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Why are you racist pol?
I'm a spic so who the fuck you callin racist white boy? Shut the fuck up before i imprison you for hate speech nigger.
You need some proper leadership
Andwer me
Because people are different right down to their genetics. To deny this is to deny the entire human genome project and decades of research.
>Liberal fallacy
>Everyone is unique and a special snowflake
>but that doesn't mean you're different from me because we're all the same
>just because your skin is black and mine is white doesn't mean your skin is better at absorbing light due to the melanin or anything
>because we're all the same but remember you're a special snowflake
Do you see how retarded that sounds?
Racism is merely the acceptance that some races are better genetically than others at different things and some are worse.
Genetics are different therefore people are different therefore we can never be one people.
You okay there ahmed?
I think you overloaded his roach brain.
>asian "male" triggered
>frantically post AMWF, trying to prove something
>only prove to be jealous of white genes
Heres your (you) now fuck off you fag
I am ashamed to be a pollack
Can we meme this?
The Ultimate ' Go Back to Africa' Video' youtube.com
In another thread it was mentioned to spread it under the guise of reparations.
Since they hate america, why not encourage a safe trip back?
Emphasize the natural resources of the country that are there for the taking, make it sound like every mountain is made of gold and is pockmarked with diamond mines.
Push the idea that Africa is an exiting new frontier just waiting for the right people to move in, homestead, and set up their own wealthy family dynasties.
Use the "go West, young man!" narrative.
This is beautiful. I want to help in whatever way I can.