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Define racist
This. It's thrown around a lot these days.
Like this?
I love how even in the most racist alt-right pit of shit on the internet, conservatards are still doing this "we're not rally racist" bullshit. At least assume what you are when you're here.
Pls answer
not racist and not an argument
It's funny
Anything that insults or inconveniences blacks.
>there's actually a nazi logo and an SS in the OP
>not racist
this is collective psychosis at its finest
tbḩ pal I don't think segregationism is necessarily racist
sort of like the difference between "white nationalist" and "white supremacy". one has separation/isolation as its purpose and the other is about aggression against other communities. I think the majority of Sup Forums is about separation/self determination for all races
It's racist to be seggregationist in the United States because they imported black people in the first place. They can't decide now that they have to be second class citizens just because they're inconvenient to them.
Same thing for immigration. If you choose yourself, as a society, to let people in, you can't decide afterward that they have to be in closed areas. You have to integrate them.
If you weren't such pussies you'd actually just make efforts to make them integrate society instead of outlining their cultural differences as racial determinism and preaching for their exclusion from your society.
But you believe those differences to be unavoidable because it's convenient to your narrative where separation is necessary.
Because you're racist.
Because they are afraid/stupid.
dude im black. Ive been here for 2 or 3 years. i really dont feel threatened by nazists or white supremacists. I dont feel i need reparation or money because im black. And i really think most of people here think all blacks should die. Atleast not the rational ones. If brazil was a great country with a great economy we would be trying to build a wall too, and forbid anyone to come in, independent if white or black. This is not prejudice, its self preservation and preservation of the market. And i stay here because i can find very educated people from all fields that are not afraid to tell what they think about politics. And that is important.
I am honestly asking for your forgiveness on my ancestors behalf for taking your ancestors out of Africa and put them in the shithole people call Brazil
Why is nature racist?
Because non-whites are subhuman.
I own a VPN and a Sup Forums account too. I can do stupid theatrics like that and pretend to be black by spelling like an idiot too. But I don't because, contrary to the alt-right, I'm interested in reality.
Every sane person is a racist
I learned of the death of your older brother, Fidel Castro Ruz, with deep sorrow. I express to you, to the families and relatives of the deceased, as well as all the people of Cuba, my sincere condolences. Comandante Fidel was one of the most famous and prominent public figures of our time, he won international prestige, and he was a legend even during his own lifetime. As the embodiment of the Cuban people, he expended all his strength to attain his country’s genuine independence to ensure that it took its rightful place in the global family of nations. The Russian Orthodox Church will always say Fidel Castro’s name with respect and gratitude. With his personal involvement, we erected a parish church in Havana dedicated to the Wonderworking Icon of the Mother of God “of Kazan” , and Fidel, in his own words, made himself the “building inspector”. I have fond memories of my meetings with Comandante Fidel. the scale and acuteness of his mind always amazed me, as did his ability to speak with knowledge on a variety of topics. Our last conversation took place on 13 February of this year at his home, the day after my meeting with Pope Francis. In my heart, I’ll always enshrine a good memory of this courageous and charismatic person, a man who was a sincere friend of the Russian Orthodox Church. In these mournful days, may the Lord bestow upon you and the whole family of Comandante Fidel Castro solace and composure to carry on.
no need. they are long dead. and your ancestors gave us a cool language and good food, we share culture and literature. we are proud to be colonized by portuguese. brazil has the potential to be better.
ye let's talk about the joos again that would be different ffs
nos podemos falar em portugues.
Why are niggers monkeys???
how about a different angle: instead of the famous melting pot where we get an amorphous stew, let's have a real kind of "diversity" with distinct races and distinct cultures.
>If you choose yourself, as a society, to let people in
when did they chose that? isn't it more than immigrants took advantage of lax border and deportation enforcement, with the sponsorship of cosmopolitan capitalists in search of cheap labour?
Becuase WN trolls invaded the forum because it's ok to say kill all the Jews here. Becuase what once was a joke is now starting to become serious, just as it was once before, and we didn't listen.
Becuase kids come here and don't realize that once was "ironic" racism is now real. Because words actually have effect. Becuase a lie is heard around the world before the truth even gets on it's shoelaces. Coming from a place that fucking manufactured Pizzagate, y'all should know.
Sup Forums is racist becuase hate is easier than a complex and nuanced yet true explanation. And a simple "might makes right" view of the world is tempting.
Hate is like a drug. It clouds your thinking, but that's mostly all that's left here. The elder-berries have taken over the member berry horde, and we're left beholden to mass of desensitized, hurt, young adults who think going back to a way it *never* was will make things good again.
Eu falo português, seu cabrão canadiano de merda. Vai mas é chupar a cona da tua mãe ou o caralho do teu pai ou vai pescar a puta de um bacalhau em vez de estares aqui a tentar foder com o desconhecido, sua folha filha da puta.
