Why does Sup Forums hate Trudeau?

He has done plenty of good things such as
>Reforming our anthem, making it more inclusive
>Rejected oil pipelines that can easily pollute our environment
>Implementing fiscal policies that reduce carbon emissions
>Pledged to legalize marijuana
>Participated in more gay pride parades than any other politician, let alone prime minister
>Connects well with the common citizen, even taking selfies with them
>Ushered in tens of thousands of starving, homeless, war-battered refugees from Syria, regardless of religion
>Put Canada back on the world stage, with every media outlet worldwide praising him most of the time
>Tries to make the UN more and more important in Canada and vice versa, fostering international relationships and economic growth, using Canada's diversity as a source of relational and economic strength
>Had the balls to thoroughly put the previous Conservative government into place, even though the CBC, with CPC-appointed board leaders, always posts Harper fluff stories
>Initially wanted to run a balanced budget, but realized that he needed to mobilize money through deficits to stimulate our economy, given the acts of the previous government dropping our loonie to extreme lows
>Has approval ratings that seem to be stuck at far over 50%

this boys, is an example of military grade autism

>tfw youll never get a footjob from trudeau


>Rejected oil pipelines that can easily pollute our environment

... nigger I don't know how to tell you this....

Now when I see Trudeau, I see Castro. Fuck, Sup Forums, what have you done?

He's a child of cuckoldry.

He's his father's (wife's) son!

So communism is genetic?

He is responsible for white genocide and was just implicated as being bribed by a Chinese communist party official, who donated something like 250,000$ to the Pierre Trudeau Foundation in a pay for play scandal, just like Hillary Clinton, among countless other reasons, like his plan for a basic income - handing white Canadian workers money to welfare leeches from every country in the world.

Total scum. Just bumped up his immigration numbers, plans for 100 million people by 2060 and with a negative white birth rate that means at least 75 million non white people between now at then.

Youre a fucking scumbag OP and I hope you suffer.


>restricts free speech
>filled his cabinet lunatics like Freeland
>increased our already ludicrous immigration numbers
>has zero political experience
>only in office because of his last name
>sympathetic towards dictators and terrorists
>embarassment on the international stage
The only good thing he's done was introducing restrictions on foreign home ownership.

Remember when Hillary was campaigning and told those workers that they would be out of a job when it comes to Coal like a retard?

He's actually going to do it.

Why are all Canadians named Justin a disgrace to mankind?


>muh pronouns for the current year
>implying pipelines aren't safer than transporting oil by truck
>believing jewish climate science
>fag enabler
>basic bitch PM
>"come on in terrorists!"
>yes now the whole world is laughing at canada instead of just americans
>signals against cuckservatives. so brave.
>needed more of the gibsmedat vote
>pacified population with welfare and weed.

cuz most of Sup Forums's readers are retarded

Trudeau = Trump confirmed?

The only similarities are the famous name and lack of political experience. Trump is pro- freedom and pro- America. Trudeau is anti- freedom and anti- Canada.

I hate this fucking faggot so much.

Women and fags voted for him for his LOOKS. Not even kidding. I've heard many people say it.

He is just puppet who repeats feminist/marxist propaganda. I think he believes that is what people love. I would not be surprised if his source of information is some liberal newspaper. I feel like we in Europe have this weird vicious cycle where stupid politicians try to play the game and figure out what people want so they take news at face value without understanding that there is like bunch of feminists filtering those news to control the narrative. So he is trying to go full feminism and marxist for votes.

Since you honestly took the time to write this b8, and I will write you the reasons, tho it's not a message board, it is the majority of Canada that do not like him, as he won via city vote only.

Pipelines create less pollution then trucks and trains, and he didn't even reject them, Obama did.

Carbon tax does not reduce carbon, it only hurts the ecomony.

People are still being arrested for smoking weed because it is still illegal, and he openly admitted to smoking it in office anyway, that's really corrupt and brazen.

Gay pride parade is a bunch of naked people running around, it has little to do with being gay, it's more of a sex parade.

He does not connect with the common citizen, they hate him.

Spending billions of refugees, they don't have jobs, and still complain, forgetting about his own people.

They made fun of him in the media.

Is wasting money on UN.

He is keynesian ecomonist, he has no limit to spending.

He inherited communism from his biological father, but his adoptive cuckather raised him to be a cuck. A perfect storm

Legalizing weed is the only good thing he could have done but he lied

Pretty much this.

He cares more about virtue signalling and identity politics than actually doing his job. He is a do nothing ivory tower liberal who coasted in on his idiot fathers name. The sooner he gets lynched by a "peaceful" refugee the better.

He is a complete bitch. Everything about him oozes weakness and incompetence. Even the nerdy kids in grade school would kick his ass and take his lunch money, and to top it all off that limp wristed faggot would probably thank them for it.

Fuck the day of the rake, day of the leaf blower comes soon and in the form of a nuclear holocaust of Toronto and Vancouver