what is the most horrifying way to die besides getting beheaded with a chainsaw like in that cartel vid, Sup Forums?
What is the most horrifying way to die besides getting beheaded with a chainsaw like in that cartel vid, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Eating out your mum
Being set on fire. No lie.
Hot lead poured down your throat.
Impalement by bamboo growth
Mexican cartel vid where they defaced some kid
Bees.. or dogs that shoot bees at you when they bark.
post vid pls
Probably human centipede, back segment, being raped with barbed wire ala second sequence.
At least I would die extremely turned on :^)
Probably immersion in acid
buried alive
This shit right here. Disturbing as fuck, watch the video.
It was more of a medieval thing.
Worst way: burning to death
Best way: freezing to death
Hanging Drawing and Quartering
>The first stage of the execution was to be tied to a wooden frame and dragged behind a horse to the place of your death. Following that, the criminal would be hanged until they were nearly dead. The criminal would then be removed from the noose and laid on a table. The executioner would then disembowel and emasculate the victim, and burn the entrails in front of his eyes. He would still be alive at this point. The person would then be beheaded and their body cut in to quarters
Ling Chi
>practiced in China until it was outlawed in 1905. In the execution, the criminal is slowly cut in the arms, legs, and chest, until finally they are beheaded or stabbed in the heart.
>the skin of the criminal is removed from their body with the use of a very sharp knife. Attempts are made to keep the skin intact. This is a very ancient method of execution. The apostle Bartholomew was flayed and crucified upside down
>a naked person would be firmly fastened within a back-to-back pair of narrow rowboats, the head, hands, and feet protruding from this improvised container. The condemned was forced to ingest milk and honey to the point of developing severe diarrhea, and more honey would be rubbed on his body so as to attract insects to the exposed appendages. They would then be left to float on a stagnant pond. The defenseless individual’s feces accumulated within the container, attracting more insects, which would eat and breed within his or her exposed (and increasingly gangrenous) flesh. Death, when it eventually occurred, was probably due to a combination of dehydration, starvation and septic shock.
Living alone in a State-run nursing facility, surrounded by strangers paid barely above minimum wage to take care of you as you deteriorate.
there are docents and all of them are very slow
Being boiled alive
alone ;_;
That's this video
Starvation. Hydrated starvation, not dehydrated starvation.
For me it's vid-related. Dying in claws of furious beast.
>Freezing to death
You're joking, right? Hypothermia is a shit way to go.
Best way to go is asphyxiation IF the gas you're breathing isn't carbon based, since your body doesn't even realize you're suffocating. You just pass out. That's how "exit bags" work.
>watched every single death video on plebbit /r/watchpeopledie
>now im afraid to cross the street
If theres anything ive learned from watching videos on /r/watchpeopledie, is that you can literally die at any moment in ur life in the craziest way, without even realizing it
What about best ways to die?
>death by snu snu
The horror does fade though, once you fill your lungs with water the pressure is gone and it's similar to CO poisoning
imagine being slowly sliced by a burning hot blade that cauterizes the wounds instantly, one limb at a time
Probably in bed with your love ones around you.
It's literally possible to sneeze so hard you die.
You can die from popping a pimple.
They could make your death last days or weeks
Can confirm about freezing to death. Fell into a frozen pond as a kid and couldn't get out for about 20 minutes till fire fighters saved me. Body temp fell to 85 degrees. After the first 5 minutes you can't feel much anymore and its just like slowly falling asleep.
I've seen that. I've seen alot of that.
You have to go back.
Dying of a heart attack moments before you're supposed to release the nuclear payload from your B52 over Moscow.
Triggerpuff facesitting me to death
Being eaten alive, skinned alive buried alive, or boiled alive.
Anything where you are slowly disassembled while being aware of your demise.
lethal injection
Nigga that ain't THICCCCC that bitch is bigger than the Michelin Man
Lena Dunham sitting on your face, suffocating you to death with her muff.
Damn I thought this shit was real
>not medically trained
It's not a medical procedure, it's an EXECUTION.
A soldier doesn't need medical training to pull the trigger on the enemy.