I like how you're using "diversity" to talk down to me on what you presume I'm fixated on. I am not fixated on diversity, I'm just concerned for human rights.
We do not need distinct cultures to be clearly defined, cemented and separated. All we need is common grounds to agree upon: Laws, language, laicism and respect for co-citizens. The remainder of aspects of different cultures are at people's discretion and should not be the state's business, and anyone making a problem out of it is just trying to be a victim of something because they don't have enough real problems in life.
When distinct cultures are defined by law and the state, they don't evolve and they become hostile whenever interaction is necessary, which is always imminent because countries and cultures always encounter crises.
I hate you all anyways
>Let's get a bunch of people with nothing in common and put them together.
Suck a dick Pierre Trudeau.
any community of people pretending to be retards will eventually be flooded by retards who believe they are in good company
Just because someone identifies with the nazis, that doesn't automatically make them racist. Maybe they admire the uniforms, the language, the military expertise, etc?
here, a pic nigger enough ?
>Laws, language, laicism and respect for co-citizens
this is not "common grounds". these are things not everyone agrees on.
>human rights
universal rights don't exist, just as a universal man doesn't exist. rights are defined by culture, not the other way around.
>different cultures are at people's discretion and should not be the state's business
at what point did people collectively agree on open borders?
it's nice to discuss these things but none of this makes any sense pal
haahahaha o presidente dele assumiu que é cuckado. e ele vem falar merda de nós. Ve se pode.
Just give us a definition, faggot.
Yes. Exactly that. It actually works if people are willing to look past their differences, and see how they're mostly all the same, more often than not, they'll realize there is nothing to fear, unless there is something else driving them (family, social pressure, etc.) It actually works. It's how you deal with the problem of extremism. Honey, not vinegar.
How about we don't get people with nothing in common and stick them together? You dirty commie.
yeah keep going leaf. lets see how that will turn out for you. youtube.com
How about we accept people, be nice to them, and maybe as people are pretty much universal, the'll be nice to us back. We do insist they follow our laws, but we don't attack their culture. How about we accept there are extremists in every single group of human beings on the planet.
You just don't want it to make sense because it's not convenient to your ethnic narrative.
If people don't agree on following laws, on learning their host nation's language, on respecting separation of religion and state and on having basic respect for people, then they can fuck off. This is something than can be safely established as "at the discretion" of the host nation.
Universal human rights are defined by the UN: The right to live, to be free from torture and political imprisonment, to have free conscience, to express opinions. If you think these rights should be subjective, you're fucking insane and your opinion does not deserve entertainment from me.
>Open borders
This is not what I'm saying. I'm saying the state needs to let people decide how they live and what is their culture. Cultures are self-defined, their essence is defined by their existence, not by law. They're different from each other, but the state has no business deciding what defines them.
This is really simple. You can have a shitload of immigrants and keep the situation under control if you put your foot down and make sure they integrate your society by minimal standards. But you don't want that, you want them to carry with them the backwards idiotic bullshit from their home country because that exacerbates racial tensions, and that makes deportation and closed borders the only solution.
Again, because
How about we stick to the melting pot strategy that has worked with every single group so far. And if different races mix in, all the better. The "white race" will not cease to exist. Evolution will go on. We have genetic engineering anyway. Why not abandon all this race BS and just build ourselves longer lasting, smarter, better children with the best genes of every race. How about that?
If non-whites love diversity then they can offer up their own countries. We were never asked if we wanted to surrender our homes. This has been forced upon us and we need to fight back.
its like asking why sjwism got started on something awful. no really, this op has gotten out of hand guys
We've tried that. How's that working out for Sweden?
It is hell in London
It's probably not actually as bad as you think, and where it is, maybe things can change. I know that in France, where I lived for a few years, I was across the street from a supposed ZUS. I would look on Jihad Watch and read about all the Muslims praying in the street and I was right across the street from a mosque. Never saw any of that.
None of the Muslims ever gave myself or my husband any problems (i'm gay). I understand there are extremists among them that want to kill me, but then again, how is that any different from "Christian" extremists on Sup Forums. You see. They really are just like you :)
>Offer up our homes
You probably met with a darkie like 2 or 3 times in your entire life, tops.
You were asked and the great majority of people said yes. Deal with it. Your concerns are not more important than the majority's.
Also, non-whites aren't about "diversity", they're about coming to places where they can live peacefully. Nobody goes to their countries because their countries suck.
Right wing parties aren't helping, but your left wing is toothless as well. You do need to enforce hate speech laws against mosque preachers. That you don't do and you should.
>Nobody goes to their countries because they suck
>Create their homeland in our countries
Humm yes what could go wrong...
Thanks for linking my thread, bro!
>A small proportion of people is establishing in urban centers to work and avoid oppression
>They're literally changing the whole country, against our better will
Cry more first world babby.
Yeah yeah yeah go poo in loo.
because #pizzagate