How are you securing the existence of our people an a future for white children today?
How are you securing the existence of our people an a future for white children today?
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Convincing everyone around me that fascism is the way forward.
You are doing good work, my white friend.
I'm not
whites are subhuman
Exactly. Move away from us while you can.
Never interact with white people.
making babies and killing arabs
Just waiting to go to work, I'm planning to move to a city where I can find a good wife.
Currently living in a liberal shit hole filled with nothing but beta cucks and feminists, exfiltration pending.
I made a sweet potato soup.
at least we agree we are not the same species as you degenerates
Enjoy your majority white country while you can.
Resting and shit posting after a 12 hour shift so I can pay my child support
yeah maybe germany will become fascist again and another 20 million white people will die good work
Gg indeed. The planet is overpopulated with shitskins
You started it.
You could have saved yourself 70 years ago.
Hope you enjoyed that jew paycheck.
Nice Anime Nazi cartoon you larping Jew
no, white are gone.
The nazi party was the last stand for the white european.
We are living in the post-apocalypse.
I post memes on a Cambodian quilting forum
By being a NA with a white Aryan gf.
I will not be putting a baby in her because of my inferior NA genes but I will pass her off to a true Aryan male who can pump her full of glorious white children.
I've been doing this for 6 years dating white women then passing them off to Aryan males for breeding.
Thank you friend.
Cooking them dinner as we speak. It rained today so we didn't get as much range time in as I would have liked to.
Portland you say?
I like you.
My race is literally subhuman and you need to leave my country. I can't believe my ancestors and elders died on this land just so shits like you could turn on the one good thing that happened to this continent.
Go back to sweden cuck.
Anyone want to get mad?
Shitposting on omegle
Meh. White people are overrated anyway.
Embracing fascism and getting ready for the 10th Crusade.
People like this only look good because they interbred with whites, you fucking mong.
Don't like abos? That's because they're an actual relic from the past. Think mixed kids look good? Maybe it's because white genes are superior and are bringing the lesser genetics up to a higher level. Think harder, dummy. If life originated from Africa, why would you go back to find a mate? You should be looking to further evolution, not hinder it. Damn, and they call you people """progressives""". What an oxymoron liberals have turned out to be.
by making babies and giving them normal white-people names
digging through ancestors in the tree, making sure there are no niggers when you search the name
then when they get to school pointing out that they have normal names, implying that the fuckup names are abnormal.
it's called shaming, you shame those around you by being normal and pointing out that normal is normal and good.
Muh 20 gorillion white people.
But that already happened, sempai, so I can take advantage of the mixed women and leave the white women for the minorities, and everyone will be happy. that way we will dilute the nigger and Asian genes with white women, and will secure a future for the white race through mixing with half-white women.
>Japanazi imagery
If you mix two mixed breeds, they are no longer part the original breeds
no, but there will be enough dilution that the effect is largely the same.
think of it now, the suggestion is all whites interbreed with each other and only each other? won't work. too many weak white men, and too many white women who have... exotic... tastes. there is going to be miscegenation, and it will continue to speed up. this isn't so bad. in the end it will result in a more equitable distribution within the USA, at least.
the problem will eliminate itself naturally. the pure whites will largely disappear and the mutts will rise.
>too many weak white men, and too many white women who have... exotic... tastes
This is a social issue not a genetic one.
You are trying to push is genetic communism and communism brings all people down to the lowest common denominator. Do you want that for your children?
Not white and and studying Fascism to people.
Also promoting National Socialism by explaining it in a Nationalist way and not saying it's National Socialism until he likes the idea.
I have no intention of fighting an unwinnable battle. Society is a result of the people, and it in turn self-perpetuates, but it always begins with the people. Their desires are expressed through their social behaviors. Miscegenation has occurred because the people want it to occur, and it has increased because the people want it to increase. I'm not going to bother trying to change their minds. I'll just work around it.
Ethnocentrism is, for now, an untenable political philosophy. Probably for good reason, but again, that is irrelevant.
>Mental gymnastics and delusional nonlogic
You're wasting your time, friend. He's already made up his mind. No amount of logic or science talk can stop him now. We've lost him to the red menace.
>>Ethnocentrism is, for now, an untenable political philosophy.
End EBT and welfare. Done.
Drive through a large city and tell me you cant tell the black area from the white.
But if you are just going to give up, you can kill yourself now anyway.
Anyway, none of this is up to us. If white women wanted to propagate the race, they would do so. Too few of them care. Everyone bitches and whines at the men, but we have no control over your choices. It is not white men who chose to destroy the white race. It was you and your sisters.
Its Sunday night, I have nothing but time to fill one of the few reddit assblasting threads on Sup Forums tonight.
Just grab em by the pussy and tell them how it is.
shut up, kid.
I would love to end EBT and welfare. Guess who stops us from doing that? Guess who votes against it? The very people you are suggesting would be suitable mothers for my children (in fact this is the crux of your argument) are the very people who are voting for the destruction of said children.
>just going to give up
we're shitposting. none of us is in charge of a damn thing, and I especially have no power in this because I'm not a woman and women are the problem.
>none of us is in charge of a damn thing
No wonder you sound so sad. Do something with your life and get some pride.
People like you are the reason women would rather be on food stamps and assistance then be with you.
Rent a spine, you dont seem to have the conviction to own one. Once you do that you have some pride in that "white privilege' you keep hearing about.
Also, yes it works.
And don't go out telling people how white race must continue or you will sound racist.
You must first explain the ideology without the racial ideals.
Then you will explain the race. Not as white race, but as "German race." and "French race." like. That way you can take people into the great Fascism.
Maybe I will. Probably not, but maybe.
I would rather women be on food stamps and assistance to be perfectly honest. You yourself said it: just grab her by the pussy. Be the man. Take charge and fucking win!
Nah. Too much trouble with not enough benefit. I'd rather foster a hatred for women within myself and then once I have truly given up, take an oath of celibacy and focus on something else.
>Too much trouble with not enough benefit
Just admit you have already relegated yourself to death then.
If not your genetics then what do you leave behind?
I have accepted that I will probably die alone.
I would leave behind words if I could, perhaps an idea or two. I'd love to have children, but that's really not in the cards. There are very few good women left, and those who are left demand incredibly high value. Even at my best, I would only probably have chance with them, and even if I managed to rope one in, it would probably be a waste. They would be better off with some other man, and I'm sure they will have no problem finding him.
We will all fade away eventually. If it should happen sooner than later, so be it. I don't encourage others to follow the same path, but I have a feeling about 20-30% off Millennial men will anyway.
Say what you will about Hitler, But you need this speech most of all
It was a good speech.