Redpill me on Francois Fillon.
Will he win or will Le Pen?
Is he based or a globalist shill?
Redpill me on Francois Fillon.
Will he win or will Le Pen?
Is he based or a globalist shill?
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France is a dead country.
It's at Sweden tier but nobody's talking about it. Le Pen will lose.
And at least in Sweden's there's a meaningful backlash. French don't give a shit, they have a retarded mind-set
what does mitt romney have to do with france
I want to believe but Poms are always biased against Frenchfaggots, so I don't know if I can trust you
Even the French on here will admit it. I love France but they're fucked
Can someone explain the current French political system? The center-right party is called the Republicans? Like in the US? And they have primaries?
Yup and all is decided by the popular vote
Fillion just won the LR primary
He is just a Conservative,the only way Marine could beat him is using the socialists vote by critisizing his economic police that's all
Le Pen cannot win.
France will need the help of foreign allies to be saved, like the last time.
>The center-right party is called the Republicans
The right wing party actually, but they made an alliance with the center party for this election. They used to be named "UMP" but because of the pun Le Pen made by calling them 'UMPS" (PS is the name of the left wing party) they decided to change it to "Les Republicains" a few years ago. And yeah they just had their primaries and Fillon came out the winner.
There is no way the left is gonna vote Fillon
>Mfw in the event of a Fillon/LePen scenario the libtards will just stay home and cry
Nice, these people should't be allowed to vote.
>They used to be named "UMP" but because of the pun Le Pen made by calling them 'UMPS" (PS is the name of the left wing party) they decided to change it to "Les Republicains" a few years ago.
I think it's more because of sarkozy's hard on for america
slightly less cucked than the other mainstream candidates on his program, but was prime minister of sarkozy, which says a lot.
Globalist shill
I don't get it
This is bad. Having a so-called conservative running will take votes away from Le Pen if people fall for it.
Same strategy the Tories used: get tough-talking Theresa May elected as leader to lure potential far right UKIP voters in the next GE.
Mark my words: his first act as president will be to "embrace the centre ground".
Implying that France is so cucked that even a poodle can rule it. (Fillon was nicknamed Sarkozy's poodle).
>Is he based or a globalist shill?
Politics are a little more complex and riddled with subtleties than you might be ready to fathom.
fairly conservative morals (catholic father of 5, openly anti-faggotry, total petrolhead)
as to economics, much saner than anything in France since... well... since pretty much ever
he was the only French politician having paid homage to Thatcher
what he proposes is some sort of very lukewarm Thatcherian purge, which is precisely what France needs, as to economics (except from the lukewarm part, but well...)
will prbly cut unions (called "syndicats", in French; coincidence? fuck no) from the people, through getting rid of most nationwide labor rules, and letting people negotiate locally, which is of utmost importance
much better than the FN socialist shemale as far as economics go ("she" wants to fund her fucktardry through directly taking money from erryone's bank account, for instance; way to encourage lazyness and irresponsibility, as if those weren't already through the roof in France)
he's a globalist, but France is far from that point being even remotely relevant
France still believe in socialism much more than in any other religion
France has to be purged of that kind of dimwitted shit before anything else happens
Center parties don't exist. If someone make such statement, is lying.
you're a complete imbecile, and you understand so few than resetting through a rope may be the best solution
where do you think the votes having allowed FN to rise around 30% come from?
those are the votes of former blue collars, you total shitwit
those are former communist votes.
FN went from a Reaganian economics stand, with the father (former "poujadiste"), to an openly socialist circus with the shemale
FN has been getting left wing votes for a very long time
FN will be the left wing party on the second round next year
and it will lose
half of those still with the communists will abstain from the second round
but half of Jean-Cul Méchancon's groupies are gonna vote FN
some PS cucks will even vote FN, when they'll realize they're closer to it than to LR
all in all, the shemale will get more votes than "her" father in 2002 on the second round
but that won't be enough
the republican cordon will still make PS gentrified SJW vote Fion while pinching your nose
been there, seen that
it will take some votes from the old guard
but the nationalist old guard doesn't represent most of FN power now
is precisely why she kicked her father from the honorary presidency of FN, when he just had disavowed her socialist stance
FN now is the de facto leading left wing party, nothing else
yes is a globalist shill for sure
he answered to an other politician (De villliers) who asking him why he did go to bilderberg ?
> "what you want ? it's them that are governing us"
enough said.
Society values (family, homos) : conservative
About strangers (mudslims) : conservative
Economics : ultra-liberal
Foreign policy : wants an alliance with Russia
Society values (family, homos) : conservative
About strangers (mudslims) : conservative
Economics : ultra-liberal
Foreign policy : aligned to Russia
Big difference with LePen is the economic policy.
