What's Sup Forums's opinion on manchildren?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on manchildren?

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Neither is ok you blue-pilled faggot.


both are weird, I don't care either way though

manchildren got no medals. fuck off

Anyone who can't tell the difference between the two is unable to function as a human being.

top is Masculine

Bottom is feminine

nobody wants a bitch

That man really likes Dr. J.

The only anime I like is DBZ.
I just found the pic on Kikebook

Because sports harden you and make you a man. Video games do the exact opposite.

t.former hockey player turn WoW addict

One is gay.
One is gaaaaaaaaa~aaaaaaaay.


If you watch cool anime like Gundam or LOGH or something that's one thing.

But if you watch that sissy school girl slice-of-life shit, then there is something seriously, seriously, wrong with you.

They're both retarded, but one is based on things that actually happened, the other is pure escapist fantasy.

Infantilization of culture is a huge problem though.

They should all be gassed.

Every single one of you on here who is a grown man and still plays video games and watches anime need a bullet.

Because sports tends to be a sociable activity that promotes going outside and interacting with people. It also encourages fitness and people to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Neither is okay.

So much wasted money.
That's all I'm seeing.

each their own but MVC3 was TRASH

Two reasons: little girls and general childishness.

Yeah, that's why the average American is 400lbs eating nachos on their ass in front of a television watching people in peak of human conditioning play sports. Very healthy lifestyle

having negroes on your wall isnt ok

Both show unhealthy levels of obsession with entertainment. Either is fine in moderation, but basing your life around it is degenerate.

you can actually participate in sports

you cannot participate in a girls elementary school clique

The bottom is less cringey and that is coming from someone who doesn't like anime or games. That shitty museum is totally useless.

the top is also not okay

>playing Re Birth 2 instead of 3 or Megadimension
Absolutely Haram

>evolutionary doctrines which lead to athletism and health for the individual human being
>degenerate, pedophile cultural appreciation which lead right to psychical hang-ups

Both are unhealthy obsessions

The bottom is feminine and for creepers. I mean seriously a grown man watching that shit? The top isn't that much better but at least it's socially acceptable.


The autism logic is real.

fuck you

both are manchildren. I enjoy video games, and I am an adult, but I realize it's a non-productive activity and a hobby.

For my addiction I have a console or two and an overpowered computer that is also used to work. It's the same as any leisure activity, nothing wrong with doing it, everything wrong with obsessing over it and living in it



Oh...it's this thread again... sage

if only the fans followed the sports doctrines...

I mean, by that logic, all that really separates the two is that anime characters are fictional. Most of them are fit and good looking, most (all) competitive athletes are fit. Some anime actually depicts realistic training (not much of it, though).

I'm the video game faggot above, when I hang out with normie sports fans from time to time, I'm usually fitter than the vast majority of them, and I'm barely physically active besides a slack-assed lifting schedule.

Um because sports are real.


Nothing is wrong with wither depending on the person who put it together. If the guy on the bottom is wealthy and put together the collection to appease the Gods(of anime?), then it is ok. If it is to solely hoard or to fap to or whatever, then maybe there is a problem.

These pictures say nothing of the works of the men who put together these collections, and instead of what my ignorant brethren project, I refuse to judge either man without the bigger picture, giving the benefit of the doubt in that these men have at least worked hard and became successful to amass their collection.

I do myself partake in the anime culture, although I have not gone nearly as far as that guy.

it's your life

Seen this pic a million times and always wondered how did they "treat" what I assume is the West (or Earth)?

Why do you fucking leftists think someone's opinion is some sort of fucking rule you have to abide by?

It's a fucking opinion, it doesn't dictate what is and is not OK.

The only person determining that is you.
Therefore, Why are YOU telling yourself it's not ok?

>you cannot participate in a girls elementary school clique
thats where you are wrong dad.

Death to weebs desu

Honestly? Who cares

As long as you're not hurting anyone else why should anyone give a shit?

Is now or never

people who collect shit are wierd

Both are stupid but one will at least lead to better physical health, if it is practiced.


even Sam doesn't shit on weebs as hard as on sports

>spending all your time and money idolizing niggers engaging in physical activity makes you a man
Sportscucks are some of the most bluepilled fags.

It is safe to assume anime is real as well. The multiverse dictates this. The dreams of me exist in places we have yet to explore, but are our destiny to reach.

>worshipping buff, sweaty mandingos = masculine
>worshipping cute girls = feminine

Fucking burgercucks.

*Of men


Both are severe symptoms of escapism and childishness.

If you're actually out playing sports, that's alpha

If you're just a fan/collector, then yeah you're a total cuck

Both are bad.
>weeb dork

Watching a bunch of niggers play for the sixers only hardens you if you have a cuck fetish

lefties only believing in totalitarian esque rules its either their way or no way at all.