The whole thing is retardedly complex. Just hang the fucker.
Look up scaphism. Long story short, you're tied down in a boat and have honey and milk poured on you so that insects land all over you and eat you alive over the course of several days.
By sadness from realizing that you are alone
It is a medical procedure, it consists of 3 IV injections.
That said I would much rather face firing squad than lethal injection or gassing. Both painful ways to die.
This is just degenerate, the kill should be quick simple and never thought of again.
A close runner up to scaphism would be the Brazen Bull. You get locked into a bronze, bull-shaped chamber and a fire is lit under the bull to cook you alive.
dying alone
Heres its easy OP
1. Open browser
2. Google "Sup Forums Adult Gif"
3. Select Catalogue
4. Ctrl+F "Rekt"
5. Enjoy
Now you have a bunch of ideas
being constantly stung by these would probably be worst than death
the funniest thing about lethal injection is that it should be painless but anti-death penalty libs keep banning the drugs they use to make the injections in an attempt to make it more difficult to carry out an execution but all they are doing are making the drugs they have to resort to more iffy and causing botched painful executions in the process.
>ctrl F "brazen bull"
>one result
this guy knows what's up
>locked up in an almost pitch black confined space that's being heated from below so you steam cook yourself to death in slow agony that can take hours to die
Dying knowing you're the last of your race/species
Being slowed down by grav guns that fell into the hands of traitor marines before getting fucked in every hole by a slanesshi demon while some dark eldar rape everyone you ever knew right before a traitor dreadnaught burns you alive with a melta gun.
The breaking wheel is pretty fucking brutal. The new Berserk anime had a scene with it.
with no ai gf
Torture over a prolonged period obviously
Knock yourself out though newfriend
I hate people
a classic youtube.com
The way this spelunking nigger died.
I always thought this was the most fucked up movie death:
I can't even imagine having to watch your brother get beat to death in front of your eyes, then get buried alive in a hole with his corpse on top of you
fucking horrifying
>tfw no bee shooting barking doge gf
This is the most horrifying way to die:
Being a baby and having the soft spot in your head fucked by John Podesta
Copper bull.
>tfw that babby cable tied fucking and shitting on stuff posted on Sup Forums years ago is burned into your mind
I know scaphism is brutal as fuck but isn't it more dying of thirst than anything else? I mean yes im sure being "eaten alive" by insects isnt the most pleasant experience, but wouldn't a lack of water get you before infection?
Brazen Bull I can't even imagine. I try not to. Just being in a fucking metal shell and getting cooked alive... I can't begin to imagine how much pain and desperation you'd be in before you manage to pass out.
Goddamn those cartel videos are sick. They torture people by dripping molten plastic on them and then they feed you your own fingers.
>what is the most horrifying way to die
brazen bull
post tapestry pls
Probably being buried alive in a coffin or the like. It's not the most painful way but just imagine being trapped in a tiny space underground with no company besides the maggots and other vermin who eventually worm their way in. No one can hear you and no one will ever know.
what the fuck
put through a chipper, feet first?
>white ppl
Explain good friend
Or reword it, im confused
Getting raped with red hot iron rod covered in car oil
Thats the canoe with the bugs?
Fuck me this guy wins....
Apparently getting your head crushed by those medieval vices is supposed to be incredibly painful.
Burning alive and slit throat are supposedly 2 of the most painful ways to die because all you can do is sit there and suck the pain as you watch your death happen
Once you burn past a certain point you pretty much cant be saved same as once a certain part of your neck gets nicked
You don't even need claustrophobia to get freaked the fuck out by this.
Being thrown in a pit of used needles
I win, you can all go home now. Drowning, beheading, burning, brazen bull blabla all gets BTFO by Scaphism. It would be even worse now when we got antibiotics and all that.
babies cry differently then
make it stop
The baby was cable tied to a table and dudes were doing things to it
0/10 overall
Peter scully or a different video?
Dying of old age.
The best way to die would be having your entire body get vaporized in an instant
Being stretched to death
That one way of execution that involved being forcefed honey or something, causing the shits and getting eaten by insects.
Anyone with a sane mind would just bite their tongue off.