Fillon looks like Sarkozy back in 2007, when he used far-right wing thematics to syphon votes from NF. My guess is he'll do the same and be the next president.
Second big difference is that MLP is sucking a jewish cock in bed.
The real socialists (if they are any left in the PS) should vote for Montebourg in the primaries, he was the only one defending French jobs. That or directly vote for MLP.
It's worth including that "liberal", as you use it, is in the European sense of supporting free markets and limited government.
He's pretty based tbqh, considering the nanny State is a given in French politics.
without anything to fight for (which is where we're at), French would easily fight (we're not half bad at that), but the chimp our aftermath will throw us at least as low as we were to start with
if we want to oppose globalism, we first have to plan what to do next
and the only thing French ever think about doing is burning shitloads of free moneyz on socialist circus shows
want to get rid of globalism?
first and foremost start teaching economics 101 to French
first purge socialism
then, the French will have something to fight for
>Economics : ultra-liberal
dat sweet summer child
even accounting for "liberal" meaning economically conservative (which is what you meant, my dear Franchouille), he's very far from being an ultra
he's barely lukewarm, for an economically conservative
sure, from the point of view of the usual French communist monkey, he's an ultra-hard capitalist
but that's because you have an utterly shitwittedly deluded point of view to start with
very precisely.
our nationalist are ultra-socialists, ffs (their economic program is pretty much the same as the declared communist candidate)
nanny state is a given, for French
Fion's adversary stand was that French needs to be comforted, reassured, like fucking children
which they pretty much are
big idiotic children sloshing in their own shit and crying for mommy state all the time
which is why FN is not the solution
not even remotely
Fion goes in the right direction, but still is much too lukewarm, considering the total disaster he has to manage
the biggest difference is that he won't touch schengen and therefore immigration, while le pen really wants to stop it
as if that was France biggest problem
not saying it's not a huge problem, mind you
but you're missing the herd of elephants in the room
- unions routinely putting the whole country to a halt
- crazy taxation and rules pretty much forbidding to create jobs
- communist judges only protecting themselves, to the point a coup d'état & brutal purge against them all is unavoidable
when at least that is fixed, we can take a look at globalism
these are problems of our era, while immigration is a problem of survival
He's a David Cameron-tier faux conservative.
Basically, he'll screw you over when elected and take orders from his corporate handlers like a good puppet.
Le Pen is real change.
Not really considering France never went through the conservatism and liberal economics we had in under Thatcher so this guy is a real status-quo changer.
He is a Catholic and conservative.
Either way France has two decently based candidates to choose from.
France is one more terrorist attack away from a Le Pen landslide
know what?
I honestly don't care whether it's a migrant or a local burglaring my house
and I don't care because at that point, the outcome will be the very same, in France: they'll walk free, and will never have to pay for the damages they did, thanks to the red judges
anyway, in case you didn't notice (which seems to be the case), most migrants really don't want to stay in France
we're barely a stepping stone for them to go elsewhere
know why even rats leave a ship?
because it's sinking, dufus!
(they mainly want to go to UK: because it's thriving, compared to our shithole; people having gathered tens of thousands euros to pay and come here obvsly aren't the kind of leeches you imagine; and even if there are some, we already have so many leeches of our own that migrant are insignificant, in comparison)
oh yeah, sure
the rats from somewhere else are so much THE problem
not our very own rats, already in overwhelming numbers
>Le Pen is real change
completely delusional
Le Pen is a total socialist
and socialism is what rules over France pretty much since WW2 ended (yes, even De Gaulle, having written the constitution about France being "a social republic")
Le Pen is not change
it's just a slightly different incarnation of what France has had to bear for more than 70years
"her" father was a real change
and a much needed one, at that
he publicly disavowed "her" for being a complete socialist
and in return, "she" kicked him from the FN honorary presidency
what more do you need so to start understanding, you idiot?
Daily reminder:
a fucking leaf
please neck your whole species
after you, socialist rednigger
Fillon is stupid
Le Pen is racist
Hollande is idiot
>implying Marin La Pine is not a complete shitwit
He's basically the french Mitt Romney.
>France gets a candidate promising to cure their economic communism
You better vote hard, you arrogant bastard frogs. Vote for this guy before Le Pen uncucks, but also turns you into a third world country. You need hard conservativism economically, so hard it's gonna hurt. But the only way you'll ever be fine is if you bite the bullet and clear the way, become stable again (possibly much poorer) and reclaim sovereignty.
