When is Stefan Molyneux gonna respond?
Varg is fucking him in the ass hard right now.
When is Stefan Molyneux gonna respond?
Varg is fucking him in the ass hard right now.
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I'm surprised they let him have firearms. He's been to prison for murder before.
Do they let convicted murders own guns over there?
A wolf doesn't concern himself with the opinion of sheep.
I've seen some of his previous videos on capitalism, and Varg blames it for the stupidest, blatantly government-enforced shit.
Arguments in the video: 0
Polytheism wasn't the system of Europeans before America.
Polytheism is the present system.
Varg is a bitter old bastard,
>Note that ALL types of Capitalism leads to Crony Capitalism
aaaaaand stopped watching
He won't. Stefan has no arguments.
>tfw you realise that capitalism and communism are just kikes playing both sides to ensure the same outcome; flooding all white countries with immigrants to dilute our white population.
varg is a faggot, his listeners are faggots, and all white NEETard-fucko spic manchildren
>hey guys Stefan Molyjust from justdomainradio hope you're doing horrible
Stefan is afraid
Very afraid
holy shit dude I was just in that other thread about the Britbongo conspiratard murder and I was thinking I couldn't take that guy seriously because of the horrible poser mugshots
but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Stefan BTFO
all these shills are playing into their game. You gotta break out of the system if you want something new
stefan completely BTFO
he isn't even saying something that people from the traditional right wouldn't say, even if the language is more basic
both capitalism and communism are based on a materialistic and modernist view of the world which is degenerate and rotten to the core
You're not wrong, but I think the basic idea behind capitalism (that you should be free to work and retain the fruits of your labor) are correct while the collectivist ideas of Marxism are flawed and go against human nature.
those are two possible ways to reach a goal which isn't fundamentally different, the accumulation of material capital as the ultimate goal of existence
sure you might argue that capitalism is perhaps more efficient than communism at making sure the individual can get as much material wealth as possible, but if that's you big concern, then you probably shouldn't even be here since the very essence of what Sup Forums defends is something that transcends this and is endangered by the same nihilist process
If you're anti Varg you're a complete limp wristed nu-male or a kike who hates white males
shall not be infringed
You are acting as though determining the validity of things like private property isn't fundamental to a society regardless of whether or not it is given the same status it does in our current society.
The first principles of capitalism and Marxism are diametrically opposed and some elements of one of the other will undoubtedly be incorporated into any society.
That's not the way it works for convicts.
the point is whether things like private property are subordinated or not to higher principles
if you put those things first, then don't be surprised if society throws away any remnant of tradition and moves towards what it is becoming nowadays
Get fucked, how many niggers and spics have guns in America after serving terms for felony?
What traditions would those be? How far back are you going and to which society are you looking for this "tradition"?
Private property rights were foundational to the American tradition long before it was corrupted and subverted.
I'm not necessarily talking about Tradition with the capital T as traditionalist would, but take things like the traditional marriage if you will.
Ask yourself how the US, with all its mighty military power, got so easily corrupted and subverted.
The tools were already there. A laissez-faire approach to things that inevitably led way to subversion.
Greed is in human nature. People corrupt everything the touch or create.
Stefan, if he replies is going to utterly assasinate Vargs larping ass.
Stop worshiping the Free Market.
Only Odin can fix it.
Why is he making videos about Stefan now, is he trying to poach some subscribers or what?
he is calling molyjew out on his bullshit
Molyneux makes more sense than this church arsonist
Yeah, and the he lden one and varg are somehow better. lmao. Varg s literally WE WUZ IN DA WOODS AN SHIT! Dats right children, we wuz pagans and then da evil jews took over the world with communism and calitlism and then we wuz turned into niggers
I love Varg, but he doesn't know how to political science for shit.
NOT AN ARGUMENT is a meme of course, but it applies to nearly every claim he's made in the this three video long spergout.
Big fan of his RPG though
well lots of nasty shit is in our "nature" which would be more akin to our primitive state
but we should aim for higher things, human nature isn't an excuse but rather something to fight, not encourage or passively accept
of course, anyway, in a barely hierarchic society like ours which panders to the bottom of the barrel of humanity, you can't expect much, so we reap what we sow, that is, materialistic obsessed drones who couldn't care less about nation/tradition/spirituality/race/politics or anything that isn't the next iPhone/Mercedes/super bowl and that are quite indifferent to seeing their nation becoming an anonymous identityless mixed shitpool as long as they get their shiny things and little bovine satisfactions
which btw is what you often see even in supposedly """right""" wing parties, appealing only to the fear the masses have of losing their mundanity rather than appealing to principles i.e immigration is bad because it fucks up the economy(which is true) rather than saying it how it is, that immigration destroys cultures and peoples, but obviously the latter these days doesn't really ring a bell, and how could it, when most people don't even care about their culture and race...
and who gets the best of this obviously is who encouraged and (((profited))) from this since the beginning
Please provide examples or kindly take your nonarguments elsewhere Abdul- I mean Sven
Varg s a fucking idiot. He has this incredibly stupid arrogant attitude that his opinion is the right one and that everyone who disagrees with him is below him. A complete cult leader mentality like Stefan. Varg is just jealous of Stefan.
so bored of the edgemeisters
Wow it's almost like anyone can get a gun illegally when there's no southern border security. Brilliant shit.
