneaking across the border and waiting for work in front of the Home Depot. Americans down on their luck get addicted and stand at off ramps begging for drug money with 'Will work for food' signs. Just try actually offering one some work and they will scream at you.
Nice job: you've just set back both routine and trauma surgery by 200 years.
idk but i had a dream last night where i did heroin and wombo coastered on a dick saucer
The heroin epidemic had always existed, but it's only more apparent now since many more people are overdosing; most of them were functional addicts.
I don't know why people think fentanyl comes from Mexico, it's made in clandestine labs in China and since it's active in the microgram range, very little is enough to strengthen a batch of heroin too much.
My friend from high school overdosed on fentanyl back in July and died because with fentanyl it's hard to tell just how much is in a single pill since it varies alot.
Honestly, the CIA should lace all heroin with a lethal dose of fentanyl and purge these degenerates overnight. It's not just gays who spread HIV, but a good chunk is from dirty needle users. It's an epidemic where I live. Literal tent cities out in the woods. I know this because my mom is a nurse who does home visits, including tents.
There's an entire generation who is on heroin so a lot of kids now live with their grandparents.
Last night I had a dream that I was eating thanksgiving dinner at the kiddie table with Ron Paul.
He's interested in being secretary of treasury, I asked him.
>due to laws parents can't force their children into rehab
Washington State, this is the case. Oregon used to allow forced rehab. Parents would arrange a family trip to Portland and stop in the shopping center parking lot just across the border. Van pulls up and the kid is transferred (willingly or not) and taken to Oregon detox center.
But no more. I say, bring back the Oregon vacations.
saging this but prescripted opiates are hard to obtain
Can't you just use alternatives?
Kratom definitely, got me to quit heroin 4 years ago in January. Wonderful plant and works better than morphine IMO in Killing pain
You are completely retarded virgin white boi
lace it with cyanide
"Kill the pushers."—Philip K. Dick
Legalize it.
There's lots of myths about drug and alcohol addiction, the prevailing myth is
a) something 'super bad' happened to them
b) poverty
This is bullshit addicts tell marks they are shaking down for change or favors, and the media to get them to feel sorry for them. They tell their caseworkers a completely different story. The absolute truth is anybody with shit willpower can become an addict, you just fall into the wrong crowd and stupidly do some drugs you could end up rekt from them. A doctor could give you too many Oxy's for a injury and you get hooked so instead of treatment go to the streets to get fent and heroin. You party all night drinking, so do some lines of coke to sober up. Pretty soon you end up doing coke all the time. Then you start boiling it. Now you're Tyrone the crackhead.
I had a friend who was a P/T DJ at a nightclub while in school. He'd be up until 3am Thurs night then needed to do some speed in the morning in order to get up on time for school. Pretty soon he needed speed everyday to get up on time for school. Then he became a meth head. He has no 'traumatic' upbringing he just had shitty willpower and made bad decisions like partying everynight and not taking school seriously.
The fact is who cares why people get on drugs, just make it easy to get rehab, arrest the dealers and don't coddle the addicts so you don't create a sort of addicts paradise like we have done in my city.
Like fentanyl. See what happens?
The alternatives stop you breathing (opiates do this too but the respiratory depression is less pronounced for a given level of pain relief), excellent if you have the money for multiple anaesthetists to keep you alive round the clock and don't have any plans for several months (and are prepared to deal with severe muscle atrophy).
Not only that but it is literally a "happy" pill if taken moderately. I understand some people can't. But on a day that i'm depressed, I take it and suddenly I feel happy and energetic and start working out. And it gets rid of my social anxiety. I took it on thanskgiving and someone said "this is the most i ever heard you talk". it's bigger than just a pain reliever
I was under the impression that even fentanyl is synthesised from opium poppy feedstocks.
Anyone else live in central Ohio notice how fucking crazy the heroin epidimic has gotten recently? Every week on the news there's some special report warning junkies about a batch of super heroin that "has already caused 50 overdoses this week."
Stop importing it into the USA in c1-30's
Would this be the same media who gave an accurate impression of polling trends in the election? They're just ramping up to scare you into accepting further losses of rights.