You'll never get change until you decouple yourself from Germany, you'll never decouple yourselves while debt fuels your huge social state, you'll never do that until you liberate the market and a socialist (like le pen) will never do that. She will treat symptoms (migrants, etc.) While letting the disease (communism) fester.
based Flemish bro understands where it's at
it's not about voting for strict daddy big brows
it's about starting to cure the socialism cancer
Francois "Our Guy" Fillon will Make France Great Again
He looks like Mittens too.
This is all because you're a unitary state, that's literally it. Having complete centralization equals nanny state
very accurate
an heirloom of jacobinism, a French revolution shitwittedry
your welcome.
Actually, Le Pen is more anti-EU than Fillon is even if her domestic policies are more socialist.
But it's not like that'd be much of a change over the current administration and socialism isn't too bad when you don't have a bunch of unemployed niggers in your population and you don't have to bail out other countries.
well, slowly and lukewarmly
but there's no alternative
socialism never is an alternative, kids
Sikhs are totally based, you shitwit.
They hate mudslimes even more than us.
What happened to you France, when did everything go so wrong?
>bunch of unemployed niggers in your population
see your trailer park losers?
we have humongous hordes of that kind of snowniggers
I've seen them do things you wouldn't even believe
purging all that socialist shit is the absolute priority
The main reason for voting for FN is to hasten the ultimate confrontation with mudslimes.
But cutting welfare drastically will do that anyway, and perhaps even quicker. And Fillon is much more likely to make those cuts.
It isn't going to stay purged if you just keep importing more Algerian communist darkies into your country, Pierre
I'm of the opinion it at least dates back to the hundred years war
lots of resources were needed to wage it
the English then allowed people to enrich themselves, so that it could trickle up to the crown
the French pressed the people as much as they could even if it was more than they could take, because fuckyouIbeekangz
and along centuries after such an initial impulse, it made England OK, and France terrible
The French will elect Fillon the cuckservative because Marine le Pen is racist. Their country is dead.
back to the jungle CAPTAIN ABO, we will win and kick sandnigger ass.
I hope you prove me wrong i will eat that humble pie.
>and never forget when you post on /pol
>cutting welfare drastically will do that anyway, and perhaps even quicker
it indeed is a necessary first step
as to dealing with diversity enrichment, it comes as a side effect icing on the cake
>implying darkies are communist
socialists do that mistake to, here
but they don't even vote much (they rabidly take welfare, though)
and if hash (their main income source) was legalized, they'd turn into capitalist right wing voters in a jiffy (they actually are some sort of de facto feral ancaps; and are morally conservative)
it actually is a funny thought I often have: a French right winger legalizing hash would hit the left so hard that it possibly could never rise up again
also, Le Pen won't get rid of them
most of them technically are French, born and bred here
it's done
there's no coming back as to that
(not implying we should import some anew, of course)
Let me tell you, it all ties together going back to the French Revolution, through the Empires, the gradual erosion of regional (and therefore non-unitary) identity like with the Bretons and the Occitans, enforcing loyalty to the bloated central power of Paris, leading to the modern social state. It's disgusting.
the tendency existed before the revolution
for instance
but it's possibly even much older
French people genuinely enjoy having a leader, even if they despise him
it's the sheer thought of having one, that they fancy
it's like they enjoy being subservient to something bigger
they're pretty much like hiveminding insects
wrong choice kuffars
>Ali Jupé intensifies
Anyway, why the French didn't vote for Juppé?
because they're less dumb than expected
Fion clearly told he wouldn't oppose his party, whomever wins, but that he couldn't endorse either Jupé's or Sarkozy's program, because none of those were enough to straighten our shit even a little
and people bit
somehow, quite many people are getting fucking fed up with the socialist nanny state
NB: our republican party usually just is a so-called right wing socialist party; Hollande's presidency is a carbon copy of Sarkozy's (more taxes, more stupid rules, all that dusted with scheming and sex scandals)
I think of the French as the Chinese of Europe, having a rich culture and history with great people but lacking any real sense of individuality. And by forcibly assimilating the regional people's of France they ensure everyone has this same attitude.
That's pretty much it. They even made up leashes for people to think they're individuals even a little, when it's a whole load of bull.
Like our regional costumes. After the revolution, the state pretty much asked for the creation of a typical costume for each region, to wear during village feasts, when before, people pretty much wore what they could.
And since then, people imagine those are age old part of their culture, to be proud of, when it's barely 200 years old. That literally is what Leto II did to the Fremen: turning them into museum pieces. Well Leto II put people's nose in their shit so they could end up instinctly loving freedom... nothing like that, here.
Any relation to the leaf ? Pic unrelated