You should be a reluctant capitalist, not reject it outright. Unchecked capitalism pollutes not just the world but our souls as well. "Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers." Wordsworth
As Epictetus said: At feasts, remember that you are entertaining two guests, body and soul. What you give to the body, you presently lose; what you give to the soul, you keep forever.
do you think Varg just discovered Molyneux?
He said capitalism and communism are two sides of the same coin, but never gave a better alternative.
Name a capitalist society that has not.
>both capitalism and communism are based on a materialistic and modernist view of the world
You can't base an economy on prayers to Odin.
Stop posting arguments.
>hurr muh conomy
that's exactly the point, economy should be subordinated to higher principles, economy shouldn't be the end of it
otherwise, enjoy modernity as it is
Singapore is pretty good
>economy should be subordinated to higher principles
So you pray to Odin and he tells you when to plant corn?
Probably won't respond.
I like how a convicted killer is lecturing us about morals.
pearls to pigs, this is my last (You)
enjoy your economically advantageous ethnic replacement
Fancy way of saying you don't have an argument.
s e l f d e f e n c e
>fucking anyone except himself in the ass
Molyneux is an anarchist but his whole video is him complaining about Molyneux being pro capitalist
Or that you're a fucking faggot
molyneux was ancap, but now he is alt right
Not an argument.
Who is that faggot and why do you always talk about him?
He's not in the US you imbecile.
Wait Molyneux isn't an ancap anymore? What the hell does he consider himself to be now? Like what kind of ideology does he subscribe to these days?
Did he become a statist?
I agree that the state should try I lead its people to virtue, but the fundamental economic policy should be capitalist. property rights should he guaranteed. You should be able to build something and pass it down to your kids.
Traditional people can exist in a libertarian capitalist society, but they can't in a commie society.
My entire fucking family history has either been dirt farmers, or dirt farmers being shit on the the USSR.
I have no desire to live the way they did.
This. Fuck off woodsman.
Yeah not only that but in the US we don't let felons have weapons, or vote. That other user was a dumbfuck
A Norwegian hobo who lives in France.
Some band member that burnt down a church went to jail for it then made an album with the church burning as the cover
>Varg is fucking him in the ass right now.
Varg is usually on point but these anti-USA anti-capitalism videos are fucking stupid. He actually said that Norway was "marxist to the core" which couldn't be further from the truth. I sure hope you guys don't just blindly follow e-celebs.
Heavy alt-right inclinations today. He's talking a lot about ethnic importance for whites. He's almost seen the light.
he cucked on the roman salute shit
Stefan is in hiding. If be running scared from Varg too.
there is literally nothing wrong with 2 noble white men participating in a voluntary transaction
whats Vargs alternative, GAS THE KIKES`? congrats very innovative
can't go a day without seeing this zilch posted here
Varg is a fucking retard. What America has now is even close to real capitalism. It's government interventionism gone MAD. I can barely get by as a small business with all the taxes and regs! Big companies with high powered jewish lawyers pay next to nothing at all!
you can make an honest living of trade without ruining the system by avoiding usury and other financial kikery
the bottom line here is priority and principles
economy should be something you organize inside a framework compatible with your principles
if you want to use economy and property rights to subvert and divide/poison people, you don't get to do that on my watch, fuck your property rights, this is what I'm saying
the degeneracy of modernity is that this is completely turned around, and that everything else is engineered inside a framework compatible with economy, the latter of which is the driving force of civilization
jews obviously thrive like there's no tomorrow with this, as they are smart and with great experience in the business of living as parasites
property rights can very well be fine and dandy within boundaries, the latter of which aren't decided by economic concerns
fucking this.
i hope all of you The_Donalds Newfags are reading this.
>airsoft guns
Varg hates the US. He considers it a jew country. When the first McDonalds fast food shop came to his hometown of Bergen, him and his friends showed up with rifles and shot out the windows.
>He's not an Atheist
>He killed a commie, which is always justified
Dat scope height. Dat cheep Chinese scope. Varg looks like an Airsoft LARPer.
Why does Varg get so pissed whenever anyone mentions he lives on welfare? He literally wrote a whole essay debunking it in the video before this one.
What is his proposition? I feel like I agree with his sentiment but he doesn't actually provide any alternatives.
I would imagine he is wanring us to go back to tribalism and survivalism an so on. One ethnicity nations where we don't interact with other tribes. If we are all family we care about each other equally and so on.
This is probably the toughest part of trying to persuade people against the anti-capitalist mindset. They take issue with the current abuse and corruption they see (and rightfully so), but then point the blame at free market capitalism, a system we are certainly not under.
Molyneux is just a shill
There are none more volkisch than Varg
Is Varg pic related?
I am also interested in him expanding upon his position.
I have a bad feeling his trying to pull a Socrates, only explain a little and want us to think and figure it out ourselves. Might be an attempt to only allow those who can, do.
Seriously? That is some nigger tier behavior.
He is atheist but like the tradition of heathenism. I don't know if he is teaching his children the pagan gods are real or not.
He says positive things about both socialism and capitalism, but then trashes them at the same time. I have an idea of what he's getting at, atleast I think I do. I really like both him and Molyneux and I see the faults in both. Molyneux being a bit of an egotist while Varg is a bit of an unrealist.
E-celeb feud threads? This board is as bad as Sup Forums now.
The problem that Varg is identifying basically comes down to Jews. Jews push communism and jews push the globalist-capitalist bullshit too.
Our societies would be fine if jews were gone.