>playing autistic games mostly around a ball is alpha

The worshipping of sportsman in society is pathetic, fucking animals


Men like feminine figures.

Does anyone question the masulinity of bomber pilots who painted pin up girls, or men who drive with a hawaiian dancing girl on their dash?

No one does. It should apply to anime as well. It's your life anyways, don't give a fuck what people think about it. As long as you live a productive life, don't second guess what kind of media entertainment you enjoy unless it's of semetic origin or nigger origin. Those are the exceptions.

And watching cute girls doing cute things is most alpha?

Projecting much.

With augmented reality in 5-10 years you can

>AR glasses & implants transform 3dpd into 2d
>BG gets smoothed with a filter like a VN background on the fly
>conversation gets translated to moon but gives you english subs (or simply splits processes in your head via implant and gives you japanese sound with full English cognition of the language without you noticing)
>you can be the boy or girl and pleasure centers get stimulated accordingly
>your own speech gets filtered back to you to match the conversation in the AR while sounding normal to normies around you

This. Sports should be bottom tier.

Military and scientific endeavors need to come back to being the highest points of our society.

any kind of fanboyism is retarded
if you like something keep it to yourself and don't force your shit where dont belong

No, its not about the activity itself but the obsession about it

>all these beta nu-male weeaboos defending OPs pic
>all american flags

American """white""" boys are literally the cucks of the world

They are debilitated by poisoned food, water, and medication. Their minds are fucked to death by globalist propaganda, designed to slice their metaphysical cock and balls off.

Orthodox jews hate Israel, they feel it has been hijacked by extremist atheists and the new founded nationality used to wage war.

Rules to becoming a man:
1. Stop jerking off
2. Get in a fist fight
3. Fist fight your dad
4. Fist fight your dad
5. (((disagree)))

vid related

being a "sports fan" and being a cuck are synonymous.Want proof look at this shit.


Weebs on the other hand are at least fighting against these SJW's while sports cucks just submit to them LOL

both are manchildren

also, If it doesn't make dollars, it doesn't make sense.

They are losers.

Manchildren are fucking pathetic.


A fucking grown ass man, nearing 30 or above 30 and still believes himself to be a child.

What an embarrassment.



This "Peter Pan" syndrome is the fault of the Boomers.

They let these idiots believe themselves to be children even though they are above 18 years old.


I dont care either way, it's their room.

Gas the weebs

>超次元ゲイム ネプテューヌ
Truly superb taste.

Woke af

>not liking anime

Liberal SJW cuckold detected. At least the rest of your countrymen are redpilled.

>Because sports tends to be a sociable activity that promotes going outside and interacting with people. It also encourages fitness and people to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The type of person who collects sports memorabilia tends towards being overweight, unfit, and dumb as shit.

There is nothing, NOTHING, masculine about watching other men be fit and active while you yourself are a fat piece of shit.


i dont know but any guy with that many pics of guys on his wall is ghey

>Does anyone question the masulinity of bomber pilots who painted pin up girls

but you bomb hiroshima with a bomber called the enola gay

no wander japan is so full of homosexual anime now, you dropped a hot sticky gay load right on to us twice

perhaps japan is gay because the ionising radiation activated all of your gay atoms hahaha

faggots among faggots
losers among cocksuckers

they are truly the first "people" who should face the rope

>Does anyone question the masulinity of bomber pilots who painted pin up girls, or men who drive with a hawaiian dancing girl on their dash?

Fine. Image is already created with sexualization in mind.
>One hula girl on the dash
Ok for similar reasons. Hula dancing was like stripping back in the day.

>The entire collection of dolls aimed at young girls
It's creepy either way you slice it. Either you identify with young girls in your taste of what is good, which indicates some kind of failure to develop. Or you're a sick fuck who sexualizes very young girls.

On a more minor note, you're inability to limit it to one item shows that you still have the "gotta have em all" mentality of a child.

Anime isn't homosexual, nips are. Why do you think most anime characters look white? Japs are subhuman homo-monkeys.

An Emperor rose to power, bitch slapped them and told them to knock it off, if I recall correctly.

>having negroes on your wall isnt ok
Not even on nooses?

Does the fact that I have a small collection of giant robot toys that occupies a mere one shelf put me in the bottom group?

I'd have more if I could afford more


Because smart goy are bad goy.

post pics plz

They're definitely degenerates, but I can sort of understand where they're coming from.
With the world today looking the way it does, and things rapidly deteriorating- It's no wonder that more and more men are choosing to turn their backs on society and indulge in various forms of escapism.
With that being said, they don't try to change anything or improve- Not society nor themselves, and this is where the real issue is.

/m/ is my other main board, even if they think I'm a weirdo for not liking Gundam

It's all about hide you powerlevel.


ausfag detected

Go away Jimmy
