Is Nordic-Mediterranean mixture the ubermensch?

Is Nordic-Mediterranean mixture the ubermensch?

>intelligence of a Nord
>height of a Nord
>eye color of a Nord
>exotic appearance
>Mediterranean immunity to cuckoldry and white guilt
>Mediterranean inclination to violence to outsiders

What do you think Sup Forums?

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That man has a phenotype most commonly found in Germany


So you mean Syria?

>sweden not black
>britain not paki

That image was made years ago. Like 2010.
It's very old. It's one of the oldest photos in my pol folder and I've been here for years.

you forgot

>filthy skin of a muditerranean

Calm down, Nigel, just because you'll never have the olive skin of a med. Women love the color.

pic related is a nordomed
and Italians at least are smarter than Nords

Not even gay.

Did you not hear? Trump won, mudskin. You have to go back now.

Nothing muddy about meds, m8y.

>and Italians at least are smarter than Nords
Empirical data would say otherwise.

>Empirical data would say otherwise.

Swedes and Danes have similar skin color

Some of you Anglos get pretty damn swarthy as well. Not every white person is a pink skin freckled potato nigger.


>smacks lips profusely
>grabs crotch
>flares nostrils
>sucks air through teeth

Nope, never said I was white.
Just not muddy.

Well I guess I was wrong.

It only works with Spaniards.

>>intelligence of a Nord
> intelligent

pick one

Bejamin Franklin was ardently against Italian immigration. Wanna know why? He described Italians as hyper intelligent but unbelievably lazy. Amazing how it's still true.
He then described Germans as "dull".

>mixing with muditerraneans

And of course...

why so butthurt Nigel, you got another gf stolen by some Mediterranean bull?

Well France is a nordo-med country and they're one of the biggest cucks around.

100% Spaniard

>British teen boys
>photo shows a mud and a non-white

huh... really got the noodle flowing

>a mud and a non-white
yeah, Brits

>the most handsome British man has the filthy skin of a muditerranean

really made me think

Don't be mad you inherited shit tier ginger genes for your skin and you can only get red in the sun due to it, Nigel.

Croats are taller than nordic, at least the dinaric ones

This has gotta be fake...

I'm italian but actually on a vacation in Edinburgh.
I do find scots really nice people. Males are good looking on the average, except for the pakis, niggers (wtf those roaches are everywhere) and the Wallace and Gromit's Wallace-lookings.

THEM GIRLS THO. There's this endless parade of fat asses in pantyhose

Italians are stupid as fuck. Italian cars all break down until they hire german engineers to make their shit reliable.
Case in point.
Porsche 959>> still works
Ferrari f40>> does not work


Also italians are angry shit eating faggots. Look at jersey shore.
Better to be a fucking irish than a fucking italian

nice butthurt
not an argument though

mmh your tears are delicious

Those aren't italians, are shitty americans pretending to have an heritage.
And yours is a big fat bait m8

>>height of a Nord

whats Dinaric motherfucker

Top Kek
>intelligence of a Nord
>implying the Romans aren't the intelligent ones

You thoroughbred feces masticating faggot... you are linking a site thats pure propaganda.

Here is an actual documentation-

"Germany and the Netherlands have the highest average IQ at 107, compared with 100 across Britain. The UK is also beaten by Poland (106), Sweden (104), Italy (102), Austria (101) and Switzerland (101). But Britons are brighter than people in Belgium (99), Spain (98), Hungary (98), Russia (96), Greece (95), France (94), Romania (94), Turkey (90) and Serbia, which finishes bottom with 89. Adults in England and Wales have an IQ of 100.5, ahead of Ireland and Scotland, both with 97. "

cheers u snooki birthing faggot

>waaaaaa only my sources are correct waaaaaaaaaaaah
the butthurt we generate, holy shit

>>intelligence of a Nord
>>height of a Nord
>>eye color of a Nord
>>exotic appearance
>>Mediterranean immunity to cuckoldry and white guilt
>>Mediterranean inclination to violence to outsiders

only eye color is correct, and science proved that blue colored eyes are from degenerate genes

>he fell for the superior german engineering meme


I'm not gay, but that is a beautiful specimen.

Dude, youre inferior. Get over it its not all that matters. Well... it is alot of what matters tho... italians are angry speed limit loving faggots. You love ur hot police women bc ur all beta bitches

Uh... so does "meme" mean "true"?

i'm a skandi/med myself and i look like a weird slav


Dude, you're vastly asshurt. Get over it.

redpill me on the helsinkians

Yes lets all racemix together! Fuck blonde blue eyed aryans they are faggots anyway.

>postin Marios lekkas
He is pure Mediterranean Greek, though
And no, pure Mediterraneans, as they lived in Ancient Greece and Rome, are superior to Nordics in terms of creativity, intelligence and beauty
The christianized Arabs of todays Southern Europe however are inferior to us

top kek, nice copying mechanism hans

How does one distinguish between an ancient Greek/Roman versus an Arab Greek/Italian/Spaniard?

Percentage of foreign DNA. Looks alone doesn't do it because genes don't always present themselves.
>t. 91% Italian, 8% Balkan, 1% N. African

Look at this model in the OP and see how Mediterraneans in the Antiquity looked like, today Southern Euros are much shorter, uglier and hairier

nice memes hans, try leaving your cuckshed sometimes

foreign DNA? can you be more specific or give me an example?

Turks took lots of Greeks back to Turkey and many Greek still live there to this day

Get a DNA test.
The amount of non-european DNA.

>intelligence of a Nord
Then he's retarded?

>implying this is how your average Southern Euro looks like
Nice meme, Luigi

That man just looks like a handsome German/Scandinavian who has been on vacation

>le all Nordics are blonde meme

>how dare he cherrypicks just like I do
nice try Hans, keep coping

Minus the blue eyes, yeah, looks fairly italian.



To all of those saying Mediterraneans are subhuman. Two words: ROMA INVICTA